Welcome to the Real Estate Law Series® Online University! On this site you will find several Courses that you may view from your computer.

Each Course is divided intoChapters. Within each Chapter are short quizzes to help you review the material. These Chapter Quizzes are PRACTICE. But take them anyway. Why? Because they will give you practice answering questions in this format andbecause they will let you know how well you have learned the material for that chapter. But only the Final Exam will count towards your receiving continuing education credit.

The Chapter Quiz questions may be multiple choice, matching, or true/false. The Final Exam is all multiple choice. To answer the multiple choice questions, move your mouse to the correct answer and click on the circle next to the answer. You will see the circle fill-in to indicate your answer. If you want to change an answer, just click the new answer. The new answer circle will fill-in, and your previous answer will be cleared. Use the same process for the other types of questions.


After completing one page of questions, click the next page number for more questions - DONOT click on "Submit" until you have completed ALL of the questions. You may go back and change answers at any time before clicking the Submit button at the end of the Final Exam.

You may review any of the Chapters and Chapter Quizzes throughout the course at any time - feel free to go back and forth as you wish. BUT, once you have started the Final Exam, you will not be able to go back to any part of the Course until you have completed the Final Exam.

After you have completed the Final Exam and passed (of course!), the computer will tell you your score and will send the results to the Site Administrator. This information will then be sent to your regulator for credit if you have input your license number into your User Profile. Once you pass, you may print a Certificate of Attendance, showing that you took the course and passed. Keep this Certificate for your records.

For those of you who do not pass the Final Exam the first time, you may go back and review the course as many times as you want, up to 90 days from your registration date, before taking the Final Examagain. Please do not forget and let these 90 days pass you by - you will have to register for the course again if you miss this deadline.

All of youmay review the Course as many times as you wish within 90 days of your registration date, even after taking the Final Exam. It is important to me that you learn the material, so feel free to review any or all of the chapters as often as you like within this time period.

NOTE: If you LOGOUT or leave the site, you will have to LOGIN again using your User Id and Password, so remember them! :o) If you forget, click on the Lost Password? link.