College Name

School Name

Internal Review
Scholastic Year
20 / / 20
School Contact Details
Name of Head of School
Postal Address
Web Address /
Email Address

The School Vision and Mission

School Vision
Replace this text with your school’s vision statement:
A vision statement focuses on the future. It provides a broad and inspirational image of the future the school seeks to create, presented in a sentence or short paragraph.
Mission Statement
Replace this text with your school’s mission statement:
A mission statement focuses on the present. It describes who we are and what we do as a school. It may include the core values of the school, the educational services provided, student and parental involvement, resources available and school achievements.

School Context

State school class equivalent / Yr 7 / Yr 8 / Yr9 / Yr10 / Yr11
Total number of learners
No of refugees and asylum seekers
No of learners for whom Maltese is not their first language
No of learners with a statement of needs
Number of learners attending learning support zone
Number of learners opting for ALP in year 11

Table 1: Learner Data (latest updates)

Staff information
~ Total number / New Staff / Total number / New Staff
No of Assistant Heads / No of health and safety teachers
No of Heads of Department / No of learning support zone staff
No of regular (excluding shared) teachers * / No of LSAs
No of regular shared teachers / No SLSAs
No of supply (excluding shared) teachers / No of Laboratory Technicians
No of supply shared teachers / No of Clerical Staff
No of teacher librarians / No of Minor Staff
No of guidance teachers
Number of staff members requesting a transfer at the end of the previous year

~ The total number of staff includes the number of staff new to the school.

* This includes teachers with other responsibilities mentioned elsewhere in this table.

Table 2: Staff Data

School Context

External support staff rendering service in the school
Total number / Total number
Career advisor / Anti-bullying teacher
College precincts officer / Anti-substance abuse teacher
Counsellor / Occupational therapist
Educational psychologist / Other: (please specify)
INCO / Peripatetic teachers (e.g. hearing impaired)
Prefect of discipline / Resource worker
Psychotherapist / SEBD specialist
Social support worker / Speech pathologist
Social worker
Youth worker

Table 3: External support Staff Data

School Context

Facilities and Initiatives
Art Room / Accessibility to learners with special needs
Biology Lab / Comenius project
Chapel / Green Flag
Chemistry Lab / Health and Safety risk assessment
Computer Labs / Internet accessibility throughout the school
Food/HE /Technology Lab / Potable water availability
Guidance Room / School Behaviour Policy
Learning Zone / School Council
Offices for SMT / School Dress Code
Play Grounds / School evacuation plan
PSD Rooms / School Handbook
Resource Room/Stores / School Magazine
School Gym / School Newsletter
School Hall / School Website
School Library / Students’ clubs
Science/Physics Lab / Students’ Council
Secretary Office / Teacher welfare committee
Staff Rooms / Time allocated for departmental meetings
Technical Design Room
Tuck Shop / Canteen

Table 4: School Facilities and Initiatives: tick or insert amount as appropriate, add if necessary.

Kindly indicate with * the rooms used for more than one purpose

School Context

Attainment Sheet
Yr 8 Annual Examination June 20__
Competencies / Level 5,6,7 / Level 6,7 / Level 7,8 / Level 5,6,7,8
Number of students sitting for Mathematics Annual Exam
School Mean [average] in Mathematics
National Mean for Mathematics
Number of students sitting for Maltese Annual Exam
School Mean [average] Maltese
National Mean for Maltese
Number of students sitting for English Annual Exam
School Mean [average] English
National Mean for English
Number of students sitting for Science Annual Exam
School Mean [average] Science
National Mean for Science
Table 5: Attainment Sheet: Add % mark as appropriate and add other subjects if necessary

School Context

Attainment Sheet
SEC Results May 20___

Table 6: Attainment Sheet: Enter data as appropriate and add other subjects if necessary

School evaluation and development processes

SDP Meetings timeline 20__-20__ / Date / Topic
Term 1 – 2 hour Meeting during school hours
Term 2 – 2 hour Meeting during school hours
Term 3 – 2 hour Meeting during school hours
Term 3 – Full Day Meeting

Table 7: SDP meetings

CPD timeline 20__-20__ / Date / Topic
Term 1 – 2 hours after school hours
Term 2 – 2 hours after school hours
Term 3 – 2 hours after school hours
Alternative CPD

Table 8: CPD sessions

School Initiatives and resources used for School Development Planning 20__-20__
Virtual Learning Platform [e.g. Fronter] / Newsletters
E Surveys / Circulars
Regular group meetings / Email/group mail
Questionnaires / Web site
Parental meetings / Assemblies
Open Days
Focus groups
Table 9: School Initiatives and resources used for School Development Planning
Add comments on the implementation process of the School Development Plan 20__-20__

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

Questionnaires Distributed / Response Rate [%]
Table 10: Response rate teachers’ questionnaire
Teachers’ View [Strengths]
% of teachers indicating strongly agree and agree / Weighted average score
Table 11: Main strengths highlighted by teachers
Teachers’ View [Weaknesses]
% of teachers indicating strongly disagree and disagree / Weighted average score
Table 12: Main weaknesses highlighted by teachers

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

Questionnaires Distributed / Response Rate [%]
Table 13: Response rate parents questionnaire
Parents’ View [Strengths]
% of parents indicating strongly agree and agree / Weighted average score
Table 14: Main strengths highlighted by parents
Parents’ View [Weaknesses]
% of parents indicating strongly disagree and disagree / Weighted average score
Table 15: Main weaknesses highlighted by parents

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

Questionnaires Distributed / Response Rate [%]
Table 16: Response rate learners questionnaire
Learners’ View [Strengths]
% of learners indicating strongly agree and agree / Weighted average score
Table 17: Main strengths highlighted by learners
Learners’ View [Weaknesses]
% of learners indicating strongly disagree and disagree / Weighted average score
Table 18: Main weaknesses highlighted by learners

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

Insert the outcomes, if any, that were derived from research methods other than the questionnaire.

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

Specific Targeted Measures – comparison of results obtained in previous and current internal evaluation
Area of concern 1: Identified in previous year’s internal evaluation / Weighted average score 20__-20__ / Weighted average score 20__-20__
S1. Learners
Actual statement utilised in close-ended questionnaire.
S1. Teachers:
Actual statement utilised in close-ended questionnaire.
S1. Parents
Actual statement utilised in close-ended questionnaire.
Area of concern 2: Identified in previous years’ internal evaluation / Weighted average score 20__-20__ / Weighted average score 20__-20__
S2. Learners
Actual statement utilised in close-ended questionnaire.
S2. Teachers
Actual statement utilised in close-ended questionnaire.
S2. Parents
Actual statement utilised in close-ended questionnaire.
Table 19: Data of the specific measures identified by school

Area of concern 1

Area of concern 2

Graphs 1 and 2: graphical representations of the specific measures indicated by the school

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

Specific Targeted Measures [QAD] – Refer to latest internal evaluation questionnaire results
Target 1 - Satisfaction / % of learners indicating strongly agree and agree / Weighted average score
S1. Learners
I feel happy at school.
S1. Teachers:
I feel fulfilled working in my school.
S1. Parents
I would recommend the school to other parents.
Target 2 - Behaviour / % of learners indicating strongly agree and agree / Weighted average score
S2. Learners
The school handles disciplinary problems effectively.
S2. Teachers
The school’s behaviour management policy is effective in promoting good behaviour.
S2. Parents
The school handles disciplinary problems in a firm but caring manner.
Table 20: Data of the specific measures indicated by the QAD

Graph 2: graphical representation re the specific measures indicated by the QAD (% of respondents indicating agree or strongly agree)

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

Evaluation of Action Plans

Evaluation of success criteria for effectiveness in action plans implemented during 20__-20__ (indicate scholastic year)
Priority Development Target 1:
Success Criteria 1: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 2: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 3: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Priority Development Target 2:
Success Criteria 1: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 2: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 3: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Priority Development Target 3:
Success Criteria 1: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 2: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 3: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Priority Development Target 4:
Success Criteria 1: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 2: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Success Criteria 3: Success Criteria [Effectiveness] Identified in action plan / Evaluation[actual outcome]
Table 21: Evaluation ofaction plans implemented in20__-20__

Summary of Internal Evaluation 20__-20__

SWOT analysis

This SWOT exercise is to be completed after the analysis of the internal evaluation process that may include questionnaires, focus groups, SMT meetings, staff meetings, parents’ meetings, student council meetings, etc. (N.B. Keep available a record of the outcomes.)

Strengths / Weaknesses
Opportunities / Threats

Table 22: Summary of SWOT derived from school self evaluation

School Priorities
Priority Development Target 1
Priority Development Target 2
Priority Development Target 3
Priority Development Target 4
Table 23: Priority Development Targets identified during school self evaluation