President Steve Hendersoncalled the meeting to order at 7:30pm on May 16, 2016 at 701 Parlette Court with the following members present: Jim Neumeier, Daniel E. Lee, Bonnie Wurst, Chad Doll, Randy Fisher and Rachel Barber. Also present were Mayor Tom Stinebaugh,Law Director Dennis Faller and Safety Service Director Chad Scott. There were 4 visitors present.Dan Graf was absent.
Received Income Tax Summary Report for Month Ending 04-30-2016.
Motion by Lee, second by Fisher to approve the minutes of the May 2, 2016 Council Meeting as submitted. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays.
Utilities Committee – a meeting was held on 05-11-2016 and the following was discussed:
The meeting started with a discussion about our commercial dumpster rental rates as it relates to cardboard.
The committee felt that there were too few cardboard dumpsters to take any action on rental fees. It was brought up that the city charges for the stop and sells the cardboard therefore rental fees at time are probably not needed.
Ms. Barber asked how the subject came up to begin with. Mr. Fisher replied that the discussion began due to commercial dumpsters. Ms. Barber asked if the committee discussed marketing. Mr. Fisher advised that marketing will be discussed after the Waste Minimization Committee holds a meeting.
Streets & Alleys Committee – a meeting was held on 05-04-2016 and the following was discussed:
- Approved minutes of April 6, 2016 as presented. Neumeier/Fisher, passed 3-0
- Herbstritt reconstruction proposal. Points of discussion: Perception of repairing streets leading to city facility rather than residential streets, cost of interest 2.84% vs. 0%, high cost of project without competitive bidding. The committee recommended that the street be repaired with patches to the potholes and the reconstruction be reconsidered at a later date. Fisher/Neumeier, passed 3-0
- The alleyway at the end of Fairview had be posted ‘no through traffic’ as a safety concern by the Frey family who live at the east end of the alley. The signs were removed by Service Director after a citizen complaint that it was a public thoroughfare. Committee recommended the alleyway be closed when requested usually during events at the fairgrounds. The committee also recommended that the Frey’s could circulate a petition among adjoining property owners of the alleyway for the city to abandon the alleyway.
- Service Director and Mayor agreed to make contact with Mr. Pitchford to determine corrective measures to prevent rain runoff in the alleyway from running into his and neighbors garages.
- Stan Arnold presented the committee with signed statements from eleven property owners to have their alleyway paved. Estimated cost $16, 600. City will pay one half and install drainage tile along alleyway. Agreeable residents will split remaining half equally among them. Action recommended to Council. Fisher/Neumeier, passed 3-0.
- Committee had no objection to the Micro-surfacing proposal presented by the Engineering Department. The Committee recommends to Council that the project be approved for Dogwood, Liberty, Cottonwood/Fernwood, Murray, Poppy (Gardenia to Laurel), Aster (Laurel to end), Tulip, Springfield (Infirmary to Pvment Change), and Rosewood/Woodlawn at an estimated cost of $125, 074.23. Neumeier/Fisher, passed 3-0.
- The mayor reported the Walmart traffic flow has been improved by adding an additional camera to operate the traffic lights at its entrance.
- There has been no further follow-up by MEI & Midwest Specialties concerning driveway improvement concerns brought to the Service Director last month by the two industries.
- The 2016 Reclamite treatment proposal from the Engineering Department is recommend by the committee for approval by Council for sections of the following streets: Canterbury, Primrose, Daisy, East Benton, Rauthland, and Fisher at an estimated cost of $30,000. Fisher/Neumeier, passed 3-0.
- The committee learned that the Gibb Street project will begin as soon as weather permits and has a three month completion schedule.
- Timeline for Dominion’s work on W. Pearl is completion by mid-July.
- Initial alleyway pavement repairs along east side of Miracle on Main will be gravel placed in potholes. Engineering will look at repaving cost.
- Rob Burns reported to the committee that additional manhole reconstruction will be done to recently repaved section of Harrison Street.
- Condition of City Hall parking lot and drive was discussed with no action recommended at this time.
- The dead grass situation in the tree lawn on East Auglaize Street was discussed. An analysis of the soil revealed a high ph level that may have caused the grass to die. It was suggested that gypsum could be used to lower the ph level and that a test section could be developed.
Mr. Doll asked, concerning item #3, if the Frey’s were contacted. Mr. Neumeier replied that he believed Dan Graf did so.
Mrs. Wurst stated that upon discussion with Auditor Wells, there is no money to complete the paving and re-paving projects mentioned. President Henderson asked that Service Director Scott check with Auditor Wells again regarding this matter.
Mrs. Wurst asked if item #13 is part of the Long Term Control Plan. Service Director Scott replied, yes.
Lands & Buildings Committee – a meeting was held on 05-10-2016 and the following was discussed:
The group first discussed the property at 3 West Harrison. The city has been approached by the current owner about the possibility of the City’s acquisition (for park expansion). The property is currently appraised (via the county auditor’s office) at $60,000. The city’s total costs would also include demolition. Scott will ask Mary Ruck whether CDBG funds might be available for demolition. The committee members expressed interest in assembling additional information about the property and its potential acquisition.
The committee was also informed that the status of the property at the southeast corner of Water and North streets has changed. The former owner, who had a life estate arrangement with the City, has died.
The committee then discussed the continuing situation with the property at404 West Auglaize Street. At the previous Lands and Buildings Committee meeting on March 23, " Graf made a request that Stinebaugh discuss with Law Director Faller the procedure" [for the city divesting itself of the property and splitting between the adjacent neighbors].
Faller had subsequently informed Barber that he was not inclined to pursue the divestment, in part because of opposition by Stinebaugh, Ruck, and Wastewater Treatment Plant director Burns, and in part because of the legal ramifications of such a divestment.
Scott expressed his opposition to giving the property away, because of the City’s investment in obtaining and demolishing it.
Graf noted that the property is now worth nothing. He also maintained that preparing legislation and presenting it to council would, at minimum, provide an indication of council’s will on the issue.
Palmer stated that dividing the property between the adjacent homeowners (with a well-crafted easement, of course) would allow it to return to the tax rolls, so that the City could begin to recoup its investment.
Graf added that divestment would remove the burden of maintenance from public works, since this property needs to retain the level of maintenance on West Auglaize Street. Barber stated that the grass at 404 is currently as high as her waist, so maintenance by the City has not been a demonstrated priority.
Graf then introduced the idea of a lease of the property, which Doll found an appealing possibility.
Palmer noted that the driveway is shared between 402 and 404.
Heffner inquired about the garage, which he would like to retain (andimprove).
Stinebaugh hypothesized that the garage would be the subject of a separate lease agreement, beyond the land itself.
Doll made a motion that legislation be prepared to authorize the Safety Service Director to negotiate a lease agreement for 404 West Auglaize Street with the adjacent neighbors. Graf seconded the motion, which then passed unanimously.
Palmer noted that stumps (from trees removed for the interceptor Project) still existed along the river. Stinebaugh and Scott concurred, and added that grass needs to be seeded and holes filled.
The group then briefly discussed the Bohrer and Moore property (which is actually jn several parcels. Some of the property belongs to Hengstlers,while two parcelsbelong to a long-lost Mr. Bohrer). It has a lien on itfor workers ' compensation. Stinebaugh wondered whether CDBG money could be used for demolition here as well, with the city reimbursed after the property sells. Barber expressed concern about the parcel whose owner is unknown.
Graf noted that the poor condition of the Bohrer & Moore property is much less noticeable that others in the city.
He then expressed concern about the many broken windows at the former Wapakoneta Machine Company, and the indication that the building is not secure. Scott will follow up on the situation.
Graf then reminded the group that Chief Hunlock was to have provided a list of the "biggest offenders” vis a vis the city’s maintenance code. Barber will follow up.
In closing the committee discussed the fence at 305 West Auglaize Street. Currently the City doesn't have any ordinances that address construction materials for fences. The committee will pursue issue at a future time.
Mrs. Wurst asked what kind of lease agreement would be made regarding the West Auglaize Street property. Ms. Barber advised that this was left open. Mr. Neumeier asked why the City is keeping the property in question. Ms. Barber replied that she did not know. Mr. Faller added that Mr. Burns advised to keep it, as it is the City’s access to the interceptor along the river, with several lines running through the property as well. Mr. Scott added that Public Works is now mowing the property. Mrs. Wurst asked what is being done with the garage on the property. Mr. Faller stated that the garage sits on City property. Mr. Faller added that Council should consider the property tax as well.
Communications –
Clerk McDonald gave a final reminder to all that the financial disclosure deadline is May 16, 2016.
President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2016-11 for the third time re: AN ORDINANCE INCREASING THE SALARY OF THE CLERK OF COUNCIL.
Motion by Fisher, second by Wurst to adopt Ord 2016-11. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.
Motion by Wurst, second by Lee to adopt Ord 2016-12. Mr. Fisher asked, should something occur within the 30 day window, Council will be made aware of same. Mayor Stinebaugh answered, yes.
Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.
Mr. Doll asked if the Auditor’s office had commented on this. Mr. Faller replied, no.
President Henderson asked Clerk to read Res 2016-14 for the second time re: A RESOLUTION RATIFYING LOAN TO HEAVEN HOSPITALITY, INC.
President Henderson asked Clerk to read Res 2016-15 for the second time re: A RESOLUTION RATIFYING LOAN TO JOHN-WILLIAM DAVIS DBA J. MARIE’S RESTAURANT.
The Mayor gave the following report:
May 2, 2016Attended Council Meeting
May 3, 2016Met with State Representative Craig Reidel
Interview with Channel 7 News, Steve Baker
May 4, 2016Attended Streets & Alleys Meeting
Attended Monthly WAEDC
May 5, 2016Attended Arbor Day Ceremony
Attended National Day of Prayer Ceremony
May 10, 2016Attended Lands & Buildings Meeting
Met with representatives from Golden Fresh Farms’
May 11, 2016Attended Dispatcher Meeting in St. Mary’s
Attended the Ground Breaking Ceremony for Golden Fresh Farms’
Attended Utilities Meeting
May 12, 2016Attended the Career Forum at the Wapak Middle School
May 14, 2016Attended Bicycle Safety Day
Mayor Stinebaugh then corrected his report, stating that he did not attend the Utilities Meeting on May 11th, and did not attend the Career Forum on May 12th.
The Service Director gave the following report:
Mr. Scott stated that the owner of 3 Harrison Street would like to sell her property to the City for $50,000. President Henderson put the matter to the Lands & Buildings Committee.
Mr. Scott asked for direction regarding 404 W. Auglaize Street. Ms. Barber stated that legislation regarding a lease proposal is what is being asked for.
Mr. Doll advised that the online checkbook program needs updated. Mr. Scott agreed to look into this.
Health & Safety Committee will meet on May 18th at 5:00pm at City Hall.
Miscellaneous Business –
Motion by Doll, second by Fisher to enter into executive session at 8:00pm for the purpose of conference with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action and inviting attorneys representing the City and Law Director Faller. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion by Fisher, second by Barber to come out of executive session at 9:17pm. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion by Lee, second by Doll to adjourn at 9:18pm. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays.
PresidentClerk of Council