Lesson Plan

Date created: July 2009




Option choice for Post 16 / Activity:
KS4 – Making choices for Post 16
Target Group: Year 11 / Time: I hour plus time for individual research
CWW learning outcomes
3. examine employment and learning opportunities
9. understand prospects and progression
12. identify any obstacles to future aspirations / Skills:
3. access a wide range of sources of help
4. locate , select and identify key points from a range of information
6. use ICT to find information
7. consider their own and other people’s perspectives about learning and work /

Attitudes and Values:

Self motivation
Taking responsibility
Students to be able to research and plan for their future / Equality & Diversity Development:
An opportunity to challenge gender traditional courses and careers
Materials, resources and preparation needed:
KS4 – Making choices for Post 18 ppt
School prospectus
College prospectus
Print out of Diamond 9 (if necessary)
Print out of Checking your knowledge (if necessary) / Key/Essential Skills:
Problem Solving
Starter: To use this PowerPoint interactively use on the slide view or normal view setting not on slide show setting. Left click on statement. Cursor needs to be in cross form and then drag to new position. This will depend on the version of PowerPoint you are using. Contact your IT department with any queries.
Page 2 – Ask students to place the 5 statements relating to making a decision on the correct step
The statements can move by click and drag
Explain the 3 main options following on from Year 11 – use www.careerswales.com to provide guidelines for the students
·  Remaining in the school 6th form
Ø  What courses are available – are they suitable for YOU
Ø  Are there any entry requirements
·  Getting work / traineeship / apprenticeship
Ø  Check for availability of jobs
Ø  Check application procedures
Ø  Do you have the right qualifications
·  Going to College of Further Education
Ø  Check on the courses available
Ø  Check on application procedures
Ø  What is the support available to you
Pages 5,6 and 7
Here are 3 examples of possible situations that students may find themselves in. Names are non gender specific.
Ask students to decide which option would be most suitable for each person. This is an opportunity to involve your Careers Adviser.
If there is time and computers available students can spend some time on www.careerswales.com to research some of their ideas.
Credit Crunch 2009 has limited opportunities but there are still skill shortages.
Page 8 Your choice – what is important for you –Diamond 9
The aim of this is to rank the ideas in order of importance to the individual, the top is the most important, the bottom is the least important
This can be printed off or it can be used on the white board Click (See PowerPoint instructions at top of page) and then use click and drag to the relevant diamond
Can be an individual exercise or group activity
Pages 9,10,11 and 12 are examples of how to build up a person’s ideas
If used as a paper activity, students can write their ideas into the relevant diamond and include any ideas of their own
Page 13 – Checking your knowledge
This can be played as a board game in a group or on a white board as a class activity – use a dice to throw the numbers to select the question
Information for each square
1.1Name 2 pros and cons for getting a full time job after Yr 11
Ø  Pros – earning money. And if it is a good job it will have built in training and qualifications
Ø  Cons – Many jobs require you to get further qualifications so you may not get a good job, It might be a dead end job with no chance for promotion or training, many employers prefer to employ more experienced people, it may be a low skilled job and you might get bored
1.2Give 3 advantages of doing A levels
Ø  A wide choice of subjects
Ø  If you love the subjects you can study them in depth
Ø  They might help get you into university and into a job you like
Ø  They are well respected by employers
Ø  You can keep your options open
Ø  It shows you can cope with a demanding course
Ø  It will improve your time management and organisation skills
Page 3 – correct answers / 5 mins
40 mins
allow more time for individual research on computers
15 mins
1.3Name 3 skills you need to be self employed.
Ø  Examples include; communication skills for dealing with customers, time management, problem solving, organizational skills, working with others, ICT
1.4 1.4What is an AS and an A2?
Ø  An AS is the first half of an A level and usually takes one year to complete
Ø  An A2 is the second part of an A level
2.1What is an apprenticeship?
Ø  It is a nationally recognized training route in which people are paid to gain a job related qualification by learning on and off the job. For more information visit www.apprenticeships.org
2.2Why is it important to have work experience?
Ø  Having work experience will help you to learn new skills, find out as much as possible about the workplace, meet new people, strengthen your CV and application forms, develop your work ethic
2.3What information do you put on a CV?
Ø  Personal details, qualifications, jobs and work experience, skills and qualities, interests and subjects and names of referees
2.4Name 3 ways or types of accessing support?
Ø  You need to talk to teachers, careers adviser, family and use www.careerswales for information
3.1Give 3 tips about filling in an application form
Ø  Practise on a copy first
Ø  Check all spelling and grammar
Ø  Ensure basic details are correct
Ø  Ensure qualifications are recorded correctly
Ø  Have name of referees in full and ask permission first
Ø  Ensure application details meet the job description
Ø  Be positive about yourself and say what you are good at and what you have achieved
3.2Name 1 job you would like to do and why?
3.3What is an NVQ?Give an example
Ø  National Vocational Qualification – in a job spedific area such as hairdressing, catering, motor vehicle maintenance
3.4Give 4 tips for a good interview
Ø  Do research about the company or college
Ø  Be there on time
Ø  Dress appropriately
Ø  Smile at people and shake their hand when you meet them
Ø  Keep calm and think before answering questions
Ø  Prepare beforehand some questions at ask at the end
4.1Name 2 Colleges of Further Education
4.2 What can you do if you need to improve English and Maths after Yr 11?
Ø  Check whether you can do this at school, College or at the workplace
4.3What are the top 3 things you can do to plan for next year?
Ø  Have a careers interview
Ø  Research all the information
Ø  Visit any Open Evenings at Schools and College
4.4What is an EMA?
Ø  Education Maintenance Allowance
Ø  Education Maintenance Allowance- a means tested financial support for staying in education after Year 11
Evaluation of group-work (please circle): Good Satisfactory Development neededComments:

(Opportunity to reflect upon lesson plan/delivery – for your own professional development)

Other (Where required reference the inclusion of relevant Labour Market information subject based links. Links to PSE, etc

SF 200709