Year 1 Topic Overview Topic: Supermarkets Spring Term 2016
Language, Literacy and CommunicationTalk for Writing – The magic porridge pot. Learn, retell, write and innovate story.
Make posters to advertise Tesco using persuasive techniques.
Write letters to Mr Evans to recount Tesco visit.
Sensory poetry about fruit and veg.
Write lists of healthy foods on ipads.
Write recipes for cakes during our Bake Off rich task.
Take on a role in the role play area and use appropriate vocabulary (cafe and fruit and veg shop)
Read a range of supermarket related books including Eat your peas, The shopping basket.
Regular reading practice through Read Write Inc and Group Reading Sessions. / Mathematical Development
Read and write numbers to at least 20 forming and orientating them correctly (and beyond where appropriate)
Recall halves up to 10 (and beyond where appropriate)
Recognise odd and even numbers up to 20 (and beyond where appropriate)
Read and write numbers words up to 20
Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, include missing number problems
Understand and use different mathematical terms for addition and subtraction e.g. add, combine, find the difference
Use ‘counting back’ strategies to mentally solve problems within 10
Recognise and name common 2D shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle and semi-circle) and 3D shapes (cube, cuboid, cone and sphere) in order to begin to compare and sort
Sort foods in role play using more than one criterion
Pay for milk in Siop Llaeth using a variety of coins
Make whole turns and half turns in P.E. sessions
Using positional vocabulary including left and right
Talk about temperatures in Tesco using comparative words / Knowledge and Understanding of The World
Explore materials in investigation area using a range of resources e.g. magnifying glasses and magnets
Investigation into waterproof materials
Investigation into germs and why we wash our hands
Investigation into materials – which ball will bounce the highest
Learn words to describe properties of materials
Investigation into melting chocolate buttons
Learn about shopping in the past through different representations of history e.g. videos, books, photos
Personal and Social Development
Take part in co-operative play with others independently
Demonstrate an awareness of healthy eating and a balanced diet – writing lists of healthy foods, creating paper plate meals.
Recognise and express feelings appropriately – daily check ins and circle times
Siop llaeth – wait for needs to be met when queuing at milk shop.
ICT – digital citizenship. Learning how to be safe on the internet and how we can use emails to communicate / Welsh Development
Counting using Welsh in Maths sessions
Daily slot ddrilio reinforcing vocabulary and language patterns already learnt
Beth wyt ti’n hoffi fwyta? Beth wyt ti ddim yn hoffi?
Learning food names in Welsh and compiling a food dictionary.
Write lists of foods on computers independently
Ask friends about their food choices and record answers in a tally chart
Physical Development
Gymnastics focus – learn basic shapes
Link movements into a sequence and perform to peers for assessment. Respond to peer feedback.
Travelling in different ways e.g. hopping on one foot
Recognise the changes in your body when exercising
Outdoor provision e.g. bikes, scooters, balls, beanbags, bats
Developing scissor skills.
Handwriting practice in Reading Time: Forming letters correctly. / Supermarkets / Creative Development
Make paper plate meals with a partner for display in cafe
Paint fruit and veg for display in greengrocers
Make fruit and veg using air drying clay
Painting in continuous provision indoors and outdoors
Come and Create! Area in continuous provision – choosing own resources to create own artwork.
Tonal painting using colour mixing
Music – the enormous turnip. Learn the song and choose appropriate instruments to represent each character. Use the term ‘beat’ and keep in time with others.