

This document is intended to aid centres to successfully plan, deliver and assess ESW Information and Communication Technology.

Whilst this document focuses on clarification and application of the first two columns of the standards – “You must provide evidence that you can…” and “Evidence requirements” it is emphasised that candidates must have covered sufficiently the skills included in the third column - “In order to show that you are competent, you need to show how to:” before attempting to produce a portfolio.

This guidance/clarification should be read in conjunction with the following publications:

  • Essential Skills Wales publication (WG, April 2010)
  • Additional Clarification of Essential Skills Wales (WG, November 2011)
  • WJEC Example Portfolios (Available on CD from WJEC)
  • WJEC Handbook for Centres 2011/12 (Available from WJEC Secure Website)


The aim of the ICT standards is to encourage candidates to develop and demonstrate their skills in using ICT to carry out a task or activity by finding, exploring, exchanging, developing and presenting information (text, images and numbers).

Skills and Evidence Progression - Essential Skills Wales publication (p.198-211)

Techniques for using ICT systems and software are essential, but so too are the skills of application, such as making decisions about the relevance of information and the quality of work. Techniques and skills of application contribute to understanding a task or activity, deciding on how best to carry it out, and presenting results taking account of purpose and audience. The standards are designed torecognise candidates’ progression in terms both of underpinning techniques and of the skills of application.

Progression through the levels is demonstrated by increasing ability to manage the whole process, using ICT:

Understand a task or activity find and select information develop information present findings.

(Guidance - Essential Skills Wales Publication (p.194)

Each level of the skill incorporates and builds on the previous levels. It is important to note that, where the wording of a standard is identical at different levels, the progression is inherent in another aspect of the standard. For example, the requirement to ’recognise and use interface features’ appears at all levels from Entry Level 1 to Level 3. The progression is inherent in the fact that the complexity and detail of the interface features will be more demanding at each level.

November 2012



What you need to take into account when writing a brief for Level 1

ICT 1.1Use ICT Systems

ICT 1.2Find, select and exchange information

ICT 1.3 Develop and present information

Essential Skills Wales Assessment Criteria

In completing this qualification candidates are required to produce an outcome for at least one activity. The task needs to be written in a way that will evidence sufficient level 1 features (1.3.1) within the final outcome. If two non related activities are used to evidence 1.3.1 then points 1, 2 and 4 must be completed by the candidate for both activities.

  1. Candidates must provide a statement that shows they understand the task they have to complete.
  2. Candidates must show that they have searched for and obtained ICT based information that helps them to complete the task. They should also comment on the reliability of the source and/or establish the copyright status of the information they find.
  3. For each activity they must show through at least one draft how they developed and brought together text, number, image and tables into the final piece of work.
  4. Text should include features such as changing fonts, use of justification, underlining, use of bold, changing page orientation, inserting bullet points, etc.
  5. Number should include the use of a spreadsheet and must show features such as changing fonts, underlining, and use of bold, shading and must show use of simple formula to complete calculations.
  6. Image (pictures, charts, etc.) must show features such as re-sizing and re-positioning. If charts and graphs are used they must be labeled correctly.
  7. Tables should show evidence such as re-sizing, adding, deleting columns or rows. Formatting such as shading, etc.
  8. The final document must include the developed text, number, image and table.
  9. The candidate must review the outcome in terms of the whole process of their work.

Additional evidence

  • 1.1.3Safe, healthy and secure working practices – as candidates are required to show they adhered to these practices they should undertake this section once the activity is complete.
  • 1.2.3Enter, save, communicate and exchange ICT based information
  • Email – candidates should demonstrate thiscriterion during the completion of one of the activities.
  • Saving - candidates should provide evidence of saving work in folders and files and making a back up. If two activities are used then saving should be evidenced for both activities.

Clarification of ESW ICT Level 1 portfolio requirements

This Guidance/Clarification MUST be read in conjunction with the ESW Standards

NB: Guidance/Clarification on websites and flash animation software is included as an Appendix

Issue / Clarification
ICT 1.1.1
Briefs and/or confirmation of understanding / Include brief and check that assignment brief clearly states the audience, purpose and structure of the activity so that the candidate can explain this in their statement. They should also include how they will follow healthy, safe and secure practices. This should be written in the future tense.
ICT1.1.2 & 1.2.3
Backing-up folders and files / Candidates should screen shot their folders and then open the folder and screen shot their files. The full file path must be shown.
Evidencing safe, healthy and secure working practices in the future tense / Candidates should produce this evidence upon completion of tasks and should give examples of how they have followed safe, healthy and secure working practices. This will ensure that the evidence is written in the past tense. Candidates must provide evidence of all three elements.
Using ICT sources / Candidates should produce their own work and reference sources accordingly - otherwise it could bemalpractice.
Reliability of sources / Candidates should state that the website is an official one or that the information therein correlates with information obtained from different sources.
Copyright issues / Candidates need to acknowledge that for educational purposes they can use all sources.
Evidence of folders and files / Candidates should screen shot their folders and then open the folder and screen shot their files. The full file path must be shown.
Purposeful use email / The email should have a purpose for moving the task forward
Evidencing development / Candidates should show the before and after of the criteria they are seeking to evidence:
– text/number/image/table
Development of text / Candidates should have one draft that is annotated to show how they will develop text by including features such as changing fonts, use of justification, underlining, use of bold, changing page orientation, inserting bullet points.
Issue / Clarification
Development of tables / Candidates should have one draft that is annotated to show how they will develop table by including features such as re-sizing, adding, deleting columns or rows and/or formatting such as shading.
Development of image / Candidates should have one draft that is annotated to show how they will develop image by including features such as re-sizing and re-positioning. If a candidate deletes an image in the draft and then substitutes it with a new image in the final, this does not evidence development.
Using a different image to evidence development / Use original image and annotate to show how they will develop image by including features such as re-sizing and re-positioning.
Use of number / Candidates should use software to demonstrate the use of simple formula
ICT 1.3.2
Charts and graphs / Charts and graphs that used they must be labelled correctly including x and y axes. Graphs must not show series 1 as a legend
Final outcomes that are fit for purpose / Candidates should be ensuring that the final outcome matches the requirement of the assignment brief. If a report is required then candidates should produce a standard report layout.
Presentations at the appropriate level / For example, if candidates choose to use PowerPoint then use of different slide layouts, colour background, change of font style, colour, size, default bullets and numbering.
Final outcome that is error free / Candidates should use the spell checking facility and proof read.
ICT1.3.1 ICT1.3.2
Final outcome that includes sufficient level 1 features / Candidates should ensure that they develop text, number, image and tables to include a few of the level 1 features outlined above.
Candidates reviewing their work / Candidates need to review the process of the completing the task and discuss their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their IT skills
Confirming understanding , research and review where there are two different outcomes / Candidates need to repeat the process undertaken for the first activity


ICT 1.1 Use ICT Systems – Candidate Statement/Log

You must demonstrate your ICT skills in the context of relevant tasks set in relevant contexts

Candidate Name:

Element / Candidate Statement / Assessor Comments
Confirm your understanding of a given task that involves the use of ICT / Must be written at the beginning of the task
The candidate’s understanding must match the brief. Hence the brief must identify the purpose, audience and correct structure of the end product, for example, if the brief identifies a report then the end product must address the purpose of the report and have a valid report structure.
I am going to produce a poster using Microsoft Word. The poster will advertise the opening of a new Gym and must contain the relevant details such as date, address, cost etc. I must use words, pictures and a table.
I will need to complete some research using the internet, create at least one draft and a final version. I will also have to email my tutor with my poster so she can check it and tell me if it’s ok. I will have to save my work using suitable file names and make a backup just in case I lose my work. I will also print it out, if possible, in colour. I will also make sure I follow healthy, safe and secure practices. . I will also review my work when it is finished to see if it is fit for purpose. / If filled in well the assessor can just sign. However if there are some omissions the assessor can fill in the gaps, for example. Joe used Word effectively to create his poster to show what software was being used.
Use ICT independently to carry out the task / Can be filled in either at the beginning or end of the task.
I need to carry out all parts of my assignment on my own and will only ask my tutor if I’m stuck.
Please note the candidate must address independence in a sufficient number of the points in the 3rd column of page 246 of the standards. (Many of these are implied through the production of the evidence within the portfolio).
Note at level 1 the candidate only has to show understanding of a backup so an explanation would suffice however it is probably easier for candidates just to complete a backup and evidence it through a screen shot
Follow safe, healthy and secure working practices at all times
Use the glossary at the end of the standards to check meaning of words / Preferably at the end of the task. Use practical examples. What have the candidates done?
For example
I used the computers safely as I did not drink around the hardware. I also made sure I put my bag underneath the desk, I followed healthy procedures as I adjusted my chair to suit me each time I used a computer. I also made sure I took regular breaks when I used the computer for a long time. I worked safely by not giving out my password. I also backed up my work.
At level 1 only follow safe, healthy and secure practices so “I did not drink”, at level 2 “I did not drink because….”

Candidate Signature: ………………………………………….

Assessor Signature: …………………………………………..Date: ……………………


Date / Details of key words / Details of searches
(To include Title / Author / URL etc.) / Information selected
(State what was found – avoid just “text”/“image" etc.) / Comment on reliability of source / Evidence of copyright / permission required


If two activities are used, you must use different information sources for each activity


Level 1




What you need to take into account when writing a brief for Level 2

ICT 2.1Use ICT Systems

ICT 2.2Find, select and exchange information

ICT 2.3Develop and present information

Essential Skills Wales Assessment Criteria

In completing this qualification candidates are required to produce outcomes for two different activities. The outcomes must be significantly different. The tasks need to be written in a way that will evidence sufficient level 2 features within the final outcome. Across the two activities the criteria within 2.3.1 must be evidenced.

  • Candidates must provide a statement that shows they understand the task they have to complete. They must produce a plan that shows the steps needed to complete the activity. The plan needs to cover all stages – research to review.
  • Candidates must show that they have searched for and obtained ICT based and non-ICT based information that helps them to complete the tasks. They should also comment on the reliability of the source and establish the copyright status of the information they find.
  • For each activity they must show through at least one draft how they developed and brought together text, number, image, tables and records into the final piece of work. These criteria 2.3.1. should be evidenced across the two activities:
  • Text should show features such as changing fonts, use of justification, tabulation, changing margins and page layout, customizing bullet points, columns, changing line spacing etc.
  • Number will require use of a spreadsheet and must show features such as changing fonts, shading, merge cells, adjust row/column width and height and must show use of at least 3 functions (such as =sum, =max, =average, =today, =count and/or two stage calculations) to complete calculations.
  • Image (pictures, charts, etc.) must show features such as cropping, use of text wraps, framing, rotating. If charts and graphs are used they must be labeled correctly.
  • Table should show evidence such as re-sizing columns or rows, adding shading, merge and slitting of cells, inserting borders, etc.
  • Records database or spreadsheets are the main options and there must be evidence of manipulation of the records such as sorting, filtering or querying.
  • The final document must be reviewed in terms of audience, fit for purpose and process.

Additional evidence

  • 2.1.3Safe, healthy and secure working practices –as candidates are required to show how they have adhered to these practices they should undertake this section once both activities are complete.
  • 2.2.3Email – candidates should demonstrate this criteria during the completion of one of the activities.
  • Saving - candidates should provide evidence of saving work in folders and files and making a back up. This should be evidenced for the both activities.

Clarification of ESW ICT Level 2 portfolio requirements

This Guidance/Clarification MUST be read in conjunction with the ESW Standards

NB: Guidance/Clarification on websites and flash animation software is included as an Appendix

Issue / Clarification
Requirement to include two different tasks / The Standards and Guidance document states (p. 255) “You must use ICT for at least two different purposeful activities set in relevant contexts. You must demonstrate your ICT skills in the context of these activities; demonstrating your skills in isolation or as stand-alone exercise cannot be used as evidence”
Briefs or description of the activity / Include brief and check that assignment brief clearly states the audience, purpose and structure of the activity so that the candidate can produce a plan.
Planning that covers the whole process / Candidates should include a plan for each outcome. At this level a bulleted list covering the sub tasks of the whole activity from research to review should be covered. This should include following health, safe and secure practices. This should be in the future tense (Ref The Standards and Guidance document states p. 255)
ICT2.1.2 & 2.2.3
Backing-up folders and files / Candidates should screen shot their folders and then open the folder and screen shot their files. The full file path must be shown.
Evidencing safe, healthy and secure working practices in the past tense / Candidates should produce this evidence upon completion of tasks and should explain how and why they have followed safe, healthy and secure working practices. This will ensure that the evidence is written in the past tense. Candidates must provide evidence of all three elements.
ICT 2.2.1
Selection of information / Candidates should highlight the information they are going to use on the printouts/hardcopies of both ICT and NON ICT research. If a search log is used then the selected information will be entered into the relevant column of the log. Both ICT and NON ICT sources should be recorded.