

Monday, May 7, 2012

Central Office Conference Room

Committee Members Present: Debi Towle, Chairperson, Member, Kim Martin, Member Sue Campbell

Committee Members Absent:

Other School Board Members Present:Larry Ringrose, Jane Dennison, Betty Jo Libby, Katie Vose and Willie Emerson

Administrators Present: Dr. Cornelia Brown, Superintendent of Schools,

Karla Miller, Business Manager

Donna Madore, Special Education Director

Others present:Eleanor Gay

  1. Replacement and Recruitment of the CATC Director

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Attachment 3

Dr. Brown presented a recommendation to replace the retiring Director with a fulltime position. After a brief discussion, the Personnel Committee agreed with this recommendation. Dr. Brown said she hoped to have a recommendation for the board for their July 11 meeting.

  1. Substitute Handbook/payroll procedures

Attachment 4

Attachment 5

Dr. Brown presented a revised Substitute handbook with recommended changes. Among the changes she recommended, included were changing the long-term substitute rate to $170.00 and to begin long-term substitute pay on day six for substitutes who are in the same position, matching pay for individuals substituting for Ed techs or custodians to step one of the contract, and updating requirements from the Maine Department of Education. Board members had several questions concerning provisions for Ed Tech subbing, e.g. number of days, and authorization requirements. Dr. Brown said she would check with the Maine Department of Education concerning the questions raised. Board members also had questions concerning the increased cost for long-term substituting and noted that it was difficult to accurately predict.

  1. Motion the Substitute Handbook be brought to the full Board for consideration with information from the Maine Department of Education.

Move the Substitute Handbook be brought to the full Board for consideration with information from the Maine Department of Education. / Motion:
Vote: / Kim Martin Second: Sue Campbell
Motion Passed/Failed: 3 to 0
  1. Selection of individuals for the JLM Committee(s)

Dr. Brown asked the Personnel Committee to identify individuals that might serve on the two (2) JLM committees, teachers and support units. After a brief discussion of the history and composition of Joint Labor Committees, the Personnel Committee identified the following individuals: Support Unit: Debi Towle, Chairperson of the Personnel Committee, Sue Campbell, Chairperson of the Board of Education, Cornelia Brown, Superintendent of Schools, Donna Madore, Special Education Director and Tina Meserve, Curriculum Coordinator.

For the JLM, Teachers' Unit, the Board identified: Sue Campbell, Connie Brown, Tina Meserve, Jessica West and Paula Bourque.

Superintendent Brown will submit both lists of names to Jeff DeJongh, President of the Augusta Education Association.

  1. Health Insurance Update

Attachment 6

Attachment 7

Dr. Brown presented a recommendation to change insurance carriers from Anthem to Aetna for health insurance.

  1. Motion that the Augusta School Department change Health Insurance carriers for the non-represented and administrative staff from Anthem to Aetna:

Move that the Augusta School Department change Health Insurance carriers for the non-represented and administrative staff from Anthem to Aetna. / Motion:
Vote: / Debi Towle Second: Sue Campbell
Motion Passed/Failed: 3 to 0
  1. Executive Session re: Labor Relations
  1. Move to enter into Executive Session, pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D):

Move to enter into Executive Session, pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D). / Motion:
Time: / Sue Campbell Second: Debi Towle
Motion Passed/Failed: 3 to 0
8:15 PM

B. Move to exit from Executive Session:

Move to exit from Executive Session. / Motion:
Time: / Sue Campbell Second: Debi Towle
Motion Passed/Failed: 3 to 0
8:30 PM
  1. RIF notification(s) and process

The RIF notification process was briefly reviewed.

  1. Anticipated vacancies for 2012-2013

The Augusta School Department is expected to have a number of elementary vacancies.

  1. Non-Represented Salary Increase

Attachment 8

  1. Motion to Increase Salaries for the following Non-Represented Employees for School Year, CHS Security, Central Office Hourly Staff, Adult Education Hourly Staff, Adult Education Professional Staff, Network Administration, ASD Technology Integrationist, Central Office Directors:

Move to Increase Salaries for the following Non-Represented Employees for School Year, CHS Security, Central Office Hourly Staff, Adult Education Hourly Staff, Adult Education Professional Staff, Network Administration, ASD Technology Integrationist,Central Office Directors. / Motion:
Vote: / Sue Campbell Second: Kim Martin
Motion Passed/Failed: 3 to 0

Adjourn: 8:45