Notes of a Parish Council meeting held on Monday 17th May 2010 at 7.30 pm
inDentonVillage Hall.
Present: Cllr A Geeson (in the Chair) and CllrsGrinter, Hollyer, McMillan and Sir Welby
1/10.Apologies:Cllrs Crush and Hiley
2/10.Election of Chairman:This matter was postponed as the nominee Chairman was not present. CllrGeeson therefore remained in the Chair for this meeting.
3/10.Election of Vice Chairman: This matter was postponed as the nominee was not present.
4/10.There were no declarations of interest.
5/10.Minutes of the meeting held on 15th March were read, approved and signed.
6/10.There were no matters arising.
7/10.Chairman welcomed the new Clerk, Lesley Frances. CllrGrinter proposed and CllrHollyer seconded confirmation of her appointment – agreed unanimously. The Clerk will forward all Councillors her contact details.
8/10.Correspondence: (i) the Community Lincs form was completed and signed and (ii) Clerk advised that the Public Notice concerning the reduction of the speed limit to 50 mph on the A607 had been received – this will be put into the noticeboard. Closure date is 25th June 2010.
9/10.Planning:(i) S10/0414/LB – The Laurels Main St – new windows & roof lights – approved
(ii) S10/0740/HSH – Briery House – erection of garage – no objections raised
(iii)S10/1012/LB – 109 Church Street – addition of further 2 velux windows - Cllrs discussed this and unanimously agreed there were no objections.
10/10.Computer equipment :Ken Brockway has offered £50 for the computer tower and printer and Councillors unanimously agreed to accept this offer. A cheque had been provided by Mr Brockway in anticipation. With regard to the laptop and projector that had been shared with BarkestonePlungarRedmile PC and Upper Broughton PC, Clerk reported that Upper Broughton PC did not wish to continue this arrangement and would accept a total of £200 for these pieces of equipment. This sum would be split as to £50 from Denton PC and £150 from BPR PC. Council agreed unanimously that this was acceptable and a cheque could be issued for £50.
11/10. Clerk advised that the insurance renewal papers had been received but pointed out that the new noticeboard was not included in the All Risks Section. Council agreed that this should be added. Clerk to pay the premium as requested by the insurers (£140) and any additional premium for the noticeboard would be requested once the amount was known, so long as it was a reasonable sum.
12/10.Circulation of e-mails: it was agreed that the Clerk should forward to each Councillor, all and any e-mails she receives. It is then the Councillors responsibility to advise the Clerk if he/she wishes any item to be put on the next Agenda.
13/10.Nomination of Trustee to Denton Parish Charity – CllrHollyer proposed and CllrGrinter seconded that Alan Geeson continue as Trustee for a further 4 years – agreed unanimously.
14/10.Financial Matters: the end of year accounts were approved and signed and the Audit Return was completed and signed. The Internal Auditors report was read and accepted and it was agreed that the Internal Auditor should be appointed for the current year – his estimate was £40. Clerk completed the new Bank Mandate and Councillors signed the same – CllrsGeeson, Hiley and Sir Bruno are signatories. Clerk to arrange for CllrHiley to sign mandate.
Clerk reported that the Precept of £1600 had been received and requested authorization
for the following payments:
0016D G C Slight (internal auditor) 36.00
0017C C Ltd (insurance)140.00
18Parish Clerk KB (salary & exps) 82.64
15/10.Councillors reports:
CllrHollyer wished to know when the consultation period for the reduction of the speed limit to 50 mph on the A607 would end and it was anticipated to be the end of August. He further noted that the footbridge on the path into Brown’s Close had still not been repaired and was now in danger of falling into the stream.
Cllr McMillan asked why the school had been used as the Polling Station as opposed to the Village Hall and Chairman advised that it had been a Government directive in an attempt to save money.
Cllr Sir Welby thanks CllrGeeson for taking the Chair for this meeting.
Meeting closed at 8 pm