


Section 1 - Introduction

Procurement Policy

Sustainable Purchasing Policy

Code of Conduct

Doing Business with Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County

Section 2 - Vendor Selection

Local & Minority Vendors

Vendor Performance

Section 3 – Procurement

General Information

Sales Tax Exemption

Purchase Order

Warrants List

Contract Request Form

Commercial Credit Accounts

Use of Personal Credit Cards

PayPal Accounts

American Express Corporate Purchasing Card

Publix Business Account

Authorized Expenditures for Refreshments & Meals

Piggyback Purchases

Cooperative Purchases

Initiating Procurement - Items equal to or less than $1,000 in value

Professional Services

Regular Supply Orders


Travel - Last Minute Changes to Trip (incurring penalties/fees)

Trip Cancellations Outside of CSC Business Hours

Monthly Mileage Reimbursement

Initiating Procurement - Items greater than $1,000 and less than $35,000 in value

Professional Services


Facilities Improvements/Purchase Requests

Equipment Lease Agreements

Requests for Computer-Related Equipment and Services

Maintenance & Service Contracts



Property and Inventory Controls

Initiating Procurement - Items $35,000 to $50,000 in value

CEO Signing Authority

Professional Services

Professional Services RFPs

Initiating Procurement - Items Greater Than $50,000 in value

Section 4 – Special Conditions

Compliance with Section 287.133, Florida Statutes

Compliance with Section 287.135, Florida Statutes

Emergency Purchases

Sole Source Vendors

Exceptions to the Formal Competitive Bidding Process

Indirect Cost Limits When Contracting with Universities or Other Academic Institutions

Blanket Purchase Orders

Section 5 – Bid Document Types

Informal Written Quotes

Formal Competitive Bid Guidelines

Request for Information (RFI)

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Invitation for Bid (IFB)

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Section 6 – Hyperlinks to Referenced DM Documents

DM#: 52893 – CSC Procurement Policy

DM#: 106122 – Sustainable Purchasing Policy

DM#: 137081 - Workflow Module Requisition/Purchase Order Training Guide

DM#: 70609 - American Express Corporate Purchase Card Usage Agreement

DM#: 60979 - AMEX Frequent User Agreement

DM#: 74834 – Publix Corporate Account

DM#: 54237 – Meals & Refreshments

DM#: 72027 – Travel Request Form

DM#: 14131 - Travel Guidelines

DM#: 54768 – Mileage Reimbursement Form

DM#: 79477 – Special Request Form

DM#: 48033 - Contracting Process

DM#: 119705 – Contract Request Form

DM#: 118642 – Contracting Process Map

DM#: 79861 – Request for Proposals

DM#: 137728 – Invitation for Bids

DM#: 127106 - Request for Qualifications

DM#: 134298 – Consultant Travel Worksheet

DM#: 30908 - Blanket Purchase Order

Section 1 - Introduction

Procurement Policy

The Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County (CSC) is committed to purchasing goods and services from within Palm Beach County through means that comply with CSC’s Procurement Policy (DM#: 52893) and promote fair selection of qualified vendors consistent with their availability.

Sustainable Purchasing Policy

CSC has adopted a Sustainable Purchasing Policy in an effort to encourage and increase the use of environmentally preferable consumable products and services. By including environmental considerations in purchasing decisions, CSC can promote practices that improve public and employee health, conserve natural resources and reward environmentally conscious manufacturers, while remaining fiscally responsible. Please refer to the Sustainable Purchasing Policy (DM#: 106122) for further information.

The following procedures are implemented, overseen, and maintained by CSC’s Operations Division. Any questions or comments regarding these procedures should be directed to the Director of Operations, at (561) 740-7000 or 1-800-331-1462.

Code of Conduct

In an effort to fulfill CSC’s fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers of Palm Beach County, all interaction with vendors and contractors must be handled in an ethical manner. CSC staff will protect CSC’s best interest in all business transactions and:

  1. Afford equal opportunity to all qualified suppliers in the competition for business.
  2. Promote positive supplier relations through professional courtesy and good faith dealing in all phases of the procurement cycle.
  3. Respect the supplier’s proprietary information/property from an ethical standpoint in addition to potential legal ramifications, subject to the requirements of Chapter 119, Florida Statute.
  4. Enhance CSC’s purchasing and overall business reputation by acquiring and maintaining current market knowledge, and adopting and applying sound business practices at a professional level.
  5. Avoid any behavior that may be perceived as unethical or compromising in the award of business. Purchasing standards at CSC prohibit the acceptance of gifts, personal discounts, entertainment, favors, personal services, participation in supplier-sponsored promotions/contests, or any other activity that could be perceived to compromise the integrity of CSC’s purchasing.
  6. Refrain from any private business or professional activity that would create a conflict between personal interests and the interests of CSC. However, when certain affiliations cannot be avoided, the employee shall disclose the relationship to his/her supervisor and recuse himself/herself from the decision-making process.

Doing Business with Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County

  1. CSC’s conflict of interest policy prohibits staff from accepting gifts gratuities, or other favors from vendors/contractors.
  2. CSC’s procurement process provides equal opportunity to all participants and bids are awarded based on maximum value offered. Vendors/contractors will be notified of awards by the Purchasing Department or the bid coordinator.
  3. The Purchasing Department may conduct an annual vendor/contractor performance review for vendors/contractors holding long-term contracts with CSC.
  4. Contract performance issues/concerns should be directed to the Purchasing Department, along with any questions or concerns related to the business process. Unresolved issues should be presented to the Director of Operations.
  5. The Inspector General of Palm Beach County has the authority to investigate and audit matters relating to the negotiation and performance of all CSC agreements, and may demand and obtain records and testimony from vendors/consultants, subcontractors and lower-tier subcontractors. Failure of the above to fully cooperate with the Inspector General when requested may be deemed to be a material breach of the CSC agreement, justifying termination.

Section 2 - Vendor Selection

CSC is committed to ensuring maximum value is obtained for each public dollar spent and, accordingly, will evaluate all buying based on lowest qualified prices and best quality of goods and services.Maximum value is defined as “matching the right quality of product or service to each of the various tasks at hand, coupled with high level vendor service and support offered at highly competitive price levels.”Quality buying is the buying of goods or services that will meet, but not necessarily exceed, the requirements for which they are intended. In some instances the primary quality consideration will be durability. With other purchases, it may be a question of immediate availability, ease of installation, frequency of repair, or efficiency of operation that must be given primary consideration. It is the responsibility of both the requesting department and Purchasing Department to secure the best quality for the purpose intended.

Local & Minority Vendors

In all instances of a formal proposal process, CSC shall make a concerted effort to solicit bids from local and minority business owners in the Palm Beach County community.

Bids and quotations received from all vendors will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Lowest qualified prices; and
  2. Best quality of goods or services

Vendor Performance

In order to ensure fairness and equity in purchasing on behalf of CSC, the Purchasing Department will conduct annual assessments of current vendors’ and contractors’ quality, timeliness in delivery, and cost of goods and services provided. Additionally, new vendors and contractors will be researched so that a qualified pool can be identified well in advance of need.

Section 3 – Procurement

General Information

Sales Tax Exemption

As an independent special district, CSC is exempt from paying Florida Sales Tax on goods and services purchased within the state of Florida. When traveling, employees will be issued a copy of CSC’s tax-exempt certificate to be used when making purchases with a CSC credit card. Employees are encouraged to review all invoices to ensure that sales tax has not been applied. If applied, employee should ask to have the sales tax removed and a new invoice issued. Employees who travel outside the state of Florida will be subject to the applicable state and local taxes.

Purchase Order

Expenditures requiring payment by credit card or check require a purchase order and subsequent authorization by the Council through the Warrants List process. All purchase orders must receive supervisory, budgetary and CEO approval PRIOR TO RELEASE OF PAYMENT.

A purchase order is prepared using (Microix) Workflow module (reference Workflow Module Requisition/Purchase Order Training Guide DM#: 137081). The Controller provides employees with access to the system and training is provided by the Contracts and Records Administrator.

Warrants List

Payment for expenses, contractual deposits/advances, or prepaid orders cannot be made unless the expense has first appeared on the Warrants List and been approved by the Council. There are no exceptions. It is strongly recommended that information be entered into the PO system by the Monday prior to the Council meeting in order to ensure that the purchase order appears on the Warrants List, resulting in the timely release of payment.

Employees need to be aware of the Council meeting schedule and take responsibility for meeting the PO/Warrants List submission deadlines.

Contract Request Form

CSC General Counsel or designee shall review all contracts with a dollar value equal to or greater than $1,000 for legal sufficiency and compliance with CSC Procurement Policy and procedures. Programmatic agreements must be created with the assistance of the General Counsel and, if in excess of $50,000, authorized by the Council by annual or special resolution. All other contracts must be processed utilizing the Contract Request form and process. (DM#: 119705)

Commercial Credit Accounts

Employees are encouraged to utilize vendors who have established CSC commercial credit accounts, whenever possible. Contact the Purchasing Department for further information.

Use of Personal Credit Cards

Employees shall not use their personal credit card(s) for CSC business-related purchases.

PayPal Accounts

Employees shall not use their personal PayPal account for CSC purchases. For purchases where the only method of payment is PayPal, employee should contact the Purchasing Department to complete the order/purchase on their behalf.

American Express Corporate Purchasing Card

Employees may be issued an American Express Corporate (AMEX) purchasing card as an Occasional or Frequent User and may use the card for CSC business travel-related expenses and other authorized expenditures (e.g. business meals and refreshments).

Occasional Users will be issued an AMEX card after completing and signing an American Express Corporate Purchase Card Usage Agreement (DM#: 70609). The employee should retain a copy of the signed agreement for future reference. Cards are maintained by the Travel Administrator (Clerk of the Council).

When traveling, the AMEX card may be signed out in advance and must be returned to the Travel Administrator by 5:00 PM on the day the employee returns to work. When purchasing meals or refreshments or other authorized expenditures, employees must sign out and return the card to Travel Administrator, as well as prepare a corresponding purchase order, on the day the purchase is made. Exceptions will be made for charges incurred Friday-Sunday. Reference DM#: 54237 for Authorized Expenditures for Refreshments & Meals policy.

Employees who travel or purchase authorized expenditures via AMEX on a frequent basis may be authorized as a Frequent User. The Director of Operations will authorize designation of Frequent Users, as well as provide the approved spending limit, based on types and frequency of purchases, prior to release of the AMEX card to the employee. Employees must complete the Purchasing: AMEX Frequent User Agreement (DM#: 60979) prior to issuance and retention of the card.

NOTE: Employees who abuse AMEX privileges will be subject to disciplinary action or termination.

Publix Business Account

CSC provides access to a Publix Business Account card for the ease of making CSC business-related purchases. Employees may be issued a card as either a Frequent or Occasional User. A Frequent User will be authorized to retain the card, checking out the card full-time at the time of issue; an Occasional User will check out the card on an as-needed basis.

Employees who are issued a Publix Business Account card will be required to sign a Usage Agreement (DM#: 74834).

NOTE: Employees who abuse Publix Business Account privileges willbe subject to disciplinary action or termination.

Authorized Expenditures for Refreshments & Meals

Employees are authorized to purchase light snacks and meals for purposes of business meetings, training events, retreats, promotional activities and/or publicity events, provided that the department/division has designated a budget for such purposes as outlined in Authorized Expenditures for Refreshments & Meals policy (DM#: 54237).

Expenditures associated with CSC-sponsored special events must be within the limits established under “Maximum Expenditure Guidelines” in the policy.

Division chiefs or department directors must authorize expenditures through the purchase order process and shall be responsible for ensuring expenditures are within budget.

Piggyback Purchases

CSC may purchase goods or services off an existing contract between a vendor and the federal government; a state or municipal government; another governmental agency; or a government- related association. Purchases made through these contracts meet the requirements of competitive shopping/bidding.

Cooperative Purchases

CSC may participate in, sponsor, conduct, or administer a cooperative purchase with other governmental entities for the procurement of goods or services. In this instance, CSC would join one or more entities that share the same requirement and combine their estimated usages with a common goal to achieve the best price based on economies of scale.

Initiating Procurement - Items equal to or less than $1,000 in value

Division chiefs and department directorsare authorized to approve departmental expenditures equal to or less than $1,000 in value provided they have budgeted for the expense. A CSC purchase order must be in the system prior to initiating any procurement activity. Once the purchase order is produced, the requesting division chief or department director then authorizes it; the Chief Financial Officer verifies the budget allocation; and the CEO/or her designee (OHD) provides final approval.

Professional Services

Services with a dollar value of $1,000 or less do not require an agreement and will be paid by invoice. Specialty services used on a recurring basis should be researched to ensure CSC is getting the best quality at a competitive price. Employees should process a purchase order as soon as a dollar amount is known so that the vendor appears on the Warrants List and can be paid in a timely manner.

Regular Supply Orders

Standard office supplies are ordered bi-monthly by the Purchasing Agent. Standard monthly supplies consist of those materials that have a unit value of less than $100 and are used by all employees. Examples of such items include pens, pencils, paper, staples, etc.

Special Supplies

Employees requesting supplies other than those items listed above should notify the Purchasing Department. Subject to the availability of funds, requests will be processed in the next regularly scheduled supply order. Materials for special projects should be coordinated through the Purchasing Agent at least three weeks prior to the event/need.

Specialized Equipment Requests

Employees requiring specialized electronic equipment (i.e. iPad, Blackberry, video cameras) should complete a Special Request form (DM#: 79477) for department director approval and then submit to the Information Management department. Following a review for compatibility with other CSC systems, a corresponding Purchase Order will be produced by the IM department; forwarded to the Controller for verification of budget allocation; and submitted to the Purchasing Department to order.


All requests for conference/workshop registration and travel outside of Palm Beach County require the employee to complete a Training/Travel Worksheet (TTW) (DM#: 72027). Instructions for completing the form are available in the Travel Guidelines (DM#: 14131). Once completed, this form must be approved by the supervisor and/or division chief or department director and then submitted to the CSC Travel Administrator (Clerk of the Council). The Travel Administrator secures the signatures of the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief of Operations.

The Travel Administrator coordinates all reservations and creates a travel itinerary outlining flight information, all confirmation numbers, etc., and emails it to the employee. The Travel Administrator includes PO numbers for all reservations as part of the travel itinerary. The approved TTW is kept on file by the Travel Administrator and is not returned to the employee. The Employee enters the actual expenses on the travel Itinerary and returns it to the Travel Administrator, who then reconciles and submits it to the accounting department for filing.

The per diem rate for meals (pro-rated equally for each meal) will be the IRS standard "M&IE" rate for all locations within the continental United States, without taking into account specific higher-cost locations (as set forth in IRS Publication 1542 or its successor).

In the case of in-county training that was not registered through the CSC website, the TTW should be used in order to track the number of hours of instruction. (DM#: 72027)

Note: When deciding which mode of transportation (e.g. personal auto, rental car, or air) an employee should use when traveling long distances, CSC will always recommend the mode costing the least amount. Employees may want to take their personal auto, but it may be more economical to travel by air and/or rental car. CSC’s Travel Administrator will provide the employee with a cost comparison to ensure CSC is getting the best value in all cases. Employees who choose to use their personal auto will be reimbursed up to an amount not to exceed the combined estimated costs of airfare, airport parking and baggage fees, as well as ancillary transportation (e.g. taxi, shuttle, rental car) and not the straight mileage reimbursement typically allotted for local travel.