NameCareer Cluster Investigation Part: 2Date:

Career Cluster Investigation Project (Part 3)

Be sure to spend some time exploring the

EDUCATION needed & Opportunities for CAREERS!


  1. You are starting Part 3 of this project. Email each part as you complete them. Email Subject Line: CCIP_CP_3
  2. Select another one of your top 3 Career Clusters and begin the research again! Repeat the same process that you did with the first Career Cluster you researched!
  3. Put your name, date at the top of the page in the header. Save in your CC and Pathways Folder.
  4. This project is based off of the site you accessed from my teacher web pageand the assignment completed called“Career Cluster Survey”.
  5. You are to base your RESEARCHoff of the top “3” Career Clusters on your survey results.
  6. There are “3” parts to this assignment. Complete the research for each Career Cluster and answer questions 1 – 10. Essentially, repeating the lesson 3x’s!
  7. Part 1 – Career Cluster #1 , Part 2 – Career Cluster #2, Part 3 – Career Cluster #3
  8. Click on the links provided on this document to access the information needed for this assignment. Note: Do NOT go to other sites only go to the ones I have given to you in this lesson.
  9. Put your answers in the boxes provided.

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NameCareer Cluster Investigation Part: 2Date:

Career Cluster Investigation Project Part 2

  1. & 2. From the CAREER CLUSTER SURVEY recently completed, list in the BOX below the 1stmatching Career Cluster you were matched with! The completed survey is in your NETWORKfolder. - to view the Career Clusters click on the link, then click on the cluster for the definition.
  1. Name of the Career Cluster
  1. Define the Career Cluster
  1. Go to the link provided and view the different Career Pathways within each of the 16 Career Clusters and list 1 Career Pathway in the box provided.

Example: If Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources was your top matching career cluster, click on one of the career pathways that come under this cluster.

Career Cluster

Career Pathways

(On the website – click on the one you want)

3. Choose 1 Career Pathway within the Career Cluster and DEFINE it– in the box below

  1. After choosing a career pathway and clicking on the link, put the definition of the chosen career pathway in the box below.

Educational Options for the chosen Career Pathway – on the same page

List 1Career/Occupation under each level of education in the blue box.

  1. High School
  1. College (less than 1 year of education) (Certificate/License)
  1. College (1-3 years of education) (Certificate/License, Associates)
  1. College (Bachelor’s Degree – 4 years of education)
  1. College (Advanced Degree – 4 years +) Master’s or Doctoral (PhD)

10. Which Career Cluster do you like best and why out of the 3 you researched?

  1. Go to Next Page for College Exploration at – List 3 Universities where this your Career Cluster/Pathway/Career is offered.

Go to

In the box “find colleges” type in the career/occupation and the state of Texas

Example: agriculture Texas – it will give you a list of colleges/universities with this program

11. Name of the Universities that have this Career Cluster/Pathway/Career




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