Eastern WashingtonUniversityRFP 16/07

Telephony Systems ProjectApril 17, 2006

RFP Response Form

Eastern WashingtonUniversity

APPENDIX E: RFP Response Form

Instructions for Vendor Proposals:

  • Submit all information on the attached RFP Response Form.
  • If more that one solution is offered, issue a separate RFP Response Form for each solution.
  • All responses to questions should be entered directly on the RFP Response Form. To make the proposal review process easier, please use a different font type than the questions (Arial) for your response. In addition the questions are in bold type face, please DO NOT USE BOLD in your responses.
  • Proposals must be submitted according to the schedule listed within the RFP document.
  • Upon completion, update the table of contents.
  • Follow the format instructions from the RFP Section 3.10
  • Several of the questions within this Response Form address VoIP issues. Please answer these questions even if the proposed solution recommends staying with digital sets. EWU will then understand the migration path that would be available for a future VoIP implementation.

Table of Contents

I.Title Page and Signatures

II.Contractor Information and Qualifications

A.Contact Information

B.Vendor Background Information

C.Manufacturer’s Background Information

D.User Group Identification

E.Key Team Member Resumes

F.Project Team Information / Certifications

G.Vendor References

III.Form and Content of Proposals

IV.RFP and Proposal Terms and Conditions

V.Terms and Conditions of Contract

A.Describe any Contract Responsibilities for the University

B.Escalation Procedures

VI.Technical Requirements

A.Proposal / Solution Description

B.Service and Support Questions

C.Telephone System Questions

D.Telephone Station Feature Questions

E.ACD Questions

F.Attendant Console

G.Voice Messaging System Questions


A.System Configurations

B.Itemized System Costs

C.Maintenance Cost

D.Post Cutover Pricing

VIII.Contracts / Agreements

IX.Manufacturer’s Continuity Letters

X.Vendor’s Financial Statement

XI.Product Information


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Eastern WashingtonUniversityRFP 16/07

Telephony Systems ProjectApril 17, 2006

RFP Response Form

I.Title Page and Signatures

The undersigned agrees to furnish the enclosed items at the price stated, subject to the conditions and requirements of this proposal. The proposal must be signed by someone with the authority to legally bind the Vendor.

Bidder Identification and Authorized Signature:

System Proposed:

Firm Name:


Signed By:

Printed Name:



Proposal shall remain in effect for ______days (Minimum 120) from date submitted.

Please indicate person to be contacted by the EWU concerning this proposal:




Fax Number:


Certifications and Assurances

I/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the Proposal to which it is attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. I/we declare that all answers and statements made in the Proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However, I/we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single proposal.

3. The attached Proposal is a firm offer for a period of 60 days following receipt, and it may be accepted by EWU without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty in key terms) at any time within the 60-day period.

4.In preparing this Proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract, and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5.I/we understand that EWU will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of this Proposal. All proposals become the property of EWU, and I/we claim no proprietary right to the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6.Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7.I/we agree that submission of the attached Proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation contents and the attached sample contract and general terms and conditions. If there are any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached to this document.

8.No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.


Signature of Proposer



Request For Proposal, RFP 16/07 issuedJune 5, 2006

Eastern WashingtonUniversity, Telephony Systems

II.ContractorInformation and Qualifications

The Vendor understands and agrees to the requirements of Section 2 of the RFP:

____Agrees/Comply without exception

____Agrees/Comply with following clarification:

____Take exception, as noted below:

A.Contact Information


2.Contract Executive

3.Account Executive

4.Project Manager

5.Sales Engineer


B.Vendor Background Information

1.Parent Company (if applicable):

2.Organizational Type/Structure:

3.State of incorporation:

4.Federal Identification Number:

5.WashingtonState Business License:

6.Vendor Experience:

a.Years company in business in WashingtonState:
b.Years firm has represented the equipment manufacturer:
c.Number of systems installed by the proposing office, same model:
d.Other products/manufacturers represented:
e.Additional background information (optional):

C.Manufacturer’s Background Information

1.Phone System Manufacturer’s Background Information

a.Manufacturers Name:
b.Headquarters address:
c.Original release date of this family of systems:
d.Release date of this model of system:
e.Release date of the proposed level/version of software:
f.Number of systems installed nationwide, same model:

2.Voice Messaging System Manufacturer’s Background Information:

a.Manufacturers Name:
b.Headquarters address:
c.Original release date of this family of systems:
d.Release date of this model of system:

e.Release date of the proposed level/version of software:

f.Number of systems installed nationwide, same model:

D.User Group Identification

E.Key Team Member Resumes

Insert behind this page professional resumes, not to exceed two pages each for the Project Manager, the Sales Engineer, and the Lead Maintenance Technician (for ongoing MAC work).

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Eastern WashingtonUniversityRFP 16/07

Telephony Systems ProjectApril 17, 2006

RFP Response Form

F.Project Team Information / Certifications

NameLocationPost-Project? Role /TasksExperience Certification(s)

G.Vendor References

Date of

Company NameAddressContact NameTelephoneSystem TypeSystem SizeInstallation

RFP Response FormPage -1-

Eastern WashingtonUniversityRFP 16/07

Telephony Systems ProjectApril 17, 2006

RFP Response Form

III.Form and Content of Proposals

The Vendor understands and agrees to the requirements of Section 3 of the RFP:

____Agrees/Comply without exception

____Agrees/Comply with following clarification:

____Take exception, as noted below

IV.RFP and Proposal Terms and Conditions

The Vendor understands and agrees to the requirements of Section 4 of the RFP:

____Agrees/Comply without exception

____Agrees/Comply with following clarification:

____Take exception, as noted below

V.Terms and Conditions of Contract

The Vendor understands and agrees to the requirements of Section5of the RFP:

____Agrees/Comply without exception

____Agrees/Comply with following clarification:

____Take exception, as noted below

A.Describe any Contract Responsibilities for the University

B.Escalation Procedures

Describe the escalation procedures for both the local Vendorand the manufacturer(s) of the systems proposed. Include contact information (names, titles, telephone numbers, and e-mail address), preferably in a chart format showing the relationship between the individuals. Detail the consideration(s) and remediation(s) provided to EWU if problems are unresolved or any specifications are not met.

VI.Technical Requirements

The Vendor understands and agrees to the requirements of Section6 of the RFP:

____Agrees/Comply without exception

____Agrees/Comply with following clarification:

____Take exception, as noted below:

A.Proposal / Solution Description

Briefly describe the high-level architectural design of your proposed solution to meet the requirements of this RFP. Describe your approach to the analog requirements; thevoice messaging replacement,and the proposed option for the SpokaneCenter.

B.Service and Support Questions

1.What is the Vendor’s contractual definition of a major alarm and a minor alarm?

2.State the Vendor’s guaranteed service response time for:

a.Major Alarm:

b.Minor Alarm:

c.Standard M/A/C Service Request:

3.Describesystem’s external hardware and/or facilities that provide remote alarm notification.

4.Describe remote maintenance/troubleshooting operations supported. Include descriptions of any 24 hour response centers and how the system(s) automatically interact.

5.Describe the type of support available from the manufacturer, including escalation of technical issues, remote dial-in access, auto alarm reporting and response, etc.

6.Describe the System Environmental and Cutover Requirements.

7.Describe the System Administrator Training (pricing to be included in Section VII)

a.Length of training:

b.Location of training:

8.Describe the Recommended User Training

a.Length of training:

b.Options for Train the Trainer:

9.Professional and Technical Assistance from the Vendor

a.Per hour cost for additional training, beyond the stated requirements:

b.Other training options (Computer based, imbedded tutorials, etc):

10.Describe Security Issues

a.System Security Audits

b.Password Management

c.Facility Key Management

d.VPN / Access Security

e.Firewall / Voice Traffic

C.Telephone System Questions

1.Briefly describe the proposed telephone system capabilities and how the system meets the requirements stated in the RFP.

2.System Maintenance and Management

a.What operating system does the software run on? What steps have been taken to “harden” the OS from failures and security risks, such as a virus or denial of service attack?

b.Describe mechanisms or techniques used to ensure system uptime, including components and levels of redundancy options available.

c.Describe how system maintenance functions, such as component change-outs, trouble-shooting, and loading of new software revisions are accomplished in the system (procedure overview, reboot requirements, impact on users, etc.).

d.Are software upgrades included at no charge during warranty? Are they free if the client is covered under a maintenance agreement?

e.Can the system management tasks be accessed via the LAN?

f.Can the system be accessed and managed via a standard browser interface without additional client software loaded at the desktop?

g.What capabilities do the individual users have to make changes to their own sets? How do they accomplish this (touch-tone pad, browser based, etc.)?

h.Describe how the telephone system measures usage, quality and performance.

i.Please state whether the system’s common telephone equipmentcomponents are SNMP compliant.

j.Describe where the CDR records are stored; is there a requirement for an external server? If so, is this included or the responsibility of EWU to purchase?

k.Are there multiple levels of administrative access for the telephone system? If so describe.

l.Attach to the proposal a referenced appendix showing a sample of the standard traffic/usage reports available.

3.Trunking, Signaling and E911 Capabilities

a.Please list the voice communications signaling (SS #7, MGCP, Q.SIG, etc.) supported by the system.

b.Will the system be able to provide outbound ANI identification via the ISDN trunks? Can a different ANI be provided on outbound calls to 911 other than the outbound ANI supplied on regular calls (for example, a department number for normal calls, but the user’s DID number on 911 calls)?

c.Is the system compatible with CAMA trunks for 911 calls?

d.Is the proposed E911 location solution integrated into the switching system or a stand-alone device/server?

e.How is E-911 supported for “SOHO” locations?


a.Describe how the proposed system telephones share Ethernet ports with data devices, such as PCs. Indicate whether switch functions (hubs not acceptable) are internal to the telephone or are provided via an add-on module. What is the maximum speed of the downstream switch port (for the PC) of the telephone sets?

b.Are there any options for encryption of the IP voice traffic? Is this an extra cost item? Does it interfere with call recording / call monitoring features?

c.Briefly describe the QoS mechanisms used to ensure that voice traffic will receive priority over data and other non-real-time communications traffic.

d.Describe how the proposed system guarantees against “over-subscription” on WAN links (link bandwidth exceeded by too many calls and resultant degraded voice quality).

e.What is the status or future plans within the proposed system for implementation or support for each of the following?



h.List the IP signaling protocols (SIP, H.323, H.248, etc.) the proposed system supports.

i.List the VOIP compression / encoding standards (G.711, G.723, G.729a, etc.) supported by the system. List any right-to-use (RTU) fees associated with using any of the specific codecs. Also, list the configuration issues or any restrictions for using a concurrent mix of codecs (for example, using G.711 on some WAN segments and G.729 on others).

j.Does the system allow for users to move their own IP set and automatically update location identification information? How is the ANI information updated? Is there a method of reporting user self moves? Is there an option to prevent users from moving their own sets?

5.Describe the music or message on hold (MOH) options, including the ability to handle multiple sources (mix of recorded music and messages, live broadcasts, etc) and define which groups (by the class of service, location, etc.) hear specific selections. What is the maximum capacity of sources and what hardware / software and interfaces are required?

D.Telephone Station Feature Questions

1.Describe the make, model and capabilities of the telephone sets proposed for the three types of sets described. Also describe the IP speakerphone set options and the “soft phone” options.

2.What shows on a display telephone in idle mode (such as time of day, previous calls, etc)? Are any of these user changeable, or administrator changeable, including time-of-day?

3.What shows on the display when a call rings in when the phone is on-hook?

4.What will the user see on their display when a second call rings in while the user is on another call? Will they see ANI on outside calls? Will they see the name displayed on inside calls?

5.What will the user see on the display when receiving a transferred call? What do they see on their display after the call transfer is complete?

6.Does the system allow extension numbers to be used without actual hardware ports assigned (virtual or phantom numbers)? Are there any limitations to the number of software only numbers, including right-to-use fees?

7.Does the system provide a feature for ring-back (re-ring) of calls on hold when the hold time exceeds a threshold? Is the feature assignable by set, class of service, or system? Is the ring-back interval set individually or as a system-wide timer?

8.Can the user change the information that shows as a button label? If so, describe how. Can they change any button label information, or only certain types?

9.Does the busy-lamp field (BLF) indication feature show the status of the set or the status of an individual extension

10.Will the BLF buttons also work as a Direct Station Selection (DSS) button?

11.When extensions are shared between multiple sets, is privacy automatic? If yes, is privacy release available?

12.What is the maximum number of sets on which a shared line may appear?

13.If the group call pick-up feature is used to retrieve a call, will the display show the extension number dialed by the caller (which line is being picked-up)?

14.If the solution is capable of supporting VoIP, can QoS be fully implemented with the soft-phones such that call quality can be assured even when the PC is sending or receiving large data files? Does the system require any special interface electronics or unique NIC boards?

15.What is the size of the station specific speed call list?

16.Is there an online directory accessible from the phone set?

17.Do the telephones have the ability to display a system-wide visual message broadcast to the display phones (for emergency notices, bomb threat, etc)? Describe the process for creating a message, and is there an audible notification on the telephone set?

E.ACD Questions

1.Briefly describe the proposed ACD design and how it meets the requirements stated in the RFP.

2.How does the system provide pre-recorded announcements for queue groups? Are they internal or external to the system? If internal, what are the capacity limits per message and per system or component? How many callers in queue can be simultaneously connected to an announcement message?

3.Can the voice mail system provide message only mailboxes that can be used by the ACD system in place of ACD announcements, without removing the caller from the queue?

4.Can the callers be given auto-attendant style options while in queue without taking the call out of queue or losing its priority?

5.If a call is delivered by the ACD to an agent not at their desk (call rings with no answer), will the system pull the call back into the queue, with priority? What does the caller hear? Does the ACD busy-out the agent (unavailable mode) or log the agent out of the group?

6.Can an ACD supervisor log users in and out of the group remotely (from the supervisory PC)? Does a supervisor have the ability to move agents between queues?

7.Does the ACD system support an embedded pop-up screen for the agent’s PC that can show queue status? Can it be triggered by events (such as calls in queue or length of oldest call in queue)? Are there any imbedded messaging capabilities (instant messaging style) that would allow supervisors and agents to use text messages while on calls? List any additional RTU cost for any of the features mentioned.