Appendix D: Professional Development & Family and Community Involvement

Spanish Immersion Professional Development:

In order for teachers of second language learners to provide effective instruction in the classroom, professional development on second language acquisition methodologies must be provided. Training such as sheltered instruction and differentiating instruction are vital resources for the success of SIP teachers and their students.

Spanish Immersion Professional Development Findings:

Historically, Spanish Immersion teachers have only been provided content area instruction training. Little if any training has been provided that addressed second language acquisition. Because sheltered instruction training has been provided on a voluntary basis, not all SIP teachers have completed this type of training. Additional language instruction trainings have been offered not been offered to SIP teachers on a consistent basis.

Spanish Immersion Professional Development Plan of Action:

Ensure that all Spanish Immersion teachers receive language acquisition training and update training at least bi-annually.

Family support is a vital to the success of the students participating in the Spanish Immersion program. Families are provided information and resources that allow them to support the students participating in the program.

Parents interested in having their child or children participate in the Spanish Immersion program are encouraged to attend the annual spring parent informational meeting. At this meeting, parents are provided information on program structure, research that supports the purpose of the program, expectations of performance levels of students and are provided an opportunity to meet the teachers of the program and have any questions answered that they may have.

Pine Forest Elementary conducts a cultural awareness event each spring. Students in the Spanish Immersion program provide performances to the parents and school personnel that are rooted in the Spanish culture.

Spanish Immersion Family and Community Involvement Findings:

Informational sessions to parents regarding supporting Spanish literacy in the home are a need that has yet to be addressed. An investigation into how to provide information to parents that is relevant and accessible is needed.

Spanish Immersion Family and Community Involvement Plan of Action: