Exploring YOUR inner-self through Vocal Profiling

Thank you for taking the opportunity to experience the nVoice™ computer program. As you speak into the microphone, the computer will catalog your words into musical note patterns. Your print-out will reflect the twelve notes of the musical scale – C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B; plus the octave(s) in which you speak. The notes, octaves and general architecture of your vocal graph are used to create a computerized nVoice Personality Profile interpretation for you. Each of these notes has general characteristics which are explained in the chart below. The database used for your analysis has been developed over the last twenty years as we collected data. We would appreciate feedback as to how you think your profile matches the REAL you.

For this particular type of vocal profiling, your emotions can greatly influence the interpretation. If you would like information about a variety of subjects, take several voice samples; keeping with one subject for each voice sample. Every print-out will be “flavored” by the subject you talk about.

Remember that each written report will reflect what you say as well as what you don’t say.

Sometimes you will find conflicting statements on a report. This indicates that these same conflicts reside within your own personality. As you talk about different subjects you will be able to determine the conflicts and joys of each subject.

If you doubt the accuracy of your nVoice Personality Profile, ask a friend who will tell you the truth about how you are perceived by others.

We hope you will be delighted Beyond Words by your Personalized nVoice Personality Profile


DOB: 10/26/1947

Recording Date: 04/16/2007

Subject/Topic: The vocal sample used concerned a proposed new GI Bill of Rights for troops and veterans that was provided to uTube by Clinton’s campaign

Manual evaluation of the speech by a BioAcoustic Biology Professional

Senator Clinton is a multi-tasking individual who thinks on many levels simultaneously. The first multi-concern exhibited in this chart is physical results, what the actions of those results will produce and what is needed to achieve those results. There is overall balance in the chart by both depth and breath of interest. Planning does not involved a personal physical influence but is dictated by processing the emotions and opinions of others. There is individual unbalance in leadership and justice issues. The conflict concerns heightened self emotions as compared to physical and intellectual issues that should be considered.

This chart indicates Senator Clinton does most of what she does to create physical results but there is also a need to be seen as a humanitarian. This is the most balanced part of the chart. The action result of carrying out her plans will not depend on her physical strength but on the strength of the opinions about her and her ability to use the emotions of others to influence an outcome.

This person is capable of words without spirit. Self approval is stimulated in many ways from many levels. In talking about legislation from this vocal sample, there is high control energy with words that contain little inner emotive content.

Computer generated report hereafter


DOB: 10/26/1947

Recording Date: 04/16/2007

Subject/Topic: traumatic brain injury for soldiers

Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence

You want everything done but you do so much that some things don't get done on time. You can be fussy. It needs to satisfy you and no one else. Sometimes you spend a lot of energy on trying not to do something.

You like control of your physical environment. Your stamina to get things accomplished is admirable.

You have an unusual sense of time. Not having all the information needed to make a decision stresses you more than it does others. Your reputation is very important to you. You will go to great lengths to protect it.

Your highest note is associated with the expression of physically prioritizing what you need and want to accomplishment.. Personal control over what happens in your physical environment resides with this note.

Your highest note is associated with the expression of what you consider to be your physical domain. Having dominion over your physical environment resides with this note.

Your highest note is associated with the expression of your internal perspective of insight and self awareness. Internal faith, fairness and fulfillment resides with this note.

You are often haunted by thoughts of what you should have done. You may be caught once in a situation but you aren't often caught twice without a proper answer. You are often distressed by verbal arguments and loud talking. People who use their position of authority to manipulate others disgust you. You often think you should do more than you have time to accomplishment.

The right words at the right time can elude you. You would rather not talk than say something useless.

You tend to do too much for others in the hopes of becoming important to them. You do for others before you do for yourself. It is a struggle sometimes to decide what you really think and what part belongs to someone else. Defining your own ideals and what you want from life is the first step to not following a wrong road. You can see what is the best for others but don't always see what is the best for you. You tend to learn by example.

Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints

Your desire to help others is admirable. Without appreciation you can become introverted.

You have the ability to organize and prioritize in your head. It may not look that way to others but it is your mode of operation. You like to organize yourself so that everything is at hand and easy to utilize. It is particularly bothersome when people use or borrow your property without permission.

Being able to appreciate your environment is important to you. Comfort in your environment needs to be balancing with pleasing colors and functionality. You like your working environment to be efficient with things readily available.

Seeing every side of an issue is important to making the right decision that is for the betterment of all concerned. You can easily put yourself aside for the benefit of others. You can be good counsel for others if you allow them to keep their own systems in tact and not insist they follow yours.

You hope for the best which sometimes leads to statements of hope instead of statements of fact. You may need more than one chance to express yourself to get it right. Practice speaking your ideas before you talk. Meditating about a situation or playing it over in your mind will clarify your stance and help you clearly represent your ideas. Being in stress will likely affect your breathing. You trust until you get hurt when making people earn your trust is more logical.

You like praise but don't always know how to accept it gracefully. You don't always know what words to use to express what you need. You wish someone could understand you without demanding a lot of conversation.

You can be talked out of your own opinions. You can sometimes feel criticism too quickly. You can be very hard on yourself - taking blame or responsibility - that does not really belong to you. You sometimes fail to defend yourself because you don't want to criticize the opinions of others. Your self approval could be stronger if you would learn that doing for others too quickly is not good for them.

Points of Cooperation, Learning, Opportunity and Growth

You like reciprocal relationships but often give more than you receive. You can be incredibly generous if your generosity is appreciated. You give of your time and organizational skills easily for a good cause.

You have a natural knack for planning. You like helping others do for themselves. Working for a cause usually puts you out front because of your organizational abilities.

You have the power and ability to get things done. You sometimes take on more than you can do. You have pride and patience to see the best job done.

You are willing to take the lead to get things done. Your ability to have an idea and get it done is admirable. You have a balance between your need to have credit for accomplishments and your ability to get things done. You tend to let your accomplishments speak for you.

You love truth and justice and try hard to see that people are compensated for their efforts. You love a happy ending and like to think the world is fair and balanced. Your strong sense of justice needs a cause/outlet. Your are likely to fight for the rights of others than for yourself.

You have a tendency to fight authority when threatened. You work hard to see that justice is included in those around you. You can become physically weak when people take advantage of you or yours but only after you have taken care of the situation. You love justice and truth and work hard to see that these qualities are upheld. You love a happy ending that includes justice, physical restitution and emotional fulfillment.

Organizing your space in your own way is important to you. You delight in seeing the results of what you have physically accomplished. You enjoy the company of people who are comfortable with the natural environment. You have many physical sides that you present at your whim.

You have the intuitional ability to hear beyond the words people are speaking. You are guided by an inner source of strength. Actively seeking the answers of life is a priority to you.

Your sense of self power is combined with strong sense of justice. You will help once but insist that people learn to help themselves. Playing emotional games is not your style.

You are often too busy to think about or plan for the unexpected. Carrying the burden of thinking about it all and doing it all at the same time is heavy. Stress about getting it done can keep you from having the energy to complete the task.

You want it done right the first time. You have the ability to see what won't work when others present you with a plan. You like verbal excitement via words and music.

Your self approval often depends on appreciation from others. To your own detriment, you let the opinions of others become too important. You would rather take criticism than give it. Not knowing the why of a situation can cause you great stress.

Doing for others gives you satisfaction A balance between giving and receiving is not always easy for you. You often give more than you receive in return.

Your stamina to get things done is admirable. Others see you as a balanced and busy person. Your motivation sets a good example.

This note being low may cause issues with oxygenation to the cells. Identifying which foods are most compatible with you is important to your digestive health. The process of digestion needs to be considered via enzyme evaluation.

Expressing your true emotions is rare for you. You would just as soon that people keep their opinions about you to themselves. You would feel uncomfortable getting gussied-up to give a speech or run a meeting.

You strive to bring together what others think of you with what you think of you. You can second guess yourself in a heartbeat. You let others convince you that your feelings are in error because you care about them and their opinions.

Sound Health www.VocalProfiling.com www. Jbab.org

Original concept copyright, 1992 copyright, Sharry Edwards, 2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED