Guide to the intranet Blue-Action (Redmine) 9 March 2017

Blue-Action Intranet: Redmine

Accessing the intranet

Partners can acess and use the Blue-Action intranet after registering and creating a unique password. Each staff member is registered with the following login: name.surname

The URL for the redmine is:

This is the main page of the intranet:

On the top of the page, you can see the menu bar with the following sections: Overview, Activity, Issues, New issue, Gantt, Calendar, News, Documents, Wiki, Settings.

Issues can be a synonym for a Task/Meeting/Decision or a post linked to a specific WP. Issues are the central control and tracking element in the intranet system.

In the following pages, we will explain how you can use the intranet and move through these sections.

Section Overview

In this page you will see 3 dynamic grey boxes:

·  Members: List of the members registered in the intranet and able to be involved in the assignment of tasks (=issues) and having full access to the sections. Some of them have super user rights (Manager) and can contribute to the development of the sections.

·  Latest news: automatically generated & getting feed from the section “News”.

·  Issue tracking: automatically generated & getting feed from the section “Issues”.

Section Activity

In this section, you see 2 dynamic areas:

·  Today: here the system is tracking the last activity implemented by the users, in chronological order.

·  Activity: here you can filter the list of activities according to Issues/News/Documents/Wiki edits/Messages/Wiki comments.

Section Issues

What is an issue? Issues are basically tasks or actions that a specific assigned person needs to implement within the project. The definition of issues is dynamic and by no means limited to contractual tasks. The intranet allows issues to be assigned to partners of the project (requires that are registrated on the intranet) and delivers the TO Dos directly in the email of the staff assigned to a specific issue.

In this section, in the white part of the page, the system is automatically listing all the issues in the management of the project. In this section, you can see all the issues and run a search by filtering them or by applying specific filters and options.

Issues can be a synonym for a Task, a Meeting, a Decision or a WP. In the intranet, these are defined “trackers”. Each tracker Trackers giving you the overview of their status and details such as to whom they have been assigned (“assignee”), or from which other activity they depend (“parental task”) etc.


You can filter the issues by running a search according to their “Status”.

From the drop down menu you can select the following any/open/closed/is/ is not.

The two options “is” or “is not” can further narrow down your search of issues.


Here you can add or remove column to the visualization of the issues. After you select how you wish to filter the issues, and how you wish to visualize them, the table in the lower part of the page will be dynamically generated. Text in blue is a linked content, you can easily explore, and it will expand in the active area.

In the grey area of the page, on the right side, you can view access a summary of all the issues, see them in the calendar, visualize them in a Gantt chart or use one of the custom queries predefined in the system.

Example for filtering

If you wish to filter the list and visualize only the Issues equal to a work package (WP) only, you can apply one or more filters, to refine your search. Follow the steps:

1) Tick the box Status, from the drop down menu pick up any

2) From the drop down menu Add filter: pick up Tracker, then select is/is not, then select WP

3) Click on Apply

The list will just show the issues which are WPs and which are still active in our Gantt chart.

Section New Issue

In this section you can set up and launch a new issue.

For setting up and launch a issue, you need to define it through the following fields.

Tracker: A tracker is a category for identifying your issue. Please select from the drop down menu one of the following items to describe what action must be implemented. We have a limited number of pre-defined categories for trackers in the system, these are the following:

·  Task: if this issue is a Task Of the Description of the Action.

·  Meeting: if this is a meeting someone needs to attend or that need to be organized

·  Decision: for decision taken by the governance bodies of this project.

·  WP: this is the mother of all the tasks. We have 8 WPs in the system.These will be set up by the project office.

Example: Setting up the WP/Task structure as “Issues”

For WP7 Management, we have the entire structure of the tasks already inserted in the intranet. We have created an issue with the tracker WP7 and then added one by one all the Tasks in WP7 as different issues.

Subject: Give a meaningful title to your issue.

Example for subjects

-For milestones and deliverable, use Tasks as a tracker, and in the subject please use the numbering given in the DoA.

-For meeting: the title of the meeting

-For Task/WP: use the numbering and wording given in the DoA.

Description: add here text to provide more information on this Task/Meeting/Decision/WP.

Status: pick up from the following options Assigned/Resolved/Feedback/Closed/Rejected. / Parent Task: this allows linking an issue to another, to make sure that this connection is reflected in the Gantt chart. Parent tasks are Work Packages, already defined in the system, or Tasks defined in the Description of the Action.
If you click on the magnifying glass, or start typing in the field the system will propose you some choices for a parental task
Priority: define the priority for this issue. / Start date: here you can indicate the start date.
Assignee: Here you can pick up the name of the person in charge of this Task/Meeting/Decision/WP. When allocated to an issue, the assignee will receive a message from the intranet indicated the assignment and providing a link to the assigned issue. / Due date: when the issue has to be finalized.
Category: We have two categories here Deliverable/Milestone. / Estimated time: up to you to estimate how long an issue take to be closed.
% Done: to track progress in issues.

Examples of start and due date for the trackers

For Task/WP: start date and due date need to reflect what we agreed in the DoA.

For Meeting/Decision: start date and due date normally coincide.

For Meeting: Start and due date for a meeting are the first day and the last day.

Files: you can upload files here.

Watchers: you can add watchers here to be involved an issue (co-players). You can search the watchers among the members of the intranet.


If you need someone to review a file linked to a Task, you can create a Task and add a files to review, like the agenda of a meeting or another text for the assignee to work upon.

My page

In this area, you can see the list of the issues assigned to your account:

Section Gantt

In this section you can see the Issues on the Gantt chart. Entries in the Gantt chart are automatically generated when issues are created and organized according to parent issues.

You can change the visualization of the Gantt by using the filters and the options.

Section Calendar

In this section you can see the issues in the calendar. Entries in the calendar are automatically generated when issues are created.

You can change the visualization of the calendar by using the filters.

Section News

Managers and developers can send news through the system to all the other members. News will be delivered via mail to the other intranet members. All news sent via the system can be seen on this page, as an archive.

For sending news through the system, you need to define a title, the summary and the description. It is also possible to attach files.

This is how the text will be received by the recipient:

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:
Sent: 2 March 2017 15:05
Subject: [Blue-Action] News: Events section on website: please check (Title)

Events section on website: please check (Summary)

Chiara Bearzotti


Blue-Action scientists are regularly attending events for connecting to other networks and communities. This is a list of the events we have been organising or attending in the past months: [[]]

Presentations for the past events are listed in this page with a link to the intranet.


You have received this notification because you have either subscribed to it, or are involved in it.

To change your notification preferences, please click here:

And this is how it will be stored in the news archive:

Section Documents

This is the archive of the Documents we store in the intranet.

·  Developers can add/edit/delete/view documents, and sort the document by category, date, title and author (see grey are of the page)

·  Reporterscan only view and download documents and sort the document by category, date, title and author (see grey are of the page)

For adding a new document: we need to provide some information about it. This is how the mask looks like

Category: select here one of the categories for describing the document, see expanded descriptions below.

/ ·  Scientific documentation: tbd
·  User documentation: tbd
·  Technical documentation: tbd
·  Data reference: tbd
·  Tutorials and lectures: For documents describing procedures
·  Compte rendus: minutes of meetings
·  Talks: for dissemination activity
·  Posters: for dissemination activity
·  Deliverable: for deliverable reports
·  Milestone: for milestone reports
·  Interim reports: for WP interim progress reports (due for the reviews), and also for the financial interim reports
·  Progress reports: for the official reports we send to the EC

Title: provide a meaningful title for the document.

Description: provide here information on the document, for instance on authors, reviewers…

Files: you can add one or more files here. You can use this also for adding several versions of a document. For each document uploaded, you can provide a short descriptive text.

Section Wiki

This is the less dynamic core of the intranet, with the latest information related to the project description, contractual documents, budget and information on the management of the project.

This main page of the wiki is maintained by the super users and cannot be modified by the other users.

Developers and wiki editors can expand the further sections of the wiki, those dedicated to the work packages. Each work package is listed on the main wiki page. Developers and wiki editors can decide to expand these pages to add documents, create sub pages and share information with the WP colleagues etc.

An overview on the roles in editing Wiki pages and sections:

Permissions and editing roles

·  Super users: Daniela Matei, Chiara Bearzotti, Steffen Olsen, Raeanne Miller

·  WP leaders: Developers and wiki editors

·  Task leaders: Developers

·  Other key staff: developers

·  Other staff: Reporters

See also