Make sure you allow for adequate feedback throughout course
Be aware of when assignments are given
- So you have enough time to review work
- So students can use feedback on subsequent assignments
Explain rubric and feedback process to students
Allow for a variety of opportunities for feedback (written assignments, group work, exams, presentations, reflections, etc.)
Establish trust and respect relationship with students
Set yourself up
- Make sure you have enough time and energy to devote to feedback
- Be aware of factors that would affect your feedback (mood, stress, etc.)
Provide both positive and negative feedback
Choose just a few ‘lessons’ to focus on
Avoid correcting mistake; provide ‘coaching’ instead (mark first incidence of error then allow student to correct the rest)
Avoid over-commenting
Be aware of order of feedback provided (‘sandwich’ technique (positive, negative, positive) versus presenting few negative remarks followed by long list of positive remarks)
Provide as much detail as you can to avoid recurring issues
Use summative feedback and rubrics on final drafts (students rarely revise final papers)
Use peer review when possible
Keep comments impersonal
Use “I” phrases (I got lost here; I was confused by this)
Structure comments as questions or suggestions, rather than as criticisms
Include ways that student can improve for next time
Make sure positive feedback is genuine
Provide a model or example for what you want student to do next time
Vary your method for providing feedback (written, oral, hand-out, recording, etc.)
Discuss feedback in class (individually or as whole class)
Be aware of when you are returning work (beginning or end of class)
Keep track of student progress
Invite students to give YOU feedback