S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Planning

for Achieving Goals

Use this form as a useful tool to help you achieve your goals.

Specific …Are we clear on what we are trying to achieve?

Measurable …When will we know this is accomplished?

Attainable …Can this goal be accomplished?

Relevant …Why is achieving this goal important?

Timed … What are the checkpoints and desired completion date?

Evaluated … How well is this going and why?

Revised … What adjustments are needed?

Point Person and Accountability

Who [name a person] is responsible for achieving this goal?

To whom will this person report?

Who will assist in accomplishing this goal?

Today’s date:

Date by which we plan to achieve this goal:

Always begin every planning effort with Bible study and prayer, then stay grounded in the Word and keep praying for the Lord to accomplish what he desires in and through you.

Specific: What is our goal? What exactly are we striving to accomplish?

The goal is:

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:

Measurable: How will we(and others) know when we have reached our goal?

We will know this goal has been achieved when:

Attainable: Is attaining this goal realistic with available resources and with expected effort and commitment?

___ Yes (If not, why not?):

Resources needed to attain this goal:

Effort needed to attain this goal:

Relevant: Why is achieving this goal important in our current context?

Achieving this goal is important because:

If this goal is not achieved:

Timed: What are the checkpoints and when will we achieve this goal?

Checkpoints (for measuring progress):

  • 1st checkpoint:
  • 2nd checkpoint:
  • 3rd checkpoint:

Desired completion date:

Evaluated: How well is this going and why?

What will happen (who will do what) at each checkpoint?

Key evaluation questions:

To whom will progress/problems be reported?

Revised: What adjustments are needed?







Predict potential roadblocks and plan how to work your way through them.

Possible Obstacles and/or Challenges
What might keep us from achieving our goal?
Obstacles and/or Challenges / How will we address these if/when they arise?

You may find it helpful to “work backwards” from the desired completion date.

Action Plans – Who does what by when?
Who? / Does what? / By when?

Date our goal was ACHIEVED:

Praise God from whom all blessing flow…

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