GDYBL B3Evaluation Plan11/18/06

5:45-6:00 / 6:00-6:15 / 6:15-7:00 / 7:00-7:30 / 7:30-7:45 / Group 1
Planning / Registration / 4 Stations, 10 min ea. / Scrimmage / Collect Pinnies
All coaches / 4 volunt.
- height
- pinnies / 4 Heads = evals
Asst's at speed, shoot, dribble, reb. / 4 Heads = evals
Ass'ts = substitution / 4 volunt.
Group 2 / 7:15-7:30 / 7:30-8:15 / 8:15-9:00 / 9:00-9:10
Registration / 4 Stations, 10 min ea. / Scrimmage / Collect and sort pinnies
4 volunt.
- height
- pinnies / 4 Heads = evals
Asst's at speed, shoot, dribble, reb. / 4 Heads = evals
Ass'ts = substitution / 4 volunt.

Skills:Shooting Station

  • Line at foul line -3ft., extending backwards.
  • 1st person becomes shooter @ foul line -3ft.
  • 2nd coach is rebounder
  • Shooter shoots 3 shots from foul line -3ft., then 3 shots from block
  • Shooter -> end of line, front of line -> shooter

Pass and Catch Station

  • Two lines of 4 people each, standing side-to-side, facing partner in opposite line
  • 10 ea. Of chest passes, bounce passes, overhead passes
  • 5 ea. Of BAD passes low, and high, if time.

Dribbling Station

  • 1st person dribbles w/ strong hand up sideline to ½ court, along ½ court line, and back to baseline, and starts new line at other baseline corner
  • Rest follow same path, and fill up line at other corner
  • Repeat from new line, in opposite direction, with weak hand.

Rebound and Speed Stations (single group of players, two activities)

  • Line at foul line, extending backwards.
  • 1st person in line on block, w/ no ‘D’. Coach tosses ball of backboard. Two times.
  • Rebounder goes to speed station.
  • Line up at baseline
  • 1 player at a time does ‘half’ suicide, coach times it and records time.
  • When done player goes to back of rebounding line.
  • 1st two people on block, facing each other, 1 ‘D’, 1 ‘O’
  • Coach tosses ball high off backboard, two box each other out and go for rebound.
  • ‘D’ -> back of line, ‘O’ -> ‘D’, next in line -> ‘O’





  • Each of four groups is one team (4-5 people each)
  • Two half-court games, 3-on-3, w/ 1-2 subs. Yellow vs. Blue, Red vs. Green
  • Evaluators = head coaches. Three observe one court, other three the other
  • Two assistants handle subs, 1 per court. Subbing in remaining players every three minutes.
  • After 10 min, evaluating coaches swap courts and observe the other game.
  • See diagram below

Yellow SubsYellowRedRed Subs

Vs. Vs.

Blue SubsBlueGreenGreen Subs