April 13, 2017
The Board of Commissioners for the Port of Lopez met in regular sessionon April 13 at the airport building. ChairmanKenn Aufderharcalled the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Present wereCommissioners Dan Post and Steve Adams,Secretary Helen Cosgroveand guests.
A. Approval of MinutesforMarch 8
Adamsmoved, seconded by Post to approve the minutes of the March 8meeting. Post noted the date on the top should be March not February. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Approval of Vouchers and Payroll
Cosgrove said that additional expenses includedlegal fees, weather cam repairs, Reid Middleton engineering fees and state leasehold tax. Adams moved seconded by Post to approve payment of vouchers from the airport fund in the amount of $34,382.81, from the port fund in the amount of $612.04 and payroll in the amount of $1,368.00. Adams moved, seconded by Post to approve payment. The motion passed unanimously.
C.Review of Correspondence
1. US Dept. of Commerce re: 2017 Census of Governments, Survey of Public Employment & Payroll
2. Island Air re: instrument approach
3. Enduris re: board of directors nominations
4. WSDOT re: DBE Disparity Study
5. E-mails re: airport noise from Malia Sanford and Lincoln Borman at Land Trust re: 10’ strip of land
D.Financial Report
Cosgrove distributed the budgets for the funds. Reported sending out billings at end of March, billed $8,116 and have collected $6,070; submitted request for reimbursement from FAA for $23,088; have collected 15% of revenues and expended 19% of expenses; received $9,800 in property taxes; airport fund balance is $50,000, port fund balance is $61,000 and debt service fund is $552.
E.Advisory Report
Adams reported Walker was concerned about the Russian thistle problem at the south end of the airport and at 756 Shark Reef; wants to spray poison on them, will target thistles and not the grass.
F. Personal Appearances
Aufderhar requested this be renamed Public Comment. The neighbors and other citizens once again expressed their concerns and the issues they have with the Land Bank acquisition of the Clure property which is scheduled to be discussed at their meeting on the 21st. There was also a request not to use poisons on the thistles.
G.Commissioner Reports
H.Commissioners Additions to the Agenda
Aufderhar asked to add the lighting project.
A.Picnic Shelter
Cosgrove reported that a bid was received for $15,000; $6,000 was the amount budgeted. Adams moved to reject the bid andrecommended contacting Dunlop to determine what other options there are. Post seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Aufderhar said he had spoken to Dunlop and will take it on as a volunteer project.
A. Island Air – Instrument Approach
Adams said it should be our greater goal, but currently working on AWOS issues, combine the projects. Aufderhar thought weather station was needed for instrument approach; has it on the master plan. Post noted there is the 20:1 problem. Aufderhar said he spoke to Tony at Orcas Airport and he had submitted a request in for an instrument approach; there are other obstacles to getting an instrument approach; keep moving forward.
B.Lighting Project
Cosgrove distributed the plans and specs for the project that came from Reid Middleton; CIP amounts estimated were $190,000 for the engineering and $400,000 for construction; actual engineering is $93,000 and the estimated construction costs are $568,000, a difference of $71,000 from original estimates, including a $50,000 contingency. The proposed time frame is for bid opening on June 16th and construction is scheduled for August. Commissioners will review the plans and specs.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: RCW 42.30.111(1)(i)- Potential Litigation
The meeting went into executive session at 7:45 p.m. to last approximately 20 minutes.
The meeting returned to open session at 8:10 p.m.
There being no further business, Adams moved, seconded by Postto adjourn the meeting at 8:11p.m. The motion passed unanimously.