MINUTES of a MEETING of the HIGHWAYS and PLANNING COMMITTEE of Bourne Town Council, held on Tuesday 25th September 2007, at 7.30pm at the Town Hall, Bourne (Minuted by Assistant Administrator)
Present: Councillors Mrs S Cliffe G Cudmore B Fines D Fisher
D Higgs M Horn Mrs B Johnson Mrs P Moisey Mrs H Powell A Prentice 4 members of public/press
Due to the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Ms J Kingman-Pauley and the Vice-Chairman, Cllr J Smith, the Assistant Administrator asked Cllr Mrs S Cliffe to temporarily take the Chair to ask for nominations from the members for a Chairman for the meeting. Cllr G Cudmore was proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey seconded by Cllr A Prentice and unanimously agreed by the members. Cllr G Cudmore took the Chair.
Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr A Prentice and unanimously agreed
Recommendation: To approve the reason of apologies for absence from Councillors T Holmes, Mrs L Neal, Ms J Kingman-Pauley, J Smith and Mrs J Smith
PERSONAL Cllr A Prentice Item 8/Minute 842P/d Acquaintance
PERSONAL Cllr Mrs S Cliffe Item 8/Minute 842P/d Acquaintance
PERSONAL Cllr Mrs P Moisey Item 8/Minute 842P/d Acquaintance
PERSONAL Cllr D Higgs declared that he would not take part in discussion and voting on Item 7/Minute 841P/a – y, and Item8/Minute 842P a-g due to his membership of the SKDC Development Control Committee.
Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr G Cudmore and unanimously agreed
Recommendation: that the above two sets of Minutes, already approved as true records, be signed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe as the Chairman, Cllr G Cudmore had been absent from these meetings due to ill health.
There were none
Cllr M Horn arrived at 7.36pm
As this item was due to be presented by Cllr Mrs H Powell, it was
Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr D Higgs and agreed by majority
Recommendation: to defer this item until the end of the meeting
Cllr Mrs H Powell arrived at 7.40pm
It was pointed out that the production of a Town Plan is extremely expensive, in terms of cost, time and trouble, and carries no guarantee that it would be of benefit. It was also noted that there is already a Plan held by South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) for Bourne, and also by the Town Centre Management Partnership, and should Bourne Town Council produce a Plan, this may merely reproduce those already held. It was therefore
Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr Mrs P Moisey and agreed by majority
Recommendation: to receive and keep this information, but not to incur ratepayers in the cost of such a project.
A). Correspondence for information only – to be received en bloc (available for perusal)
a. S07/0880/12 Mr D Hayward. First floor side extension. 59 Beech Avenue Approved
b. S07/0870/12 Ms Dunn. Two storey extensions to dwelling. 4 Forest Avenue Approved
c. LCC – Temporary Road Closure. Manning Road Monday 3/9/07 to Friday 30/11/07 for excavation work. Alternative route; A151 Spalding Rd, Abbey Rd, Nowells Lane, Manning Rd
d. Draft East Midlands Regional Plan Public Examination – The Panel have decided to close the examination and expect to submit their report to the Secretary of State by late October 2007.
e. S07/0656/12 Allison Homes Eastern Ltd. Erection of 19 dwellings. Zone 1 Elsea Park Approved
f. S07/0848/12 Plant, Convert dwelling/provide 3 flats & replacement store. 36 North St Approved
g. S07/0888/12 Humphrey. Erect gazebo/smoking shelter. Marquis of Granby,Abbey RdApproved
h. S07/LB/6807/12 N Jacobs, Bourne Town Council. Affix plaque to front of listed public house
Burghley Arms, 6 North Street Approved
i. S07/0967/12 Mr/s Gauci. 2 storey & single storey rear extension & new access & single storey
81 North Road Approved
j. S07/1029/12 Mr/s P Dimbleby. Erection of 1st floor side extension above existing garage.
4 Dorchester Avenue Approved
k. S07/0976/12 Westside Properties Ltd. Erection of 5 flats with associated parking & access
R/o 35 Abbey Road, Manning Road Approved
l. S07/1046/12 Mr James Thurley. Rear conservatory. 55 Beech Avenue Approved
m. S07/1048/12 Mr H J Gelsthorpe. Demolition of existing sun lounge & erection of conservatory
27 Northfields Approved
n. S07/1024/12 Mr/s Parry. Removal of existing conservatory & erection of UPVC conservatory
at rear. 21 Ostler Drive Approved
o. S07/1003/12 Mr/s J Tushingham. Demolition of conservatory & erection of single storey extension. 9 Mountbatten Way Approved
p. S07/0930/12 Mr M Thurlby. Demolition of outbuildings & erection of single storey dwelling
R/o 2 – 6 Burghley Street Refused
q/r S07/0961/12 & S07/LB/6816/12 Mr J Mellor. 2 storey side extension.
Holly House, 24 Main Rd Dyke Approved
s. S07/0973/12 Mr K Ulyatt. Erection of bungalow. Adj 14 Willoughby Road Approved
t. S07/0894/12 JWD Holdings Ltd. Residential development (6) 47 Main Rd Dyke Approved
u. S07/0920/12 Mr/s M Ewles. 2 storey extension to dwelling. 34A North Road Approved
v. S07/0812/12 Sainsbury Supermarkets Ltd. Removal of condition 10 (hours of delivery) to planning application S02/1188. J Sainsbury Plc, Exeter Street Withdrawn
w. S07/0886/12 Mr/s Greatwood. Erection of rear conservatory. 83 West Road Approved
x. S07/0823/12 Mr Strickland. Replacement conservatory window frames & addition of pitched hipped roof. 17 Essex Way. Approved
y. S07/0958/12/JST/PS2 Erection of dwelling (ARM) Plot 14, Zones 1 & 2, Area 3, Elsea Park. To be discussed at the Development Control Committee meeting on 11th September 2007 at 2pm.
z. Environment Agency. Newsletter – River basin planning
aa. Environment Agency. Newsletter – Recreation & the Water Framework Directive
bb. Campaign to Protect Rural England. Fieldwork – September 2007
Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously agreed
Recommendation; to receive the above
B) Correspondence for discussion
1 Street Naming
A resident has put forward two names for future consideration – BERYL and SELLWOOD.
In 1942 the people of Bourne raised £54,000 to adopt HMS Beryl (Commanding Officer
Lt. Commander H E Sellwood DSC RN) which served at Malta throughout its siege. The bravery and action of the crew were such that Lt Cdr Sellwood was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and several members of the crew were also decorated. As Bourne has a proud association with HMS Beryl the resident feels that to name two streets as suggested would be a lasting compliment to the ship and her crew.
After some discussion it was agreed that this is an excellent idea, and in fact echoes Spalding where a street is named after a submarine. It was pointed out, however, that BERYL may not be acceptable to SKDC as this can also be used as a first name. It was therefore
Proposed by Cllr D Higgs, seconded by Cllr B Fines and agreed by majority
Recommendation: to write to the resident informing him of the Committee’s decision and to put forward these names to SKDC for future consideration.
2 Lincolnshire County Council – South Kesteven and Sleaford Highways Programmed
Works 2007/08 – August Update
An update of programmed works including resurfacing in Beech Avenue, Saxon Way and footway works in Tunnel Bank; surface dressing at Meadow Drove, Dyke and the A151 at Twenty; carriageway widening and a series of passing bays in accordance with factory at South Fen Road.
Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr A Prentice and agreed by majority
Recommendation; to receive this report and inform Lincolnshire County Council of the Committee’s opinion that surface dressing is a waste of time and taxpayers money.
3 A letter from two residents regarding Waterside Close Fishing Pond (balancing lagoon)
SKDC took over this land when the new build was completed. People in the area fished in this pond until, due to an insufficient flow of water, the fish either died or were removed. The two young residents would like to see the pond cleared of rubbish and stocked with fish again. The District Council has suggested to the residents that they contact the Environment Agency for advice as there may be protected plants in the area, and if water outlets now feed the area it may not be safe for fish.
In the ensuing discussion it was noted that this pond is in fact a balancing lagoon, and therefore there is an insufficient flow of water to support fish. The area has become something of a rubbish tip, with litter and debris from surrounding willows. Bourne Town Council office has also received a petition signed by many residents against fishing in this area. It was therefore
Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and agreed by majority
Recommendation; to write to the Environment Agency to undertake a survey of this area to establish whether it is suitable, and if not, to possibly suggest an alternative site in the Bourne area.
4 Letter from resident re “somewhere to fish”
The resident queries the possibility of developing a pond that contained a lot of fish (south of Harvey Close on Elsea Park development land). He feels that this would make a really nice conservation area if developed.
Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr A Prentice and agreed by majority
Recommendation; to write to the resident informing him that this land is in private ownership and is therefore unsuitable.
5 SKDC – Development Control Services – New Procedures for dealing with minor amendments to plans after the decision – Effective from 1.6.06
Information of the impacts of decisions reached in the House of Lords and other courts relating to the practice of minor amendments and how SKDC will proceed with these requests from this point forwards. (Copies circulated to members)
Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr D Higgs and unanimously agreed
Recommendation; to receive the above
6 LCC – Lincolnshire Structure Plan – Adopted September 2006
Hard copy of the full document
Proposed by Cllr M Horn, seconded by Cllr G Cudmore and unanimously agreed
Recommendation; to receive the above
7 LCC – Traffic Reg. Order – South Rd/Cherry Holt Rd – (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 20
Public Notice re above to be advertised in local papers on 28.9.07 – objections by 19.10.07
Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and seconded by Cllr A Prentice and unanimously agreed
Recommendation; to receive the above and raise no objections
8 LALC – LCC – reporting format on Highways matter
Some time ago proposals to improve reporting format on Highways matters were put forward. Unfortunately this project has been delayed. However, LCC would like to proceed with a pilot project, having obtained suitable software which can deliver this service to parish councils. LCC is seeking 25 councils/clerks to take part in this pilot. The scheme would allow access to County Council services twenty four hours a day/seven days a week. The pilot scheme will start in early 2008 for 3 months. Pilot councils will be requested to provide feedback afterwards.
The Town Clerk has confirmed to LALC that she would be interested in participating.
Proposed by Cllr M Horn, seconded by Cllr A Prentice and unanimously agreed
Recommendation; to support the Clerk’s decision
9 SKDC – Legal Services - Notice of listing of Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Clerk has requested a copy of the report by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport
It was noted that Bourne Urban District Council assumed responsibility for the Fountain when it was moved to Bourne Cemetery, and that in time a specialist survey could be requested to assess the condition of the monument and ascertain any renovations etc necessary – at present there is no provision in the budget to cover such a cost. It was therefore
Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr D Higgs and unanimously agreed
Recommendation; to include this item on an agenda for Bourne Town Council
a) Ref: S07/1188/12/JST/PC1
Applicant Anglia Co-Op Society Ltd
Proposal Erection of 29 dwellings (outline)
Location Raymond Mays Garage, Spalding Road
Application Type Major Outline (Residential)
Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr B Fines and agreed by majority
OBSERVATION; the Committee’s objections are that this application will cause overdevelopment of the area and also have a negative traffic impact
8.57pm Cllr Mrs B Johnson and Cllr D Fisher left the meeting
b) Ref: S07/1193/12/JJ/PC1
Applicant Westminster Health Care Plc
Proposal Extension to care home
Location Westminster House, West Road
Application Type Full Planning Permission
Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr Mrs S CLiffe and unanimously agreed
OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections
c) Ref: S07/1203/12/JJ/PC1
Applicant M Parker & Sons Ltd
Proposal Erection of dwellinghouse & garage (Amendments to S06/0918 – Plot 4)
Location Plot 4, main Road, Dyke
Application Type Full Planning Permission
Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr B Fines and unanimously agreed
OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections
d) Ref: S07/1207/12/JST/PC1
Applicant Mrs M Brown
Proposal Single storey extension (side & rear)
Location 10 Abbots Close
Application Type Full Planning Permission
Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and agreed by majority
OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections
e) Ref: S07/1224/12/PWM/PC1
Applicant Bourne Tractors Ltd
Proposal Free standing projecting sign on pole
Location Lodge Farm Buildings, North Fen
Application Type Advertisement Consent
Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and unanimously agreed
OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections
f) Ref; S07/1243/12/PWM/PC1 & S07/1244/12/PWM/PC1
Applicant Bankmachine Lid
Proposal Illuminated ATM sign & Installation of ATM