RT 270



Lecture: Wed. 11 AM – 1:05 PMRm: Ah Sc 104

Lab:Wed. 7:30 – 10:40 AM

Wed. 1:30 – 4:40 PMRm: Ah Sc 103

Loren SachsOffice: L & C 100C; Voice mail 714-432-5540

3 units


1.Merrill’s, Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Procedures, 13th edition

2.Applegate, The Sectional Anatomy Learning System, recommended

Course content:

An in depth study of the skull; including, paranasal sinuses, mandible, sella turcica, nasal bones, optic foramen, facial bones, and zygomatic arches. A study of the pelvic girdle and bony thorax along with an introduction to other Radiologic modalities; including, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, and sonography principles.

Course objectives:

1.Identify sectional anatomical structures in relation to the skull, pelvic girdle, and bony thorax.

2.Perform radiographic procedures of the skull, pelvis girdle, and bony thorax.

3.Identify other radiology modalities including; nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, and sonography.

4.Demonstrate advanced radiographic technique.

5.Demonstrate knowledge to include; low dose radiography, correct use of beam limiting devices, correct beam alignment, and gonadal shielding.

6.Select the optimum exposure factors and radiographic accessories to maximize radiographic quality and limit radiation exposure to the patient.


1.Periodic quizzes may be unannounced.

2.Homework and class/lab assignments. Lab assignments are located online and should be brought to class.

3.Test dates TBD.

4.Special project

5.Comprehensive final exam. You must receive a ‘C’ (70%) or better on the final to pass this course. NOTE: No make-up tests will be given unless permission was obtained prior to the test.

Grading policy:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D; 69 and below are unacceptable for continuance in the program

Course outline: Dates and lecture topics are subject to change

Date / Lecture topic / Reading Assignment / Lab assignment
Aug 31 / Introduction/ Review of basic skull anatomy and positioning / M. v.2 Ch 20 / Introduction
Sep 7 / Sella turcica, petrous, and nasal bones / PA, Lat, AP axial, and Caldwell’s
Sep 16 / Facial bones and zygomatic arches
Topic statement due / Sella; Lat, and PA axial
Nasal bones; Lat and Water’s
Sep 23 / Review anatomy and positioning to date / Facial bones; Modified Water’s and Lateral
Zygoma; SMV
Sep 30 / Test 1
Optic foramen, mandible, and TMJ
Bibliography due / Mandible; PA, AP axial, and axiolateral
TMJ; Schuller’s
Oct 5 / Paranasal sinuses / Sinuses; Caldwell’s, Water’s, and Lateral
Optic foramen; Rhese
Oct 12 / Skull Midterm
Venipuncture equipment and regulations / VENIPUNCTURE
Oct 19 / Pelvic girdle and SI joints
Poster Due / M. v. 1 Ch 7 / VENIPUNCTURE
Oct 26 / Shoulder girdle; AC and SC joints / M. v.1 Ch 5 / Pelvic girdle; Judet views
Hip; Cross-table lateral
SI joints; oblique and axial
Nov 2 / Bony thorax; sternum and ribs
Shoulder girdle; clavicle and scapula / M. v.1 Ch 9 / Shoulder; AP, ‘Y’, and Grashey.
Nov 9 / Test 3 / Ribs; AP/PA and oblique
Clavicle; AP and axial
Nov 16 / HOLIDAY
Nov 23 / Radiation therapy; Introduction and basic principles
Oral presentations / M. v. 3 Ch. 34 / SC joints; PA and oblique
Sternum; RAO, lat
Open Lab
Makeup and Possible Simulations
Nov 30 / Sonography; Introduction and basic principles
Oral presentations / Simulation Lab
Dec 7 / Comprehensive positioning review
Oral presentations /


Dec 14 /


Ground rules:

1.All reading assignments are to be completed before the scheduled lecture. Assignments and tests will be announced in class.

2.All assignments must be completed for credit. Any late assignment will be automatically given a 50% reduction in grade.

3.No make-up tests will be given accept by instructor’s prior approval. Quizzes will not be made up.

4.Because of the comprehensive nature of the program, a course grade of ‘F’ will be issued if the final exam is not passed with a grade of ‘C’ (70%) or better regardless of the pre-final course grade.

5.Grading system will be announced in class. Class participation and attendance will be taken into consideration. Lab and lecture = final grade.

6.All students must adhere to the OCC Academic Honest Policy as approved by the Academic Senate. Violations will be pursued and can result in program dismissal.

7.More than three (3) absences constitutes NO CREDIT for the course. On the fourth unexcused absence, the student will be dropped from the class in accordance will OCC policy.

8.Attendance for the Final Exam is mandatory – NO ATTENDANCE will result in a final course grade of ‘F’.

9.Students MUST wear a current film badge during all lab sessions.

10.Closed toe shoes (no sandals) must be worn in the lab.

11.You must have an OCC password to access the computer for assignments as directed.


The student will be able to:

  1. Develop positioning skills applicable to specialized cranial exams, bony thorax, pelvic girdle, and shoulder studies.
  2. Apply principles of image analysis to examination in course.
  3. Demonstrate appropriate patient care skills and adherence to radiation protection practices.

Lab Grading Policy

Each week the number of points available for lab will vary based on the number of views required. You will be awarded a maximum of 20 points per lab, 10 points for correct anatomy identification and 10 points for image analysis and correction.