Title:Our Government
Developed by: Sarah Metz
Students will create a Power Point Presentation about the leaders of our local, state, and national governments.
Two one hour classes
Content Area: Social Studies / Grade Level: 2Materials/Resources:
Microsoft Power Point / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - §113.4.12 (A, B)
Technology Applications - §126.2.7 (A, B)
- Open Microsoft Power Point.
- Click in the title textbox and type in: Our Government.
- Click in the subtitle textbox and type in: Your name.
- Go to Save As… and save the presentation
- Go to Start>Programs>Internet Explorer>ETRIP>Research Tools>Search Engines.
- Search for: Capitol.
- Select a graphic to add to the title page.
- Right click on the image you want and select Copy.
- Return to your slide, right-click and select Paste.
- If you want to graphic to serve as the background for the page:
- Select the graphic.
- Click on Draw>Order>Send to back.
- Resize the graphic to fit the slide.
- Go to File>Save.
- Click on the New Slide icon.
- Click in the Title textbox and type in: Credits.
- Go back to the website where you copied the picture.
- Click on the web address to select it.
- Right-click on the web address and select Copy.
- Return to the new Creditsslide.
- Click the in bulleted list textbox.
- Right-click and select Paste to insert to web address for the first picture.
- Click back on your first slide to select it.
- Click on the New Slide icon. The Credits slide should be last.
- Click in the Title textbox and type in: Government Leaders.
- Click in the bulleted list textbox and type:
- City – Mayor
- State – Governor
- Nation – President
- Locate a graphic image to add to this slide. (Click on Internet Explorer in the Task Bar at the bottom of the page and follow Steps 6-9.)
- Remember to copy the web address for the new image to the Credits slide. (Steps 13-18.)
- Add another new slide.
- Click in the Title textbox and type: Mayor.
- Click in the content box and type in the definition of Mayor and his job responsibilities.
- Insert a graphic of a city and move it to the right side of the slide.
- Use WordArt to create the names of two cities near you.
- Go to Slide Show>Custom Animations.
- Click on the name of one city.
- Click on Add Effect >Entrance.
- Select the effect you want (diamond).
- Set Start Time: to After Previous.
- Set the Speed: to Medium.
- Click on the second city’s name and repeat steps 32-35.
- Create another new slide.
- In the Title textbox, type: Governor.
- Click in the content box and type in the definition of Governor and his job responsibilities.
- Insert a graphic of Texas and move it to the right side of the slide.
- Use WordArt to add the word Texas to the slide.
- Add a custom animation effect to Texas. (Steps 31-35.)
- Create another slide.
- Click in the Title textbox and type: President.
- Click in the content box and type in the definition of President and his job responsibilities.
- Insert of graphic map of the United States and move it to the right side of the slide.
- Use WordArt to add the words United States to the slide.
- Add a custom animation effect to United States.
- Create another slide with the Title only layout.
- Use WordArt to create a title: Our Government.
- Insert a map of the United States from ClipArt.
- Then insert a map of Texas from ClipArt.
- Resize Texas to fit the U.S. map and move it to the correct location.
- Click on AutoShapes in the Drawing Toolbar and select Stars and Banners.
- Select the 5-point Star and draw a star where Waco is located on the Texas map.
- Fill the star with yellow.
- Use WordArt to add the following labels:
- Country
- President
- State
- Governor
- City
- Mayor
- Click on the U.S. map and add the custom animation named Flash Bulb.
- Set Start: to On click and the Speed: to Medium.
- Click on the WordArt for Country to select it.
- Add the effect named Expand.
- Set Start: to With previous and Speed: to Fast.
- Click on President to select it and add the same effects as steps 61-62.
- Click on the Texasmap to select it.
- Add the same effects as in steps 58-59 (U.S. map.)
- Click on State and add the effects in steps 61-62.
- Click on Governor and repeat steps 61-62.
- Click on the yellow star and add the effects in steps 58-59.
- Click on City and add the effects in steps 61-62.
- Click on Mayor and add the effects in steps 61-62.
- Check your Credits slide to insure if you used graphics from any websites, you copied and pasted the web addresses onto this page to give them credit for the images.
- Click back on Slide 1.
- Go to Insert>Movies and Sounds>Sound from Clip Organizer.
- Select a patriotic song and double click to add it to the slide.
- Click Yes when asked if it should start automatically.
- Click on the speaker icon that appears in the center of the slide and move it to the gray border area around the slide.
- Save your presentation.
- If desired, print a handout of the presentation.
Our Government RubricSkills Expectations / Points Possible / Points Earned
All slides completed / 50
Effects working / 30
Spelling corrected / 20
Total / 100
Students create only slides with the basic information and omit effects. / Extensions:
Students can add the names of the current leaders for each level of government.
Additional Resources:
Ben’s Guide to Government for Kids -
First Gov for Kids --
Computer Fundamentals
Computer Fundamentals:Identify basic computer hardware and peripheral devices: /
Disk Drive / R
File Server / I
Demonstrate Appropriate Care and Use of Computers and Technology
Mouse, Keyboard, and Monitor / R / X
Shift key, Arrow keys, Spacebar, Backspace, Enter / R / X
Demonstrate Computer Management Skills
Save Files to the Server / I / X
Use Online Help / I
Ethical/Legal Issues
Follow Acceptable Use Policy / R
Copyright & Plagiarism / I
Use proper keyboarding techniques. / R
Demonstrate touch keyboarding techniques for operating the alpha, numeric, punctuation, and symbol keys. / I
Locate and use letters beyond home row / I
Multimedia:Manage Presentations /
the skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a template / I
Save a presentation / I / X
Add slides / I / X
Move through a presentation (using mouse or arrow keys) / I / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / I / X
Customize the presentation
Add transitions / I / X
Write any additional skills taught in the project / Animation Themes
Custom Animations