Revised 10/19/09




  1. Coaches and athletes are representatives of their town and at all times must present themselves in a positive and sportsmanlike manner.
  2. All athletes, spectators and coaches must show proper respect for opposing teams, their fans, their coaches and officials alike.
  3. Only positive cheering for your team will be permitted.
  4. If a referee issues a technical foul, or ejects a player, coach, or spectator, all coaches will support the decision.
  5. A head coach who disagrees with an official’s judgment is expected to exhibit respectful behavior and language when discussing their point.
  6. Players, assistant coaches and spectators are not permitted to question an official’s call.
  7. The head coach will make all efforts to maintain acceptable behavior from his team’s fans (the coach will maintain parents/guardian code of conduct acknowledgement forms).

The referee(s) have responsibility for maintaining control during a game. It is the coach’s responsibility to support the officials. The head coach is responsible for the proper behavior of their players, assistant coaches and spectators.


Abusive or inappropriate language toward the opposing team or referees will result in removal of the offending player, coach, parent or spectator from the gymnasium, followed by a referral to the Disciplinary Committee for review.

Failure to comply with any other of the requirements noted above may also result in ejection from a game in progress and/or suspension from future games. Repeated, or severe violations, may lead to expulsion of a coach, or team, from Lakeland Midget Basketball League.

Lakeland Midget Basketball League coaches must sign below and return this document to the League Secretary to indicate that they have read, understand and agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and its consequences.


Town Coach’s Signature Grade


Asst. Coach’s Signature Asst. Coach’s Signature Date

To all Parents, Guardians and other Lakeland Basketball Spectators:

Thank you for supporting your child’s participation in the 2009-2010 basketball season.

Our objective is to create a positive learning experience for all players. The primary goals are to have fun, improve skills, and understand how to function as part of team. These goals require hard work within a disciplined and structured environment. We are responsible for creating this environment. Coaches contribute by using appropriate practice and coaching techniques as well as encouraging the efforts of their players.

There are several ways parents/guardians and spectators can contribute: make sure your child gets to practices/games on time, help them with their practice of fundamentals and be there to encourage their game performances. By encouragement, we mean only positive cheering and setting a good example of sportsmanship by modeling the League’s Code of Conduct as follows:

1.  Accept all decisions made by the referees.

2.  Demonstrate good sportsmanship when cheering for your team.

3.  Refrain from any actions that may endanger the safety or comfort of the players, coaches or other spectators.

4.  Enjoy the game and competition in the spirit in which it was intended, for the physical and social development of the players!

Abusive or inappropriate language toward the opposing team or referees will result in removal of the offending parent or spectator from the gymnasium, followed by a referral to the Disciplinary Committee for review. Failure to comply with any other of the requirements noted above may also result in ejection from a game in progress and/or suspension from future games. Repeated, or severe violations, may lead to expulsion of the team from Lakeland Midget Basketball League.

In closing, please understand that we (the adults) are the role models for our children! Let’s all do our part to create the positive learning environment we want for them. If you have any questions regarding the issues covered above, please discuss with your team’s coach and/or town coordinator. If any of your issues/concerns require further discussion, the coach will contact a member of the Disciplinary Committee. Thank You.




Parent/Guardian acknowledgement ______

Parent/Guardian acknowledgement ______

Return signed copy to head coach Date