



Community Facilities Questionnaire

As part of the Community Audit process carried out between March and April 2002 one of the outcomes was an identified need for a directory of Community Facilities.

Therefore the Tarleton Village Design Group are asking community groups and service providers to share details of how to access their services. The results will be compiled into a directory that will be distributed to all households in the parish and be available to new residents who move into the parish.

It is hoped that a master copy of the document will be available in the library and that the Community Directory will be updated on an bi-annual basis.

The TVDG would appreciate your co-operation in compiling this potentially useful community document.

The youth of the parish are also intending to produce a directory of youth facilities which will be available to all young people in year 7 and above in secondary education and any entries applicable to young people will be included in that publication as well as the main one.

If you have any queries about what to put on the questionnaire please contact Nadine Ashcroft on 01772 811552, John Hewitt on 01772 814549 or John Hodson on 01772 815223.

If you would like to fill the form out electronically please email Nadine Ashcroft on and a questionnaire will be emailed to you.

We look forward to receiving your completed questionnaire

Community Groups Questionnaire

Name of Group
1. Contact Name:
Address: / Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
2. Brief Description of Groups Activities:
3. Age Groups Targeted
4. What Days and Times of the week do you meet :
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
5. How do people join your group?

6. Who do people contact to join your group? If same as question 1 leave blank

Contact Name:
Address: / Telephone Number:
Fax Number:

7. Is there a cost to being a member of the group

Per Session


8. Does your group participate in any other activities away from your main base and what is the approximate cost?

9. Is there anything else about your group that you would like to be included in the directory?

10. If your group has premises do you rent them out?

Yes / No / Not Applicable

If Yes, what are do you charge for room hire?

Hourly Rate / £
Per Session / £
Evening / £
Other / £

11. Do you offer a no charge policy for room hire?

Yes / No

If Yes, in what circumstances do you offer free room hire?

12.Does your building have disabled facilities

Yes / No
  1. Access

Yes / No


13. Who is the contact within your organisation to hire your facilities?

Name / Telephone Number

14.Do you have a website?

Yes / No

If yes, what is the URL ______


You will be sent details of what is going to appear in the directory for your approval