Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ
Tel. 0117 3773070
Headteacher: Mr. Peter Overton
‘Raise Your Flag’
Excellence with Equity - Endeavour with Enjoyment
Year 4 Newsletter
Snow Leopards 4JS, Vampire Bats 4MV, Bumble Bees 4CB
Term 1
Welcome back to Easton CE Academy, we hope that you have had a restful summer holiday. The children have made a great start to year 4 and are working hard and following our calm school code!
Thank you to the parents/carers who have been supporting children with their reading at home. In year 4, the children are expected to read 5 times a week for at least 15 minutes at a time. We ask that parents/carers sign their child’s homework planners which is checked by the teacher or TA each morning. Also, on the inside cover of your child’s homework planner you will find their login details for Bug Club and Mathletics. We encourage the children to use these online resources as much as possible.
Year 4 have P.E on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. On these days, year 4 children can wear their P.E kit (white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms/shorts and black trainers).
Key dates:
- Easton Food Festival - Saturday 17th September
- Year 4 Meet the Teacher meeting - Tuesday 20th September 2016 (2:30 - 3:00)
- Harvest - Wednesday 10th October
- INSET day - Tuesday 26thSeptember and the 31st October
- Festival of Light Week - 17th October
Curriculum overview
Our topic this term is titled ‘What is it like to live in Italy?’ We will be exploring Italian culture and their cuisine. The children will discover famous landmarks like the Coliseum and The Leaning Tower of Pisa. As part of our topic, we will be taking the whole year group to an Italian restaurant to have a genuine Italian dining experience. In preparation for this we will be learning some key Italian vocabulary to use at the restaurant. In geography, we will be exploring different regions of Italy, finding similarities and differences between Italy and our own country.
In Literacy, we will be learning a tricking tale based on The Pied Piper. The children will learn the text and then write their own stories using the key language features from the unit. For our non-fiction unit of work we will be writing instructions.
Our first Science topic will be all about ‘living things’. We will be investigating plants and small animals.
In R.E we will be thinking about positive ways to live our lives. For inspiration, we will be learning about important people who have made an impact on society or on individual people’s lives.
In P.E. children will have the opportunity to work with Bristol Sport, who will be coming to Easton CE Academy on Thursday afternoons. They will be teaching the children the key skills to play: tag rugby, basketball and football.
In maths, we will be concentrating on place value and addition and subtraction. During the week, we will also be doing timed maths challenges. Each time they complete their challenge with no mistakes they move up a badge (so look out for colourful badges on your child’s jumper).
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate in coming to talk to us.
Best wishes,
The Y4 team