CES Music Lesson Plan
Grade:Kindergarten & 1st / Lesson:
Same/Different / Date:
Sep 12-18, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Cr1.1.Ka - With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour ).
MU:Pr4.2.Ka - With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts (such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for performance.
MU:Cr2.1.Kb - With guidance, organize personal musical ideas using iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology.
MU:Cr1.1.1a - With limited guidance, create musical ideas (such as answering a musical question) for a specific purpose.
MU:Cr2.1.1b - With limited guidance, use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to document and organize personal musical ideas.
MU: PR5.1.1a With limited guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances.
Materials Needed:
❖ “Week 6, K-1st” Flipchart
❖ Plastic star wand / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Sing so-mi
● Show same/different
● Show a steady beat
What patterns can I find while listening to music?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play www.calm.com when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential question.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Form: Twinkle, Twinkle
Display various images of stars on board: Ask same or different?
○ two red stars
○ one blue and one red star
○ 3 red stars and 1 blue star (which # is different)
● Play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt-38TVFWJw. Show correct stars for the different sections (AABA)
● Play again and have students raise their hand when they hear the B section.
Activity 2 (10 min) / Star light, star bright game
1. Displaying so-mi on flipchart, question students to identify name of notes (so or mi).
2. Review song from last week having students echo song in phrases.
3. Play game with students sitting in large circle (like duck, duck goose). All students sing the song while the first student selected walks around circle with star wand and at the end of the song, taps another student to be the next one to get the wand….
Activity 3 (10 min) / “Aunt Dinah”
“Show a steady beat!”
I do: Model call and response vs. refrain using a speaking voice
We do: Call and respond with students using a whisper, speaking, and singing voice.
They do: Assess the students on ability to call/respond with a singing voice while miming movements to “well she left like this!”
You do: Students perform refrain using appropriate voice type.
Activity 4 (10 min) / Treble Clef Island Notes & Musical Alphabet Review
(high and low E & F, A, C)
1. Show students picture of staff with Treble Clef notes with ? marks.
2. Play musical alphabet on a xylophone.
3. Lead students in singing Freddie’s musical alphabet traditional and reggae style.
Activity 5 (5 min) / Freddie Online Matching Game
1. Select students to come up to the promethean board and play the matching game for selecting notes from Treble Clef Island.
2. Have students say the name of the notes as they select the cards.
Closure (5 min) / ● Review essential question & I can statements:
○ Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for singing so-mi and keeping a steady beat.
2nd / Lesson:
Form - Same/Different / Date:
Sep 12-18, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
PR4.2.2a - Demonstrate knowledge of music concepts (such as tonality and meter) in music from a variety of cultures selected for performance.
MU:Cr2.1.2b - Use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to combine, sequence, and document personal musical ideas.
MU:Pr4.3.2 - Demonstrate understanding of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) and how creators use them to convey expressive intent.
Materials Needed:
❖ “Week 6, 2nd” Flipchart
❖ Key for game
❖ Rhythm sticks
❖ shakers / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Show same/different
● Sing so, la, mi, do
Why are same/different parts important in music?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play www.calm.com when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Form: Twinkle, Twinkle & Shoo Fly
1) Display various images of stars on board: Ask same or different?
○ Field of red stars
○ 3 red stars and 1 blue star (which # is different)
● Play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt-38TVFWJw. Show correct stars for the different sections (AABA)
● Play again and have students raise their hand when they hear the B section:
2) Separate students into two groups on the mat. Tell students to listen to the next song Shoo Fly and to raise their hands when they hear a different part (AB). Show pictures of fly and morning star to demonstrate AB sections.
● Pass out rhythm sticks and tambourines for A (fly group) and shakers for B (morning star group).
● Play again prompting students to play on their correct section. Students can clap on instrumental part.
Activity 2 (5 min) / Dynamics song review
1. Ask students to identify the label for “the loud and soft of music”, “loud”, “soft”, “very loud”, “very soft”.
2. Lead students in singing dynamics song
Activity 3 (15 min) / Closet key
● Show solfege notes on flipchart. Define so, la, mi, & do
● (demonstrate dynamic contrasts; show so-la-mi-do on staff) Instead of telling students to crescendo/decrescendo, the teachers will demonstrate it, then assess for understanding after the activity.
Q: Did your voice show a change in dynamics after every step the student took? Why should it? Are there dynamics between forte and piano?
Q: Why did we choose a crescendo instead of a decrescendo?
A: A crescendo seems to generate excitement in this example and shows the student he/she should focus more intently on their location.
Activity 4 (5 min) / Treble Clef Island Notes & Musical Alphabet Review
(high and low E & F, A, C)
4. Show students picture of staff with Treble Clef notes with ? marks.
5. Play musical alphabet on a xylophone.
6. Lead students in singing Freddie’s musical alphabet
Activity 5 (5 min)
Time permitting / Freddie Matching Game
1. Select students to come up to the promethean board and play the matching game for selecting notes from Treble Clef Island.
2. Have students say the name of the notes as they select the cards.
Closure (5 min) / ● Review essential question:
● Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for showing same and different, singing with others, and showing correct dynamics
3rd / Lesson:
Musical Songs Practice;
“Over the River” & “Turkey Tango” / Date:
Sep 12-18, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr5.1.3b - Rehearse to refine technical accuracy, expressive qualities, and identified performance challenges and expressiveness of ensemble and personal performances.
MU:Re7.1.3 - Demonstrate and describe how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific interests, experiences, or purposes.
MU:Re7.2.3a - Demonstrate and describe how a response to music can be informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as personal and social)
Materials Needed:
❖ “Week 6, 3rd” Flipchart
❖ sheet music for songs / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Describe and sing a folk song
● Sing with others
● show correct dynamics
How can culture affect our songs?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play www.calm.com when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Folk Music
Review definition “Music of the ordinary people.” Open file in flipchart to Kids Music Corner page on Folk Music. Select student volunteers to read first section overview. Show various videos from around the world of folk song examples. Point out various instruments that are played.
Activity 2 (10 min) / Introduce “Over the River” song
Tell students this is a folk song (music of the ordinary people) that was first written as a poem in the 1800s and later became a song. It’s about going to grandmother’s house to visit during the holidays in a place where there is snow!
1. Play song for students
2. Show the form of multiple verses.
3. Have students echo lyrics in rhythm.
4. Practice pitches for verse one only and chorus and then students sing along with vocal track.
Activity 3 (5 min) / Script
Have students in the class with assigned parts, read their lines. Hand out parent letters and scripts to students to begin practicing lines at home.
Activity 4 (10 min) / Introduce “Turkey Tango” song
Tell students that their musical will be in November around Thanksgiving so we will be singing songs that remind us about getting together with family for that holiday. If time allows, ask some students about their favorite Thanksgiving foods.
1. Show the form of verses and chorus. Have students echo lyrics in rhythm
2. Practice pitches.
Activity 5 (5 min) / “We Appreciate You”
1. Remind students about using correct dynamics. Point out places to observe dynamics (mark in flipchart)
2. Play track and lead students in singing along.
Activity 6 (5 min) / “Helping Each Other” introduction
1. Display lyrics while having students echo rhythm of lyrics in phrases. (Have students crescendo and decrescendo on “oo-wee-oo” part.)
2. Show motions for song.
Closure (5 min) / ● Review essential question:
● Hand out good class note/pick rock star for prize
Assessments: / Teachers will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for singing and speaking lyrics in rhythm and showing correct dynamics and motions.
CES Music Lesson Plan
Grade:4th Grade / Lesson:
Musical Songs; “You’re a Grand Old Flag”, & “Thankful for the U.S.A.” / Date:
Sep 12-18, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr4.1.4a - Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest, knowledge, context, and technical skill .
MU:Pr5.1.4a - Apply teacher provided and collaboratively developed criteria and feedback to evaluate accuracy and expressiveness of ensemble and personal performances.
MU:Pr5.1.4b Rehearse to refine technical accuracy and expressive qualities, and address performance challenges
Materials Needed:
❏ ActivInspire flipchart: “Week 6, 4th”
❏ Musical piano sheet music / Student Objectives:
● I can sing with others
● Describe patriotism
● Sing patriotic songs
Essential Questions: “What are some patriotic songs?” Why are they important?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play www.calm.com when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Select students to describe patriotism. Show definition on board. Let students know they will be singing some patriotic songs for their musical.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Introduce “Thankful for the U.S.A.”
Have students echo the rhythm phrase by phrase.
Activity 2 (5 min) / Introduce “You’re a Grand Old Flag”
Activity 3 (5 min) / Script/Speaking parts
● Have students read their speaking parts
Activity 4 (10 min) / Day-O
● Point out form of song with verses and chorus
● Review rhythms and pitches phrase by phrase.
● Lead students in singing through song.
Activity 5 (10 min) / Somos el Barco
Vocal warm ups 1st
● Show slide with definition of macaronic - song with multiple languages.
● Announce soloists who will be singing verse (see below for class designation)
(Vanderslice - verse 1; Simmons - verse 2; Gilmore - verse 3)
Closure & exit (5 min) / ● Review student objectives
● Hand out good class note/rock star
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for singing and learning performance songs.
CES Music Lesson Plan
Grade:5th Grade / Lesson:
rhythm, movie song / Date:
Sep 12-18, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
(MU:Cr1.1.5b) - Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
Materials Needed:
❏ ActivInspire flipchart: “Week 6, 5th”
❏ djembes
❏ Music Express magazines Aug/Sept 2017 / Student Objectives:
I can:
● Count rhythms
● Identify dynamics
● Play djembes
Essential Question: “How is sound organized to make music?”
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play www.calm.com when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Activity 1 (5 min) / Review dynamics
Play song and show related slides
Have students draw line from dynamic to correct description on the board.
Activity 2 (5 min) / Rhythms Review
● Review rhythms on board: quarter note, half note, eighth note, quarter rest.
Activity 3 (20 min) / Djembes Rhythm Tic-Tac-Toe Game
1. Show John Jacobson video on playing djembes. https://youtu.be/6rulqn3zjb8?t=3m28
2. Have students clap each rhythm pattern before passing out djembes.
3. Select students to pass out djembes placing along edge of mat, not in front of students.
4. Once everyone is seated, have students pick up djembes and place between their legs with space between the instrument and the floor. Demonstrate.
5. Remind students to play “at the right time.” Instruments will be taken away if they don’t follow directions.
6. Play background track for students to play rhythm patterns.
7. Divide students into 2 teams and assign one with “X” and one with “O”.
8. One student at a time will select a rhythm pattern on the board. If rhythm pattern is played correctly, that team gets their “X” or “O.” First one to get tic-tac-toe wins that round.
Activity 4 (10 min) / “Can’t Stop This Feeling”
● Review song. If time pass out magazines for students to follow along.
Closure & exit / ● Review student objectives
● Hand out good class note/rock star
Assessments: / Teachers will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for rhythm patterns, showing correct dynamics, and singing movie song with others.