Grade 3Term I(18hours)

№ / Units / Themes / hours / Date / Date in fact / visual aids / Homework
3 A / 3 B / 3 A / 3 B
1 / Unit 1. Our family is big / I’ve got two sister / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
2 / My mum is a teacher / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
3 / Are you driver / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
4 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
5 / Unit 2. My relatives / He is my uncle / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
6 / My cousin is older… / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
7 / This is my family / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
8 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
9 / Revision 1 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
10 / Unit 3. Our house / Our house big and nice / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
11 / What’s in the kitchen / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
12 / It is in the bedroom / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
13 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
14 / Unit 4. My room / My room is small / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
15 / The garden is / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
16 / Where is she? / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
17 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
18 / Revision 2 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision

Grade 3 Term II(14 hours)

№ / Units / Themes / hours / Date / Date in fact / visual aids / Homework
3 A / 3 B / 3 A / 3 B
19 / Unit 5. Nature is beautiful / It is sunny. it is hot / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
20 / My favorite season / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
21 / It is thunderstorm / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
22 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
23 / Unit 6. We are small / Butterfly, fly! / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
24 / A hungry caterpillar / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
25 / Small, smaller, smallest / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
26 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
27 / Revision3 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
28 / Unit 7. We are big animals / That’s is hippo / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
29 / They are big cat / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
30 / Don’t touch them / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
31 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
32 / Revision 4 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision

Grade 3Term III(20 hours)

№ / Units / Themes / hours / Date / Date in fact / visual aids / Homework
3 A / 3 B / 3 A / 3 B
33 / Unit 8 / Do you like dancing / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
34 / “Happy days” club / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
35 / Can you do kurash? / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
36 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
37 / Revision 5 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
38 / Unit 9 On the telephone / What is your telephone number? / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
39 / Can I talk Jasur, please? / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
40 / I’m taking on the phone / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
41 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
42 / Revision 6 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
43 / Unit 10 plants / Water, forest, mountain, desert / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
44 / Tree and flowers / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
45 / What’s in the garden / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
46 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
47 / Revision 7 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
48 / Unit 11 Healthy and hygiene / Brush your teeth / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
49 / I vole swimming / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
50 / Healthy and unhealthy / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
51 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
52 / Revision 8 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision

Grade 3Term IV(16hours)

№ / Units / Themes / hours / Date / Date in fact / visual aids / Homework
3 A / 3 B / 3A / 3 B
53 / Unit 12 Transport / I like my bike / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
54 / This train is fast / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
55 / I go to school by minivan / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
56 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
57 / Revision 9 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
58 / Unit 13. We live in Uzbekistan / My uncle lives in Bukhara / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
59 / Our villages is beautiful / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
60 / What is in your street / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
61 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
62 / Revision 10 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
63 / Unit 14. The World of stories / Cartoons / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
64 / The lion and mouse / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
65 / The old man and his sons / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
66 / Project / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
67 / Revision 11 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision
68 / Revision 12 / 1 / Picture, card, computer / Revision