NEIS TRAINING – Course Outline 2012

Training and Assessment information

Applicants who are selected for the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme are required to undertake training and assessment in the Certificate IV in Small Business ManagementBSB40407; designed to incorporate the knowledge and skills required for people commencing and operating their own business.

The training course will assist you in developing a business plan for your business.

NEIS Training can be undertaken as face to face delivery or as flexible online delivery for those who cannot attend a classroom. Training comprises of eight to ten weeks of delivery. Support may be provided in numeracy, literacy, computer skills and study skills. This is a full time activity, therefore it is expected that you will be spending 35 hours per week in either training, online contact or self paced research and assignment completion. You will be issued with a timetable at the commencement of training, as well as full details of all assessments that are required.

All assessments, including the business plan,are based on procedures and documentation typically required in the workplace. Most assessments can be completed during class time however you should be aware that further work and research may be required outside of scheduled training sessions. As well, assessments may be required in the workplace once your business is in operation.

You must attend all scheduled training sessions and satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks in order to be awarded the Certificate IV in Small Business Management.

The Certificate IV in Small Business Management comprises a total of ten units as below:


BSBWOR404BDevelop work priorities


BSBSMB301AInvestigate micro business opportunities


BSBSMB401AEstablish legal and risk management requirements of small business


BSBSMB403AMarket the small business


BSBADM409ACoordinate business resources


BSBSMB402APlan small business finances

BSBRKG403BSet up a business or records system for a small office

BSBFIA402AReport on financial activity


BSBSMB404AUndertake small business planning

BSBRES401AAnalyse and present research information

These units comprise mandatory and elective units and the electives may be varied by BRACE when appropriate. See over the page for a more detailed description of the units.

BSB40407Certificate IV in Small Business Management


BSBSMB401A: Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business

This unit provides skills and knowledge to identify and comply with the regulatory, legal, taxation and insurance requirements, and risk management needs of small business.

BSBSMB402A: Plan small business finances

This unit provides skills and knowledge to develop a financial plan to support business viability.

BSBSMB403A: Market the small business

This unit provides skills and knowledge to develop and implement marketing strategies, and to monitor and improve market performance.

BSBSMB404A: Undertake small business planning

This unit provides skills and knowledge to research and develop an integrated business plan for achieving business goals and objectives.


BSBWOR404B: Develop work priorities

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to plan one's own work schedules, to monitor and to obtain feedback on work performance and development. It also addresses the requirement to take responsibility for one's own career planning and professional development.

BSBSMB301A: Investigate micro business opportunities

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop business ideas, and to investigate market needs and factors affecting potential markets. Specific legal requirements apply to the management of a micro business.

BSBADM409A: Coordinate business resources

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to determine and analyse existing and required resources, their effective application and the accountability for their use.

BSBRKG403B: Set up a business or records system for a small office

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to research, develop and implement business or records systems for a small office

BSBFIA402A: Report on financial activity

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to report financial activity for business both in response to client requests and to meet statutory requirements such as the completion of statutory requirement reports.

BSBRES401A: Analyse and present research information

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to gather, organise and present workplace information using available systems

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