Patient Questionnaire

Please answer all questions in this form.


. How many glasses (8 ounces) of plain water do you drink each day? ____

. Do you like the taste of water in general? q Y q N

. Do you like the taste of the water you drink at:

Home q Y q N Work q Y q N School q Y q N

. Do you like to have water qBefore mealsqWith meals qAfter Meals

. What color is your urine first thing in the morning usually?

q Red q Brownish q Dark yellow q Straw q Clear

. Are you on any prescription medication? q Y q N

. Do you feel like you are thirsty all of the time? q Y q N

. Do you suffer from day time fatigue? q Y q N

. Do you urinate frequently?

q Y q N If yes, how many times a day? ______

. During the work week, how many hours a day do you spend in the following places?

Home ______Work______School ______In the car ______Outdoors ______

. Recently have you spent a lot of time working outside? q Y q N

. Do you exercise on a regular basis? q Y q N

------TYPES OF FLUIDS ------

. What type of water do you use at home?

q Distilled water q Spring water q Glacier water q Boiled water q Tap water

. What type of water do you use at work?

q Distilled water q Spring water q Glacier water q Boiled water q Tap water

. How many cups of coffee do you drink each day? ______

What type of coffee? q Black q Regular q Decaf

. Do you drink herbal tea?

q Y q N If so, how often______What type? ______

. Do you drink caffeinated sodas? q Y q N

If Yes, What types? ______

. Do you drink non-caffeinated sodas? q Y q N

If Yes, What types? ______

. How many times a day do you drink fruit juices? ______

What size? ______What type? ______

. Do you use sports drinks?

q Never q Rarely q Sometimes q Frequently

. Do you drink any of the following?

q Milk q Milkshakes q Ensure q Other protein drinks

. Which of the following do you have?

q Bottled water dispenser q Sports bottle q Wearable bottle q Frequently

q Distiller q Water container at work q Water filter at home

q Water container at work q Filtered water at work