Name: ______

Hour: ______

A. Place colons (:) where they are needed in the following sentences. If the sentence is correct, place a C in the left-hand margin. (3 correct)

1.  One famous poet once said this Poetry is emotion recollected in tranquility.

2.  A poet must be able to create meaning using literary devices like the following simile, metaphor, hyperbole, rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration.

3.  April is national poetry month when we celebrate poets such as Robert Frost, Gwendolyn Brooks, e. e. cummings, and Elizabeth Browning.

4.  My favorite poetry book is Great American Poets a Collection of Verse.

5.  Edgar Allen Poe wrote “The Raven,” which takes place at 12 00 a.m.

6.  It beings with this familiar line “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary . . .”

7.  Walt Whitman wrote several famous poems like “O Captain, My Captain,” “I Hear America Singing,” and “Leaves of Grass.”

8.  Some books of the Bible are considered poetry; Psalm 100 1-11 is an example.

9.  If you don’t like a poem, remember this Not every poem is for every person.

10. Billy Collins, our poet laureate, writes poems full of everyday imagery that are easy to understand and fun to read.

B. Place semicolons (;) where they are needed in the following sentences. If the sentence is correct, place a C in the left-hand margin. (3 correct)

1.  When I was young, I didn’t know anything about the sport of hunting I didn’t know it existed.

2.  I have since learned that it is a widely loved and practiced sport.

3.  Hunting seasons begin and end on specific dates firearm deer season runs in early December while Spring turkey season happens in April.

4.  Some game birds, like pheasant and quail or duck and goose, can be hunted simultaneously.

5.  Dogs are often used as aids in the hunt pointers help hunters find birds in the field while retrievers locate and return the harvested birds to the hunter.

6.  Selling hunting equipment is profitable since ammunition, clothing, and decoys are all necessities for an avid hunter.

7.  Hunters are helpful in many ways they often provide meat for families in need they help reduce the number of car/animal accidents and they alleviate crop reduction. (3 semicolons)

8.  Deer have an acute sense of smell therefore a hunter must take steps to hide his scent trail and avoid alarming the deer.

9.  Some hunters prefer to use a bow and arrow others prefer to use a rifle.

10. I went hunting on December 11th, 2006 January 15th, 2007, January 25th, 2007 February 13th, 2007 and April 5th, 2007. (4 semicolons)

C. Punctuate the following sentences with colons OR semicolons. If they are correct, place a C in the left-hand margin. (1 correct)

1.  A good study area should include the following adequate light, a clear work surface, and necessary supplies.

2.  If a student were working on mechanics and grammar, he or she might have to know how to punctuate Bible verses and chapters like Genesis 111, the eleventh chapter and first verse of Genesis.

3.  A list of important characteristics for a good study plan includes the following having a quiet place to work, planning for an uninterrupted work time, and being prepared with all necessary materials and books.

4.  A good time to study might be from 400 to 530 after school and before family meals.

5.  A Zulu warrior shouted "War" enemies ran in fear.

6.  It is interesting to think about people who lived at the same times on different continents.

7.  Egyptians built themselves monuments in the Pyramids the Incas and the Aztecs built mysterious pyramid-like buildings in Central and South America.

8.  People in pre-historic times traveled very little they might see only the members of their clans or villages for their whole lives.