1) Congrats to our 2016Gridiron Guppy Champion-Fredbird00(F. Schpero)(153Wins)all those who made the Top 25 (139Wins).
Congrats to our Loser of the Year-Bacalaoking (S. Dimauro)(108Wins).
2)CongratsTo Best Week Winner-Howa (H. Heimowitz)-13 Wins (48 Pts)
Congrats To Best Week Runnerup-13Wins-SJP714(S. Posner) (44Pts)
Congrats To Best Week 2nd Runnerup(2 Way Tie)-12 Wins (51 Pts):
Bronx Boys (G. Gammer)Wally Gator22 (W. Thompson)
Close But No Cigar-12Wins-Bombersrule2016 (49Pts). Bobf (48 Pts). Grampskids8 (48 Pts) & Big John and Fast Fred(48 Pts),
3)9Guppies did not select in Week 17. Theyreceive theHomerecord (7-9):Boybe, Jdisalvo, Jeff’s Brother, Jose7781, Rcasagra, Sojets16, Tomryankelly, Ty17Yankeesfan232.
Boybe(12,13,14,15,16,17), Sojets16(14,16,17), Tomryankelly(10,12,17) & Ty17(14,16,17)had 3 or more non-selecting weeks andarenot eligible for a Super Bowl Box.
4)Congrats To Best MonthWinner (December)-Thehardeight(F. Leavy)-50Wins
Congrats To Best Month Runners-up (December)(3 Way Tie)-49Wins:
Hey Watch This! (J. Murchie), Howa (H. Heimowitz) & SJP714 (S. Posner).
Best month-Decemberwas determined by the win total in Weeks 13-17.
5)5alive in KOTH III-They will split $3,135 equally.They are: Ris ( I. Heimowitz. 1 Mortgage Man ILMO (A. Stapleton), Sherrygspan (S. Greenspan), Uncle Frankie (F. Pizzurro)Very Edgy (S. Walkenberg).
6)If you believe there is an error in the month of December prizes or in the full season standings, please notify Dennis by February 1st. The standings, once everyone shows 256 games, will be reviewed to determine the official order for the Super Bowl Grid. Prize money for Annual Prizes, December Prizes & College Bowl Prizes were mailed on January 24th.
7)In order to increase the prize money without increasing our Guppy entry fee ($275) all Guppies should make an effort to bring in more entrants for the 2017 season.
8) The College Bowl contest is also completed. Prize winners were: 1st-Mreuber(M. Reuber) (26 Wins-66 Pts),2nd-Phil and Joba (R. Held) (26 Wins-57 Pts), 3rd-The A Team 3 (A. Gross) (26 Wins-54 Pts). 4th-KJ Squared (T. Mingle) (26 Wins-52 Pts). 5th-Sherrygspan (S. Greenspan) (26 Wins-48 Pts), Last-Professor Reyes (M. Fox) (11 Wins).
Close But No Cigar (26 Wins): Actionwon (39 Pts) & Kenny K (36 Pts).
9)The Pro Playoff Contest is winding down. There are 212eligible Guppies who may compete (See 2016Participant List on website) (Very Edgy paid $20 after the season began).Rules were sent out long ago via email.We will have in Week 1,one point for each correct selection with point value for each selection increasing each week, over-under selections and two Best Bets per weekend. Please don’t select if you did not pay at the start of the season of prior to the December 1 deadline. Those who did select were already notified and name will be deleted.
10)It is over20 years since Steve Pine passed away. To those who knew him, we still feel the loss today. WE MISS YOU STEVE!!!!