Welcome to your SOPHOMORE YEAR!

~Ms. Guardabasco~

English 10 is a survey course in Literature. The goal is to expose students to a variety of works and to situate them within their social, historical, and cultural context to foster deep understanding and interplay with the texts. Using the literature as both model and inspiration, students will explore relevant themes and concepts through class discussion, written analysis, and research-based learning.

Some of what we will be reading this year: Othello, The Crucible, The Secret Life of Bees, Night, Fences, a variety of short stories,etc.

Some tools we will be using this year: Google Chromebooks, Google Drive & Apps, Hapara

When you come to class each day, you will bring the following materials in order to be prepared for class.

Notebook or a section in your binder for English

*Make sure you date each page to keep yourself organized

Folder for handouts (or if you have a binder you can hole punch)


Text we are currently reading (if you have a hard copy)

Homework or assignments that are due

(whether they are on your Google Drive or hard copies)

A positive attitude, a sense of enthusiasm, and respect for yourself and those around you

Classroom environment:

When you come into class each day, you are to follow any instructions on the board. Make sure to note what we will be covering in class as well as the homework assignment(s). Homework will also always be on the board at the beginning of class.

Our classroom will be a community of students who are respectful and kind to one another. If you have to question whether something is appropriate or not, don’t do it.

Our classroom will be a community of students who will laugh, explore, learn, create, and grow together. If your behavior is a damaging to this dynamic, check yourself and modify for the well-being of yourself and your class.

Extra Help

If you are feeling, at any time, that you need extra help, you can always speak to me and I can keep you on track together. I am available at lunch or after school as long as we set up a meeting time beforehand. You can also always reach out to me by email:

Late Work, Missing Work, and Grading Policies

Grading System: The system we use is called the "total point system." In this grading system each piece of work a student turns in for a grade is assigned a point value (ex. 5 points for routine homework, 10 points for a quiz, 70 points for a test, 100 points for a major project, etc.).

Different point values may be assigned for work in the same category depending on its length and difficulty. A student’s grade at the end of a quarter is calculated by adding up the number of points he/she has earned for all of his/her work and dividing that total by the total number of possible points he/she could have earned with perfect scores in all assignments. Rubrics will be used to grade most assignments.

Homework: Students are expected to keep up with class work by reading the assigned material before class if it is required to do so. Students are encouraged to outline their readings and/or take notes and keep these notes in their folder or notebook. Students should expect to be turning in an assignment at least every other day. On days when no written assignment is due, students are expected to catch up on their reading and outlining or working toward the completion of project presentations. In other words, students have homework every day whether or not there is something to hand in. In many cases, students will be determining some of their own deadlines to track their own progress, as many projects are unique to each student.

Late Work: Unless a student misses class because of an excused absence, all homework and other assignments are expected at the beginning of class the day they are due. If homework is handed in the following class, half credit can be given if it is completed in total. After the second block, we no longer accept homework unless extenuating circumstances apply (i.e. absences).

Make Up Work: It is important that students make up missed work as soon as possible with as little disruption to classroom time as possible. We can discuss extra help opportunities when necessary. If deadlines are created by the student, which occurs in many instances, the student is responsible for reworking his or her own calendar with my assistance.

Make Up Policy

1. Homework: Students who have been absent are expected to turn in routine homework assignments the next day we have class after they return to school or email this work to us during their absence if possible.

2. Tests/Quizzes: Students who have been absent from school and have been present for material covered on the missed test or quiz or have studied this material in their homework assignments should expect to take the make-up on the day they return to school. Whenever possible, this make-up work will be scheduled during the school day or before/after school/at lunch if necessary.

3. Extended Absences: Students who have been absent for an extended period of time must make arrangements with us to schedule their make-up work upon their return to school. The scheduling of this make-up work will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

4. Presentations: If a student is absent on the day he or she is set to present, they must be prepared to present as soon as they return. If a student is aware of an absence prior to that day, he or she should present before their absence to prevent an issue of timing.