Invitation to bid for production of short - up to 30 second - TV commercial for the It’s About Ability campaign in 2012

Background and Context

The overall goal of Country Programme 2012-2016 is to aid efforts by Montenegro to increase

equity and ensure the inclusion of children and women who are in need of special protection, live

in poverty or are socially marginalized.

The programme will contribute to the following key results by the end of 2016: (a) Montenegro

addresses disparities and gaps in access to quality social services for excluded and vulnerable

boys, girls and families in line with United Nations standards;(b) the country’s legal framework

is harmonized with EU/United Nations standards, and policies relevant to child-focused

governance and social inclusion of children are implemented and monitored; and (c) national and

local authorities systematically apply the principles and standards of the Convention on the

Rights of the Child and Copenhagen criteria (for membership in the EU) and facilitate

independent monitoring.

The country programme comprises two mutually reinforcing components: child protection and

social inclusion; and child rights, policies and planning. These reflect the need for continuity in

supporting the Government and institutions to complete the child care system reform agenda and

implement policies and strategies for children at central and local levels; securing investment in

equitable inclusion and protection of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups; strengthening

capacities in planning, child rights monitoring and budgeting; and implementing the framework

for a sustainable legacy of child rights.

UNICEF, together with the Government of Montenegro, Parents Associations and many other partners, has been implementing the It’s about ability campaign since September 2010 with the aim of promoting antidiscrimination and inclusion of children with disability in Montenegro’s society.

Children with disabilities have the same right as others to participate in and enjoy the arts, sports and other fun activities. So, schools, sports centres, theatres, museums, playgrounds, beaches and libraries should be accessible by everyone without inhibition, including children with disabilities.

Marketing agency should produce a short – up to 30 second - TV commercial that promotes antidiscrimination of children with disability, shows their potential to do sports and promotes their friendship with the peers.
Sports brings people together. Through sports, children with and without disability can become friends, develop different abilities and show their potentials. Therefore, promoting inclusion through sports is one of the priorities of the It’s about ability campaign in 2012.

The aim of the TV commercial is to have Montenegro’s public encourage sports of children with disabilities and friendship of children with and without disability. As a result, we want to have an increase in the number of children with and without disability doing sports together. We also want to have an increase in the number of the children with and without disability being engaged in sports within Montenegro’s Special Olympics and Paraolympics.

DATE: 05 April 2012
Producing a short, up to 30 second, TV commercial for the campaign “It’s about ability”.

Please submit the completed invitation to bid form (marked ITB 03/2012), supply profile form and your offers – for producing a short, up to 30 second, TV commercial for the campaign “It’s about ability”.

Please enclose signed hard copies of all documents with electronic copies of all documents and the video example on a CD/DVD in a sealed envelope marked ITB 03/2012 - TV COMMERCIAL BID to the following address before April 19, 2012:

UNICEF, Vladike Danila 28, 81 000 Podgorica

Fax: +382 20 224 278


REF: ITB 03/2012

Bids received will be publicly opened at 10.00am on April 23 at UNICEF Montenegro premises, Vladike Danila 28, Podgorica. Bids received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.

In case your offer is found to be the most competitive one, we would inform you accordingly. Likewise, if we do not contact you within 10 days from the public opening of the bids, you may consider that your quotation has not been selected for the contractual arrangement.


§  Please use this document when submitting your offer.

§  Please fill in carefully all requested information, for both parts - Part 1 and Part 2. Please use only yellow fields for entering your information.

§  The offer should be properly signed and stamped before submission.

§  Any offer submitted without following the above recommendations could be rejected.

Part 1: Specification
Description / Price (EUR)
1 / Price for the creative idea/concept that you are proposing for the TV commercial
2 / Total price for the production of the TV commercial in 16:9 Full HD (1920 x 1080), 25 FPS, progressive if possible
Part 2: Conditions

·  Please note that video quality of final product should be 16:9 Full HD (1920 x 1080), 25 FPS, progressive if possible. Adequate video recording equipment should be used for the TV commercial filming.

·  Please specify the timetable for production and postproduction phases

·  You are free to propose more than one idea/concept for the TV commercial and/or several versions of the same idea/concept.

·  Price must be given in EUR and fixed for the 12 months from the date contract is signed.

·  Price should be given without TAX as UN Agencies are TAX exempt for the purchasing of goods and services.

In order to be considered for evaluation purposes, your offer shall include the following information:
Payment Terms /
Delivery Time
Currency of Quotations/offers /


Completeness of quotation / Suppliers are encouraged to submit offers comprising all items requested in this ITB in their submissions.
Important: Only offers including all requested items will be considered for evaluation purposes
Requests for clarification / Bidders requiring clarification of any of the terms, technical requirements or conditions stipulated in this ITB shall communicate in writing with UNICEF Office in Podgorica. Requests for clarification may be submitted via e-mail to or Only requests for clarification received at least 24 hours prior to the deadline for submission of offers will be entertained.
General Terms and Conditions / This ITB is subject to UN General Terms and Conditions.

I hereby accept all terms and conditions stated above.

Date: / Name and Title
Postal Address
Tel/cell no
Validity of Offer
Signature / Stamp



1.1 SEALED BIDS must be securely closed in the bid envelope provided, or other suitable envelope, clearly MARKED on the outside with the BID NUMBER, and despatched to arrive at the UNICEF office indicated NO LATER THAN the CLOSING TIME AND DATE. Bids received in any other manner will be INVALIDATED.

1.2 FAXED BIDS must be returned to the ONLY ACCEPTABLE FAX NUMBER for Bids as indicated on the Page 1 of this Bid Document. Bidders should note that Bids received at any other fax number will be INVALIDATED.

1.3 EMAILED BIDS must be returned to the ONLY ACCEPTABLE EMAIL ADDRESS for Bids as indicated on the Page 1 of this Bid Document. Bidders should note that Bids received at any other email address will be INVALIDATED.

1.4 Bids received without the Bid number will be invalidated.


2.1 Sealed Bids received prior to the stated closing time and date will be kept unopened. The Officer of the Bid Section will open Bids when the specified time has arrived and no Bid received thereafter will be considered.

2.2 UNICEF will accept no responsibility for the premature opening of a Bid which is not properly addressed or identified.


3.1 Bidders, or their authorized representative, may attend the public opening of the Bid at the time, date and location specified. Bidders should note that the Bid Opening is the only time and place where information related to pricing from competitors is available.


4.1 Any request for information regarding the specifications should be forwarded to the Contracting Officer who PREPARED the Bid, and NOT to the Bid Section.


5.1 Bidders are expected to examine all Schedules and all Instructions pertaining to the work or Bid. Failure to do so will be at Bidders own risk. In case of errors in the extension price, unit price shall govern.


6.1 Erasures or other corrections in the Bid must be explained and the signature of the Bidder shown alongside.


7.1 All changes to a Bid must be received prior to the closing time and date. It must be clearly indicated that it is a modification and supersedes the earlier Bid, or state the changes from the original Bid.

7.2 Bids may be withdrawn on written or faxed request received from Bidders prior to the opening time and date. Negligence on the part of the Bidder confers no right for the withdrawal of the Bid after it has been opened.


8.1 Bids should be valid for a period of not less than 90 days after bid opening, unless otherwise specified in the Specific Terms and Conditions. Bidders are requested to indicate the validity period of their bid, as UNICEF may place additional orders against the lowest acceptable bid if requests for identical equipment are received from our field offices during the bid validity period. UNICEF may also request the validity period to be extended.


9.1 Failure to quote in the currency stated in the ITB document will invalidate the bid.


10.1 Failure to quote in accordance with the requested INCOTERMS may result in invalidation of your bid.


11.1 UNICEF is now part of the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) (previously the UN Common Supplier Database.) Accordingly, all bidders must apply to become a UNICEF supplier and this must be done via the UNGM website at Following this application the UNGM informs the UNICEF Quality Assurance Supplier Evaluation Unit (SEU) automatically and a determination will be made as to whether the application will be accepted. The determination is based on relevance of the products to UNICEF, together with a financial assessment.

11.2 Simultaneously with application to UNGM, and unless this information has already been provided to UNICEF within the previous 12 months, bidders shall submit their most recent Audited Financial Statement and Quality System Certificate to the UNICEF Quality Assurance Supplier Evaluation Unit, UNICEF Plads, Freeport, DK-2100, Copenhagen, Denmark. This information will be used by UNICEF for evaluation and approval purposes before making an award. It is in the interest of the bidders to provide information as complete as possible, as awards will only be made to suppliers who meet UNICEFs supplier selection criteria.


12.1 Items produced in countries other than that of the Bidder must be indicated, stating the country of origin. Bidders may be required to submit a Certificate of Origin of Goods issued by the Chamber of Commerce or other equivalent authority.


13.1 UNICEF reserves the right to INVALIDATE any Bid for reasons mentioned above, and, unless otherwise specified by UNICEF or by the Bidder, to accept any item in the Bid.

13.2 UNICEF reserves the right to INVALIDATE any Bid received from a Bidder who, in the opinion of UNICEF, is not in a position to perform the contract.