Feast of the Holy Family (B)

Sunday 31st December 2017 (White)

Introduction: (Commentator before Mass)

Today as the church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family. Let us be reminded that God chose family. God entrusted his only Son to a family. We too as a parish are a family of families. As we celebrate Eucharist today may we remember to always put God’s will first in our families.

Prayers of the Faithful:

For the family of the Church: that we may listen to the call of God and go out seeking those on the margins of society, especially the poor and dispossessed. (silence)

Response (sung): Father welcomes all his children to his family through his Son.
Father giving his salvation life forever has been won. (AOV1/24)

For families: that all families may find joy in one another. (silence)

For families who are apart in this holiday period: that wherever people may be they will, deep with their hearts, hold their families and friends in love. (silence)

For those who travel: for safety especially on the roads in this holiday season. As we journey help us to respect all who share the roads and highways at this time. (silence)

(Prayers specific to the local community)


For those who have died: for those who have died in these past days, that as you came to birth in the time, they may now be born into eternity. (silence)

Concluding Prayer:

O God, You cradle us at the beginning of life and embrace us at journey’s end. In entrusting your son to the care of Mary and Joseph you did not spare them the pains that touch the life of every family. Teach us to be open to your word and rely on you in times of trial. May we live as Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in the love of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit ... Amen

Liturgy Centre Resources | Prayers of the Faithful | Advent Year B | Catholic Diocese of Auckland