Hospitals &Asylums

King Blackwell (Ohio) HA-17-1-05

Petition for the Signature of the Ohio Governor under Art. III §11 of the Ohio Constitution that states, after conviction the Governor shall have the power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons.

Ohio Secretary of State J Kenneth Blackwell v. Hamilton County Clerk Gregory Hartman

1. Balanced Ohio Budget (forfeit…seeTaft andSmith)The Director of OMB should be sought to balance the budget. The co-operation of the AG will be greatly needed to transfer prisoners to Community Corrections to save up to $1 billion annually. Co-operation must be required as corruption is rampant in the penal system.

2. HamiltonCounty Food Stamp/Courthouse Fraud

a. Application to the Supreme Courtfor food stamps HA-11-1-04

b. Food Stamp Fraud CaseHA-11-1-05

3. HamiltonCounty Election Fraud

a. Prosecutor v. Mike AllenHA-25-8-04

b. Rucker v. DeterHA-2-11-04courtroom in Hamilton County Courthouse and salary

4.I hope the Governor will accept,as a peace offering, this amended work, attached briefs, and the acquittal titled Memorandum to Balance the Ohio Budget HA-12-8-05 as I cannot afford the Parole Process, myself. Perhaps the Ohio Attorney General can appoint the Pardon Attorney to free,

(a) Vincent Doan v. Clark County HA-25-6-04, A 351671pardon, commute to parole

(b) Luebbe v. University of Cincinnati HA-19-12-03-04, A 459444$100,000 compensation for wrongful termination of employment, defamation and pardon.

(c) Johnson v. One LoveHA-1-4-03-04, A 455932time served, commute to Volunteers of America Sexual Offender Program in Cincinnati. $2,600, $1,000 for prisoner when finished with sexual offender program, $1,000 for victim, $600 for author.

(d) Alonzo Johnson A 366671time served, commute to Sexual offender program.

(e)Campbell v. MoyerHA-18-6-03-04, A 211228pardon

Dear J. Kenneth Blackwell:

A. I would like to take the opportunity this 17th day of January, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to praise you, our African American Secretary of States, for your pristine human rights record that is sullied only by the recent intimidation of the City Beat newspaper by the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s office and their most recently tried offense- the independent major fraud of the Hamilton County Job & Family Services food stamp program represented by Hamilton County Commissioner Todd PortuneHA-15-1-05as the $409,000 severance of the County Administrator, a Republican Party leader. The evidence indicates that the County Clerk has overdosed on power by accepting the role of Republican Party Chairperson and the Basic Principle on the Independence of the Judiciary (1985) dictates that he should either transfer the Republican Party Chair to a peaceful non-judicial politician or resign as CountyClerk and keep the Republican Party Chair in this off season, so as to avoid averse influences upon the judiciary. The fusion of the Hamilton County Court and Republican Party molecules have formed a terror cell that must now undergo mitosis into the separate powers of (1) the Clerk of Courts who must forever forsake political power out of respect for the demand of the Framers of the Constitution for a “weak judiciary” and the seemingly infinite corruption of the Cincinnati Bar Association whose secret police have so far not been restrained by former Secretary of the Treasury and current Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters (JD) (in retrospect I must add Deters is the most likely to have committed the multiple major frauds that occurred at this time and must be removed from all financial databases out of deference to Jennette Bradley Secretary of Treasury, if not from office) and (2) the Republican Party should be permitted to prosper in peace at the County Commissioners or even better the Board of Elections, as City Council is tarnished by the finance of the police.

B. Whereas the votes have been counted and although we as Americans have never been satisfied with the results of any of the elections that have ever occurred in the USA it is Deters punishment to lead the disreputable rule of law recognized to permeate both the criminal and civil divisions of the judicial plot best remembered as the case concerning Teresa L. Cunningham v. Hamilton County, Ohio 6th Cir.No. 98-727 (1999). For harmony between democrats and Republicans in Hamilton County Joe is highly recommended to (1) retain his African American running mate Fanon Rucker (D) at a rate of $100,000 a year, (2) buy all the employees of the Hamilton County police and judiciary free tickets to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center (3) grant Rucker free use of the news media as long as long as he first contests his case with the Prosecutor himself or an accessible court who shall not delay him for more than a week (4) explain the strange behavior regarding the Continuance of food stamp benefits for Case No. 5058689257 Anthony J. Sanders and missing person report on Ms. Mathews Worker ID: WMCMHA. The prosecutor’s office is not a tool for the suppression of information in the community or the court room. Nor is the Department of Job and Family Services a playground for violators of the Declaration on the Protection of All People from Enforced DisappearancesUNGA 47/133nor people who perpetrate their semblance as hoaxes as may have occurred in both this case and Steele v. Hamilton County Community Board of Mental HealthNo. 99-1771 (2000).

C. Having learned Hebrew in Rucker v. DeterHA-2-11-04 the Prosecutor may of course choose to rename himself the CountyAttorney if he wishes to be more disarming and make peace between political parties through prose as well between the perceived political parties that should not make the judiciary their battleground. Mr. Deters must indeed make a significant contribution this Martin Luther King Jr. Day- he is in fact recommended to credit $100,000 and a courtroom in the Hamilton County Courthouse for Fanon Rucker ElectoralExecutive under Art. 36 of theVienna Convention on the Law of Treaties2166 (XXI) (1966) and Art. III Section 2 Clause 1 of the US Constitutionso that he could join the basically law abiding and neutral people like Mediator Rosalyn Flores who inhabit the Hamilton County Courthouse without committing any crimes against humanity.

D. If Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today he would explain, “the militant and homicidal political behavior of the Ohio Judiciary is more representative of the Athenian Constitutionby Aristotle than the US Constitutionby Thomas Jefferson although the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services administration of welfare relief to the poor is unfortunately more akin to the US Constitution than the Athenian Constitution”. As it is Hospitals & Asylums that Hamilton County and the State of Ohio are depriving of food stamp benefits the state of Ohio can $100 million Over the Rhine and Community Correction Fine that would reward Ohio with relief from sanctions that have been accrued against the State of Ohio as reported in the Food Stamp ApplicationHA-11-1-04that has been declined after only one year of customer service in the Food Stamp Fraud of HA-11-1-05. The Food Stamp Card Fraud during the President’s inauguration gives me the chance to seek the counsel of the Secretary as to whether it was wise for the President to publicly take the oath at the US Supreme Court set forth in Manuel Noriega v. Dick Cheney§32(I) of Hospitals & Asylums Revised US Code Chapter 1 Humanitarian Missions of the Military Department (MD) with their right hand on paper copies both the Constitution of the United States and the Holy Bible for a double bond under Organic Law HA-10-1-05(although Jews would plead a triple bond) that releases so much energy when it is broken that the offenders are immediately and publicly tried for impeachment of the crime and if not that then of their entire office of trust with the government. This oath must also be applied to the Ohio Bar so as to bring our state out of controversy with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsof 1966,

“I solemnly swear not to incite genocide, kill, slave, steal or deceive so help me God”

D. This day we shall determine if the conference of nobility to all African Americans by Martin Luther King Jr. It would seem on its outset that the US should consider celebrating this day on Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday rather than the day of his death so that the Freedom wrought under his civil rights statute would celebrate his joyous life rather than possibly promote more death. However Jesus Christ is depicted crucified on the cross so we shall assume that all unwanted subtle allusions to homicide have been removed from this article and King Blackwell can free his slaves under the Ohio Constitution without fear. Perhaps he can even be so trained as to try every homicide and petitioner in the State of Ohio personally as the King of Athens was empowered to do under Aristotle’s Constitution. But this is not a good idea to meddle in the affairs of others. It would be better if he had the power to free the prisoners but we are looking for a Pardon Attorney for the Prisoners.

F. To the great consternation of the President whose name, like his father’s, compelled him and his citizens to daydream of American King George (KG) although the conference of such title of nobility is strictly prohibited by Congress under several clauses of the federal constitution. Thankfully for the constitutional monarchists the clandestine coronation of Rev. Sun Myung Moon by Representative Danny K. Davis, Democrat of Illinois showed that US Congress was capable of breeching the constitution while upholding human rights for a peaceful Korean man now mentioned in North Korea v. South Korea(Moon)HA-31-5-04. Congress must realize that the Acts of war they drafted have made George Bush II unfit to inherit the colonies from the King George III. If only Congress could have realized President Bush’s destiny to institute the metric system under the Constitutional law of the United States before making war with the President’s imaginary friends of the International Court of Justice our nation would never have any demand for King Blackwell to teach us to make peace with the White House HA-5-1-05. For relief from sanctions the State of Ohio is highly recommended to uphold the Vienna Conviction Abolishing the Death Penalty HA-3-3-99-04to the extent that its people actually read the Judgment(s) of the International Court of Justice.

G. The President now has the most pressing concern of taking the oath with the old and new Justices of the Supreme Court with the assistance of the American Bar Association (ABA) without forgetting about his non-controversial Cabinet appointees scheduled for trial this 18th and 19th. The truth must be told the US Supreme Court was witnessed on the television news authorizing executions in Ohio shortly after HA-11-January-04, the initial filing of the Application for Ohio Food Stamps, however the Court informs us in Blakely v. WashingtonNo. 02-1632 of June 24, 2004 and USA v. Booker & FanfanNo. 04-104-105 (2005)of January 12, 2005that in the USA it is not enough to uphold the Holy Bible that commands, “thou shalt not kill”, one must acquit criminals. In Consequence of this highly criminal behavior the Justices of the US Court and their largest and densest prisoner population in the world that has not been officially counted since 1999 their fate is now the exclusive jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and they are no longer served by Hospitals & Asylums until the arbitrary number of at least five are replaced with new Justices who demonstrate that they are capable of upholding the basic internationally recognized human right to life and liberty.

1. The punishment of these transgressions by the Justices and Solicitor Generals of the US Supreme Court can only be satisfied by the certification of at least 10 qualified applicants certified by the American Bar Association (ABA) to replace an estimated 5 vacancies in the US Supreme Court Senator Arlen Specter Presiding.

2. It is highly recommended that the entire office of the Federal Attorney General (FAG) be abolished and from now on attorneys will accept the Deputy Attorney General (DAG) for Attorney General Executive (AGE).

a. DAG means both “hello” and “day” in Dutch, the language spoken in the Hague, Netherlands and Americans are sick of spending significantly longer than a day of unjustified institutionalization.

H. The qualifications sought in Applicant Associate Justices demonstrate;

1. fluency in the judgments of the International Court of Justice and the explanatory Vienna Conviction Abolishing the Death Penalty HA-3-3-99-04

2. Blakely v. WashingtonNo. 02-1632 of June 24, 2004 and USA v. Booker & FanfanNo. 04-104-105 (2005)of January 12, 2005where Arbitrarily Nominated Chief or President Justice Nominee Justice Anthony M. Kennedy and the Court ordered, “legislative and litigate practice Criminal sentences must be adjusted downward rather upward, mandatory minimum schemes eliminated and acquittals the norm for most crimes where there are significant mitigating factors”.

3. a significantly higher acquittal to conviction ratio

4. an ability to work for the people of the USA for free, just and true causes received through email communication an address for which must be posted on the Supreme Court website to bring the bicentennial court into the information age.

I. The Bush that I am beating around is of course the Ohio Constitution. Is this title of nobility indeed permissible to J. Kenneth Blackwell in Ohio? These questions and more I hope the Ohio Constitution shall answer as both Ohio Revised and Administrative Codes remain out of reach this Martin Luther King Jr. Day when we should all be given comprehensive civil rights statute by the state Department of Correction via the US Mail but will instead study the latest USA v. Booker & FanfanNo. 04-104-105 (2005) because it just freed 350,000 slaves by permitting my hand to be guided by Justice Breyer to amend Chapter 8 Drug Administration Yield (DAY) this Martin Luther King Jr. Day HA-17-1-05 so as to in turn guide the hand of the Legislature to limit bulk drug dealing sentencing to 0-1 year unless it involved serious bodily injury or involuntary homicide in which up to 5 years would be acceptable and simple possession offenders would not have to serve more than 1 day under 21USC(13)844aand to eliminate mandatory minimum sentencing in Ohio Title 29 Crime 2929.11 Criminal Sentencing by placing a 0 in the minimum column like 1st degree felony 0-25 years and totally rewriting the 4th degree felony to read 0-1 year.

J. This casewas first reported to the Secretary of States on the 6th day of January 2005 - voting irregularities in Hamilton County, Ohio that may have led to a Republican victory in Rucker v. DetersHA-2-11-04. Thedisturbance of the peace can be directly attributed to incitement of the crime of genocide by Hamilton County Clerk Gregory Hartman who was appointed Republican Party Chairman after the impeachment of Prosecutor v. Mike AllenHA-25-8-04. In a television election advertisement campaign Mr. Hartman advertised that he signs death warrants although evidence indicates that it is indeed the Justices of the State Supreme Court that commit the homicide. A homicide spree of three victims in HamiltonCounty ensued. A request was made by Hospitals & Asylums to stop the advertisement in citation of Campbell v. MoyerHA-28-6-03-04where Jerome Campbellwas transferred from death row but needs to be released because he is innocent although he has spent 14 years in jail, in less than 24 hours the police confessed to killing a man with the same last name.

K. Incitement of the crime of genocide during elections needs to be punished under 18USC(50A)§1091(c)(a)(1)that states(c) “Whoever directly and publicly incites another to genocide shall be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.” (a) “Basic Offense. - Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war,

(1) kills members of that group;

(2) causes serious bodily injury to members of that group;

(3) causes the permanent impairment of the mental faculties of members of the group through drugs, torture, or similar


(4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in


(5) imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group; or

(6) transfers by force children of the group to another group; or attempts to do so, shall be punished as set forth in Bodzin v. IndianaHA-23-8-00-03who is now free after the abolition of the Indiana Death Penalty after being sent illegally out of the state of Ohio and attempting suicide in an interstate and incommunicado Indiana psychiatric hospital shortly after the 9-11 Suicide Attacks of the World Trade Center.

(a) The US electoral crime wave was studied inDemocratic Republic §36 (C) of Chapter 1Humanitarian Mission of the Military Department (MD) that states in subparagraphs,

(3) As the result of the incitement of the crime of genocide in the election campaign murder rates increased and the police confessed to a third homicide in Hamilton County, Ohio after the Clerk confessed in a televised campaign advertisement to signing death warrants and continued to do so after being told to stop. A man with the same last name as the case cited to explain why death warrants should not be signed was shot to death by the police.

(4) On Election Day a Dutch film maker in Amsterdam named, Theo Van Gogh, was assassinated at the same time as the filing of the Application of Art. 118 of the Third Geneva Convention with the US Ambassador to the Netherlands, who is a devout Republican party leader, and a battle ensued between Violent Arsons and Muslims in the Netherlands.

(5) The criminal behavioral pattern appears very similar to the arson that was convincingly committed by the Hamilton County Court, the most homicidal courthouse in the state of Ohio, as the arson was halted by the conviction of the Hamilton County Probate Court by the US District Court.

(6) the US District Court that tried the arson was convicted a few weeks later of an unregistered white collar federal prison cell in the HamiltonCountyJusticeCenter.

(7) that the Greater Cincinnati Airport computer system went out of commission during the snow of the Christmas holidays that left over a foot of snow on the ground. The federal government reportedly investigated the computer phenomenon that delayed passengers throughout the Christmas Holiday and

(8) a public safety officer was arrested in a recent arson

(a) whereas it is nearly certain that the airport record has been tampered with the US Ambassador to the Netherlands Clifford M. Sobel is requested to search his immigration record for CIA operatives and public servants and felons from Hamilton, County Ohio who might have committed the assassination of Theo Van Gogh, he has been relocated to the Hague for the hypothetical security reasons of the International Criminal Court that has stated their intention that I should no longer contact them when communicating with the International Court of Justice).