Wednesday 21 May 2008

There will be a meeting of the Faculty Board for Academic Partnerships on

Wednesday 21 May 2008 from 10.00 to 12.00 in Seminar Room 3, The Constable Building.


* / General business / 1 / Introduction and Announcements
* / General business / 2 / Starring of Agenda Items
Members are asked to indicate under this item any item which they wish to star for discussion or question, including Matters Arising and Any Other Business. Only starred items will be discussed at the meeting; all other items will be deemed noted and/or approved by the Board as appropriate.
For approval / 3 / Minutes of meeting held on 27 February 2008 (available online at /APFB/2008/minutes/2008-02-27m.doc)
General business / 4 / Matters Arising from the Minutes
* / For information / 5 / Chair’s Report (Paper APFB/08/22 attached) / 1
To note / 6 / Chair’s Action (Paper APFB/08/23 attached) / 7
To note / 7 / Revisions to the Undergraduate Rules of Assessment approved by Senate April 2008 (Paper APFB/08/24 attached) / 11
For information / 8 / Partner Institution Progression Data (Paper APFB/08/25 attached) / 15
* / For approval
For approval / 9 / Partnership with Colchester Institute
(a)  Validation Report for Certificate of Continuing Education (Teaching Numeracy) (Paper APFB/08/26 attached)
(b)  Validation Report for MA Contemporary Art and Professional Practice, MA Art, Design and the Book, and MA Contemporary Sculptural Practice (Paper APFB/08/27 attached) / 29
10 / Partnership with Insearch Essex
No formal business to report.
* / For approval
For approval / 11 / Partnership with Kaplan Open Learning
(a)  Validation Report for FdA Criminal Justice (Paper APFB/08/28 attached)
(b)  Validation Report for BA(Hons) Business and Management (Year 3) (part-time) and Managing Information bridging module for articulation route to School of Entrepreneurship and Business programmes (Paper APFB/08/29 attached) / 39
* / For approval
For approval
For approval
For approval
For approval / 12 / Partnership with South East Essex College
(a)  Validation Report for FdA/BA(Hons) Sound Production and Performance Technology (Paper APFB/08/30 attached)
(b)  Validation Report for BA (Hons) Photography (Paper APFB/08/31 attached)
(c)  Validation Report for BA (Hons) Counselling (Paper APFB/08/32 attached)
(d)  Periodic Review Report for BA (Hons) Digital Animation (Paper APFB/08/33 attached)
(e)  Periodic Review Report for BA (Hons) Special Education Studies (Paper APFB/08/34 attached) / 55
To note / 13 / Partnership with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
(a)  Annual Monitoring Report for MA/PGDip The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Associate Dean’s response (Paper APFB/08/35 attached) / 99
* / For approval
For approval
For approval / 14 / Partnership with Writtle College
(a)  Periodic Review Report for MSc/MA International Horticulture, MSc Horticulture (Crop Production), and MSc Postharvest Technology (Paper APFB/08/36 attached)
(b)  Periodic Review Report for MSc Equine Science (Paper APFB/08/37 attached)
(c)  Validation Report for FdA/FdSc and BA/BSc (Hons) Professional Floristry (Paper APFB/08/38 attached) / 115
For information / 15 / Partnership Planning Forum
Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2008 (Paper APFB/08/39 attached) / 133
General business / 16 / Any Other Business
General business / 16 / Date of Next Meeting
19 November 2008 – (to be confirmed)

Sheila Foster

Project Officer

Academic Partnerships

May 2008

O:\AP FACULTY BOARD\Academic Partnerships FACULTY BOARD\2007-08\May 08\AGENDA 21 MAY 2008.doc