The Adventurous Woman
Membership Application 2012
Personal Information
Address: ______
City, State,Zip:______/ Home Phone: (_____)______
Work Phone: (_____)______
Cell Phone: (_____)______
Chapter Membership
___$35 Annual Membership, Renewable January 1 Payment: Cash______Check#______
I,______, am a member and participate in the group/club known as The Adventurous Woman, which engages in sport fishing and other recreational outings. For and in consideration of the reciprocal release of other members of The Adventurous Woman to me and for other good and valuable consideration to me, including my right to participate in the activities of The Adventurous Woman, I, the undersigned, for and on behalf of myself and my heirs, successors, and assigns, assume sole and exclusive liability and release The Adventurous Woman and its members and participants ("Released Parties") from liability for any damage to my person or property that I may incur as a result of or in the course of any activities of The Adventurous Woman.
It is specifically understood and agreed that this Liability Acknowledgement and Waiver Of Claims includes, but is not limited to, any and all claims, which I may have against the Released Parties, or any of them, whether such claims are based upon tort, contract, common law, and/or statutory law.
I agree not to institute or assist others in instituting any action against Released Parties for or because of any incident or event occurring prior to the date of this Liability Acknowledgement and Waiver Of Claims.
I declare that I have fully read the foregoing Liability Acknowledgement and Waiver Of Claims in its entirety and that I have been fully advised by my attorney or have had an opportunity to receive advice from an attorney, prior to executing this Liability Acknowledgement and Waiver Of Claims, and that I know and understand the contents hereof and have signed the same as my own free, intelligent, and voluntary act.
I agree to the following ground rules pertaining to club meetings and activities
  1. No sidebar conversations during a speaker’s presentation at the monthly meetings. We understand that while surrounded by good friends it is sometimes tempting to “catch up”, but that should be reserved for before or after the meeting. Several complaints have been received over the past few months, so if you must have a discussion please quietly leave the room.
  2. Ensure that any watercraft you operate or board is equipped with proper safety gear. Kayaks must have lifejacket, sound device (whistle), and paddle. We also recommend an anchor or stake-out pole, and some line(rope). Powerboats must have current registration and all coast guard required safety equipment for the class of vessel. See US Coast Guard Safety Requirements
  3. If you are fishing from a boat or kayak and are not exempt from purchasing a fishing license you must had a valid license with you. See Saltwater License Exemptions and Freshwater License Exemptions
  4. No possession and/or use of illegal narcotics at club activities and meetings. If this occurs your membership will be immediately cancelled and you will be asked to excuse yourself from the event. No second chances – this is your one and only warning.
Print Name:______
Witnessed by:______