EDEC 6623- Fall 2017
EDEC 6623- Advocacy/Activism in Early Childhood Studies
Fall 2017
Instructor: Dr. Dina C. Castro206 U Matthews Hall
Office Hours: Mon. & Th.: 2:00pm-5:00pm
Graduate Assistant: Nydia Prishker – / Fall 2017: 8/28-12/15/2017
Class meeting time:
M: 5:30 PM-8:20 PM
Wooten Hall - 316
Course Description
This course examines advocacy issues in early childhood education focusing on thepolitical agendas, perspectives, and program and policy issues involved in early childhood initiatives and service systems. Readings and discussions focus on the ways that advocates can influence emerging policies and programs to strengthen support systems and programs for young children and their families.
This course is designed to identify current advocacy issues in the field of Early Childhood Studiesand to design advocacy plans to address these problems. Students will actively discuss effective advocacy plans and determine how to raise awarenessfor improving local, state, and national early childhood education systemsas well ashow to encourage the involvement of parents and the community in children’s and families’ issues.Students will critically analyze current research in advocacy issues and conduct a pilot research study with local and state level advocacy organizations.By the end of this class, students will be ready to submit proposals to educational conferences andacademic journalsto share their findings.
Required Text
Cannella, G. S. & Soto Diaz, L. (2010). Childhoods: A Handbook. New York: Peter Lang. (ISBN 978-1-4331-0450-3)
COURSE ASSIGNMENTSClass Participation (10%)–on-going
1)Attendance: All students are expected to attend class and actively participate in online/class discussion.
2)Demonstrate knowledge of preparation for class through the reading
3)Displayin-depth knowledge in discussions as a participant and when asked to lead discussions.
4)This course is operated in a seminar format. A discussion leader is assigned for each week. The leader facilitates class discussions with Dr. Castro.
5)Students are expected to navigate all the links on the websites indicated on the “Reading list” and come to class with discussion questions.
Protecting Human Research Participants Certificate (5%)–due Sept. 11 by 11:59pm
Students are required to participate on the online training provided by NIH Office of Extramural Research. At the end of this training you will be provided with a certificate of completion, make sure you save it as a PDF and submit it on Blackboard by the date specified in the class schedule at the end of this document. This training is available at:
Introduction to Advocacy Organizations Assignment (5%): In-class activity, you must be present on September 18 (class 3) to participate in this activity. Please plan ahead.
1)Find the organizations that advocate for children(nationally, or globally) and present make a presentation about their history, mission, achievements, and advocacy agenda. Choose from the following groups to narrow your search of organizations that focus specifically on one the following groups (you can also make a suggestion):Children with disabilities; Children living in poverty; Children from immigrant families; Children from the military; LGBT families and their children.
IRB Submission and Approval (10%)—Application due September 25 by 11:59PM
Students are required (from the activity above) to develop a research proposal and submit an IRB application to be able to interview advocacy organization leaders and complete their final research project. Students’ IRB application need to be submitted by faculty member, therefore you need to send the completed application to Dr. Castro, so she can submit it for you the IRB office. DO NOT SUBMIT THE IRB APPLICATION ON YOUR OWN.
Readings Discussion Questions and Responses (10%)—on-going
Students generate three higher order thinking questions from three (3) of the assigned articlesto bring to class for discussion during face to face meetings (Total 9 questions = 3 questions x 3 articles). For online meetings students must post these questions on Blackboard for the class to engage in a fruitful discussion. These questions should generate an academic discussion, and should not generate “yes” or “no” answers, both during face to face, as well as online meetings.These questions are due at the beginning of the class, both face to face and online, so everyone have time to participate during the scheduled class time.
In-Class and Online Discussion Reflection(10%)—on-going
Every week, students choose one (1) recently published articles relating to advocacy issues. After summarizing the article in a critical reflection, students will talk/present their article in class. For online discussions, students write reflections synthesizing what should be discussedand post the reflections on Blackboard. Note. Students have to make sure for Internet access and connection before the discussions (NO EXCUSE FOR INTERNET ACCESSIBILITY AND CONNECTION).
Book Report Presentation (10%)—due in class on October 9 by 5:30 PM
Students introduce a book related to child advocacy and activism to class, focusing content and applicability to early childhood education.
Students select a book for presentation.After getting approvedby Dr. Castro, they prepare a 15-minute Power point presentation for class. Students are required to provide classmates with a handout for the presentation.
Quality Indicators
- Technology Use: Prepare a presentation (Post your presentation on Blackboard)
- Thoroughness in presentation of content
- Clarity of presentation
- Accuracy in content presentation
- Organization
- Creativity on organizing and demonstratingcontents
- Discussion facilitation and responses
Books Suggested for Book Report:
Berson, I. R., Berson, M.J., & Cruz, B.C. (2001). Cross cultural perspectives in child advocacy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2015).The flat world and education: How America's commitment to equity will determine our future. Teachers College Press.
Fennimore, B. S. (2014).Standing up for something every day: Ethics and justice in early childhood classrooms. Teachers College Press.
Kendall, V.M., Funk, T.M., & Posner, R.A. (2012). Child exploitation and trafficking: Examining the global challenges and U.S. responses. Lanham, ML: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Murnane, R., & Duncan, G. (2011). Whither opportunity? Rising inequality, schools, and children's life chances.New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press.
Payne, B.J., & Gainey, R.R. (2009). Family violence and criminal justice: A life-course approach. New Providence, NJ: Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.
Pink, D. H. (2012). To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others. New York: Penguin Group INC.
Waters,E., Swinburn,B., Seidell, J., Uauy,R. (2010). Preventing childhood obesity: Evidence policy and practice. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Woodhouse, B. B. (2008). Hidden in plain sight: The tragedy of children's rights from Ben Franklin to Lionel Tate.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Final Project Peer Review (10%)—First draft is due on Blackboard on November 13, peers have a week to review and make comments and suggestions by November 20 by 11:59 PM.
Students first submit the first draft of their final project. This should be mostly based on the literature reviewed. Every student is expected to read and review their peers’ draft project and make comments about the content and format aligned with the requirements.
Presentation ofFinal Project: Research Paper (10%)—In class due December 4
This presentation will serve as a practice to present your final project in a conference make sure your presentation includes the following:
- Technology Use: Prepare a presentation (Post your presentation on Blackboard)
- Thoroughness in presentation of content
- Clarity of presentation
- Accuracy in content presentation
- Organization
- Creativity on organizing and demonstrating contents
- Discussion facilitation and responses
Final Project: Research Paper (20%)—due on Blackboard December 11 by 11:59PM
Students are expected to write a 20-25-page research paper on a topic related to child advocacy and search an appropriate publisher andeducational conference for submission.
Students are expected to:
- Write a proposal targeting a particular educational conference
- Generate an article forpublication
- Complete the final project reflecting other students’ comments
- Post it on Blackboard
Your Grades in the Class
Total percent in the course are distributed as follows
Class Participation (attendance & active participation) / 10%Introduction to Advocacy Organizations Assignment / 5%
Protecting Human Research Participants Certificate / 5%
IRB Submission and Approval / 10%
Discussion Questions and Responses / 10%
One Article Discussion Reflection / 10%
Book Report Presentation / 10%
Peer Review / 10%
Presentation of Final Draft of Class Project / 10%
Final Project / 20%
Total Points / 100%
Letter Grades:
A 92%-100%
B 80%-91%
C 70%-79%
D 60%-69%
F 59% and below
Policy on Releasing Grades:
Professor Castro does not release grades by email. In addition, Professor Castro does not release final grades. Final grades are posted online through UNT’s myUNT portal. The URL is
Academic Honesty and Integrity:
Professor Castro expects you to conform to the University of North Texas Code of Student Conduct and Discipline as outlined in the Student Handbook, online at This states in part that all instances of cheating, fabrication and plagiarism are prohibited and will be reported. Any student who assists in any form of dishonesty is equally as guilty as the student who accepts such assistance. Professor Castro will take disciplinary action against any student found in violation of the Code.
Academic Integrity is defined in the UNT Policy on Student Standards for Academic Integrity. Any suspected case of Academic Dishonesty will be handled in accordance with the University Policy and procedures. Possible academic penalties range from a verbal or written admonition to a grade of “F” in the course. You will find the policy and procedures at:
Acceptable Student Behavior:
Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students' opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum at UNT. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom and the instructor may refer the student to the Dean of Students to consider whether the student's conduct violated the Code of Student Conduct. The university's expectations for student conduct apply to all instructional forums, including university and electronic classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc. The Code of Student Conduct can be found at
Classroom Decorum:
Professor Castro expects you to exhibit appropriate classroom behavior. Please refrain from answering cell phones, text messaging, tweeting, surfing the internet, answering email, talking to classmates, eating, and other behaviors that are disruptive in the classroom. Please keep our classroom neat and orderly by picking up your things as you leave.
It is important for you to come to class every Monday. Not attending class will impact your participation grade. Excused absences include medical or immediate family emergencies.
Use of Technology and Media:
Professor Castro encourages you to use your laptops, PDAs, etc., to take class notes; follow the lecture power point; and to search for information related to class lectures. Please abstain from checking your social media or doing work that is not related to the class.
Eagle Mail:
All students should activate and regularly check their Eagle Mail (e-mail) account. Eagle Mail is used for official communications from the University to students. Many important announcements including university closings are sent to students via Eagle Mail. For information about Eagle Mail, including how to activate an account and how to have Eagle Mail forwarded to another e-mail address, visit
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox is recommended by both the University of North Texas and the College of Education for all Blackboard Learn activities. Make sure you are running the latest version of Firefox.
Non-Discrimination Policy:
It is the policy of the University of North Texas not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, disabled veteran status or veterans of the Vietnam era status in the university’s educational programs, activities, admissions or employment policies. The university complies with federal and state equal opportunity laws and regulations, through its diversity policy; the university declares harassment, which is based on individual differences (including sexual orientation) to be inconsistent with the University’s mission and educational goals.
Americans with Disabilities Act:
The University of North Texas does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s disability and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the American with disabilities Act in its admissions, accessibility treatment and employment of individuals in programs and activities. The university provides academic adjustments and auxiliary aids to individuals with disabilities, as defined under the law, who are otherwise qualified to meet the institutions academic and employment requirements. For information, call the Office of Disability Accommodation 940-565-4323. The student has the responsibility of informing Professor Castro of any disabling condition which requires modification to avoid discrimination. Copies of the College of Education ADA Compliance Documents are available in the Dean’s Office, Matthews 214. Professor Castro provides accommodations for all University approved recommendations for student accommodation.
Blackboard Learn:
Professor Castro will keep in touch with you, and you can keep in touch with them through the Blackboard Learn site for this course. Please read carefully and understand the following:
- In order to access course materials, you will have to login to Blackboard Learn at
- If you do not have a home computer with Internet access, there are several labs across campus you may use. The computer lab at Willis Library is open 24 hours.
- You will need to know your EUID in order to use Blackboard Learn. To find out your EUID, go to
- Always have the Student Helpdesk number with you when using Blackboard Learn. Call for help immediately if you experience problems with submitting an assignment, quiz, or exam. The contact information is:
Blackboard Student Help Desk:
Phone: 940-565-2324
Mon.-Thurs. 8am - midnight
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday Noon- midnight
- It is your responsibility to contact the Blackboard Student Help Desk to immediately resolve all Blackboard issues. Be sure to obtain a case # for verification and tracking purposes. Use this case # in correspondences with Professor Castro.
Class Agenda with Assignment Due
All assignments are due by MIDNIGHT, 11:59PM!!
*Gray Dates indicate online classes*
Date / Class Agenda with Assignment DueAugust 28
Class1 /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
Topic: What is advocacy?
Syllabus Review
Reading list:
Dever, M. T. (2006). Advocating for young children: A preservice teacher education project.Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education,27(4), 391-399.
Goffin, S. G., & Lombardi, J. (1988).Speaking Out: Early Childhood Advocacy. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington, DC. (NAEYC Publication No. 270).
Takanishi, R. (1978). Childhood as a social issue: Historical roots of contemporary child advocacy movements.Journal of Social Issues,34(2), 8-28.
September 4 / Labor Day – No Class / School Closed
September 11
Class 2
Online discussion /
- Protecting Human Research Participants Training – Certificate of Completion to be uploaded on Blackboard -
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Online discussion
Topic: Why should we advocate?
Reading list:
Cherney, I., Greteman, A.,Travers, B.(2008). A cross-cultural view of adults’ perceptions of children’s rights.Social Justice Research, 21(4),432-456.
Shdaimah, C.S. & Palley, E. (2012). Baby steps or big steps? Elite advocate perspectives on US childcare advocacy. Journal of Policy Practice, 11(3), 158-177.
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. (2014).UNICE’s Strategic Plan 2014-2017: Realizing the rights of every child. Retrieved from
September 18
Class 3 /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 article about advocacy organizations to discuss in class
- Research Design on Early Childhood Advocacy
- Bring your laptop for in class research.
- IRB Design
Reading list:
Cascardi, M., Brown, C., Shpiegel, S., & Alvarez, A. (2015). Where have we been and where are we going? A conceptual framework for child advocacy.Sage Open,5(1), 2158244015576763.
September 25
Class 4 /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 article about “How to advocate?”to discuss in class
- IRB Application due today by 11:59PM on Blackboard and email to Dr. Castro:
Topic: How to advocate?
Reading list:
Annie E. Casey Foundation (2017). 2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book. Retreived from :
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (2008). ASCD Advocacy guide. Retrieved from:
Dalrymple, J. (2004). Developing the concept of professional advocacy.Journal of Social Work, 4(2), 179-197.
Davey, L. D. (2000). Teaching for leadership and advocacy in early childhood: Exploring messages in a college classroom.Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education,21(2), 179-184.
Take a look at the following resources:
- Rules for Nonprofit Lobbying (2-page document in your readings CD)
- Advocacy and Communications Solutions:
- NAEYC: Build Your Advocacy Skills and Knowledge.
October 2
Class 5
Online Discussion /
- Webinar- Planting Seeds in Fertile Ground. Go to:
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 article on“Child mental health”
- Post a 500 word online reflection about what you learned from the webinar above.
Topic: Child mental health
Reading list:
Crusto, C.A., Whitson, M.L., Feinn, R., Gargiulo, J., Holt, C., Paulicin, B., Simmons, W., & Lowell, D.I. (2013). Evaluation of a mental health consultation intervention in preschool settings. Best Practice in Mental Health, 9(2), 1-21.
Hoagwood, K.E., Green, E., Kelleher, K., Schoenwald, S., Rolls-Reutz, J., Landsverk, J., Glisson, C., & Mayberg, S. (2008). Family advocacy, support and education in children’s mental health: Results of a national survey. Administration & Policy in Mental Health & Mental Health Services Research, 35(1/2),73-83.
Horwitz, S.M., Hurlburt, M.S., Heneghan, A., Zhang, J., Rolls-Reutz, J., Fisher, E., Landsverk, J., Stein, R.E.K. (2012). Mental health problems in young children investigated by U.S. Child Welfare Agencies.Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 51(6), 572-581.
Nelson, F., & Mann, T.(2011). Opportunities in public policy to support infant and early childhood mental health.American Psychologist, 66(2), 129-139.
October 9
Class 6 /
- Post Presentations on Blackboard Due By Midnight
Book Report Presentations
Round table discussion about final project (Q&A)
October 16
Class 7 /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 articleon “P-3 alignment”
Topic: P-3 alignment
Reading list:
Hakuta, k., Santos, M., & Fang, Z. (2013). Challenges and opportunities for language learning in the context of the CCSS and the NGSS. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(6), 451-454.
Kauerz, K. (2006). Ladders of Learning: Fighting fade-out by advancing PK-3 alignment.Washington, DC: New America Foundation. Retrieved from
Rust, T. (2012). Common Core standards. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 72(3), 32-36.
The NAESP Foundation Task Force On Early Learning. (2011). Building & supporting an aligned system: A vision for transforming education across the Pre-K-Grade three years. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Education. (2016, August). Preschool Through Third Grade Alignment and Differentiated Instruction: A Literature Review. Retrieved from:
October 23
Class 8
Online Discussion /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 on“Poverty”
Topic: Poverty
Reading List:
Barnett, W.S. (2011). Effectiveness of early educational intervention.Science 333, 975-978.
Books, S. (2010). Why and how poverty matters in the USA. In Cannella, G.S. (Eds.), Childhoods: A Handbook (pp. 157-171). New York: Peter Lang. (Your book)
Lamy, C.E.(2013). How preschool fights poverty.Educational Leadership, 70(8),32-36
October 30
Week 9 /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 on“Diversity”
Topic: Diversity – Section One from “Childhoods : A Handbook”
Reading list:
Section One: Diversity, Multiplicity And Childhoods (pp. 9-97).
Cannella, G.S. & Diaz Soto, L. (2010). Childhoods: A Handbook. New York: Peter Lang.
November 6
Class 10
Online Discusion /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Online Training
- Register for a free account at
- Complete Online Webinar: Prevention: The Ultimate Victim Advocacy
- Online discussion reflection
Topic:Child abuse, victim, and witness
Reading list:
Cross, T. P., Jones, L. M., Walsh, W. A., Simone, M., & Kolko, D. (2007). Child forensic interviewing in Children's Advocacy Centers: Empirical data on a practice model.Child abuse & neglect,31(10), 1031-1052.
Russell, A. (2010). Documentation and assessment of children’s forensic interview statements. Widener Law Review, 16, 305-333.
Perona, A. R., Bottoms, B. L., & Sorenson, E. (2005). Research-based guidelines for child forensic interviews. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 12(3), 81-130
Fang, X., Brownb, D.S., Florencea, C.S., & Mercya, J.A. (2012). The economic burden of child maltreatment in the United States and implications for prevention. Child Abuse & Neglect, 36(2), 156-165.
November 13
Class 11
Online Discussion /
- First Draft of Class ProjectDue by Midnight for Peer Review
- Watch The National Academy of Sciences roundtable –Exploring Early Childhood Care andEducation Levers to Improve Population Health:
A Workshop. Check for the link on Blackboard. - 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Online discussion reflection
Topic:Children’s physical health issues
Reading list:
Afzal, A. S., & Gortmaker, S. (2015). The relationship between obesity and cognitive performance in children: a longitudinal study.Childhood Obesity,11(4), 466-474.
Bzostek, S. H., & Beck, A.N. (2011). Familial instability and young children’s physical health. Social Science & Medicine, 73(2), 282–292.
Donoghue, E. A. (2017). Quality Early Education and Child Care From Birth to Kindergarten.Pediatrics,140(2), e20171488. Retrieved from:
Gibbs, B. G., & Forste, R. (2013).Socioeconomic status, infant feeding practices and early childhood obesity.Pediatric Obesity. doi: 10.1111/j.2047-6310.2013.00155.x
Sherman, A. & Mitchel, T. (2017). Economic Security Programs Help Low-Income Children Succeed Over Long Term, Many Studies Find. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Washington, D.C. Retrieved from
Vivier, P., Hauptman, M., Weitzen, S., Bell, S., Quilliam, D., & Logan, J. (2011). The important health impact of where a child lives: Neighborhood characteristics and the burden of lead poisoning.Maternal & Child Health Journal, 15(8), 1195-1202. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-010-0692-6.
November 20
Class 12 /
- Peer Review Due by Today, 11:59PM
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 on “How to collaborate with parents to involve in child advocacy?”
Topic: Collaborating with parents on child advocacy
Reading list:
Chew, C. (n.d.). Zero to Three: Encouraging parents to be a big voice for little kids™. Retrieved from
Ryan, S. & Cole, K.R. (2009). From advocate to activist? Mapping the experiences of mothers of children on the autism spectrum.Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22, 43–53.
Davis, T.S., Scheer, S.D., Gavazzi, S.M., & Uppal, R. (2010). Parent advocates in children’s mental health: Program implementation processes and considerations.Administration & Policy in Mental Health & Mental Health Services Research, 37(6),468-483.
Health Resources and Services Administration. (n.d.). Maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting program.
Visit the following page to learn more about this program:
November 27
Class 13 /
- 3 Discussion Questions Due
- Bring/Post 1 on“Current issues on research, policy, and practice in child advocacy”
Topic: Current issues on research, policy, and practice in child advocacy
Discuss about presentations
Reading list:
Administration for Children and Families. (2016) Policy Statement on Expulsion and Suspension Policies in Early Childhood Settings. Retrieved from
Brown, E. (2017, July). NAACP: School choice not the answer to improving education for black students. Washington Post. Retrieved from:
Conners-Burrow, N. A., Patrick, T., Kyzer, A., McKelvey, L. (2017). A Preliminary Evaluation of REACH: Training Early Childhood Teachers to Support Children’s Social and Emotional Development. Early Childhood Education Journal. 45(2), 187-199.
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. (2014, November). Eliminating Discrimination AgainstChildren and Parents Based on Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity. UNICEF Current Issues, No. 9. Retrieved from
Zero to Three. (2017). The Child Development Case for a National Paid Family and Medical Leave Program. Retrieved from:
December 4
Class 14 /
- Final Class Project Presentations (Final Paper DUE BY DEC. 11)
Work on your final project and communicate with Dr. Castro with questions before the due date.
Further Suggested Readings: