Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Parish Council Minutes
June 14, 2017
Call to order by President Mary Winstead at 7PM. Father Paul Christy led in prayer.
Members present: Joanna Biliouris, Leslie Dombalis, Steve Flaherty, Maria Hicks, Sydney Langford, Harry Nicholos, Costa Panagos, Pavlos Pavlides, Jim Riley, Mary Winstead, Mary Wehbie
Members absent: John Demos, Jason Kekas, David Kouba, Bob Lyford.
Reading of the Minutes: Minutes sent in advance of the meeting. Mary notes revision in minutes made by Bob Lyford for clarity. Motion to accept minutes as presented by Harry Nicholos. Second by Pavlos Pavlides. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Harry Nicholos
Harry reviewed details of the balance sheet. He noted transfers made during the month, which is accounted for in this budget. He reviewed the Profit/Loss report. He noted that stewardship brought in $23,000 compared to the budgeted amount of $35,000. We remain approximately $2000 ahead for the year, but notes that we are entering the summer months, which historically have lower income.
Expenses remain stable. There has been maintenance on the church property: exterior painting, carpet cleaning, and signage and will be reflected in property and maintenance accounts as payments are made. Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report by Joanna Biliouris. Second by Steve Flaherty. Motion carried.
Mary Winstead reported that Bob worked with David Ford of Edward Jones Investment Firm to answer questions that Parish Council had after May meeting. Bob reported that David Ford updated the proposal to include requests and recommendations made by Bob and the PC, such as having all funds in American banks. Bob is comfortable with moving funds into accounts with Edward Jones.
Harry Nicholos recommended putting a committee together to oversee the accounts, make recommendations when needed and report on the funds. This committee would report to Parish Council. An advantage to establishing a committee would be to have more stable set of individuals involved, in reference to two- year PC terms.
Discussion followed with the following agreed upon in committee makeup: Bob Lyford (Parish Council Treasurer), George Pappas (Capital Campaign chairman), and 2-3 parishioners with financial backgrounds. Some individual recommended were Harry Kledaras and Greg Delage. Don McEnteer served as a treasurer in the past and should be considered if any of the others is unable to serve. Mary Winstead will reach out to the individuals recommended, discuss the purpose and objectives, and ask them to meet and report back to PC.
Mary Winstead recommended holding a special General Assembly for the purpose of presenting the investment proposal to the General Assembly for their consideration. A possible date is August 20th. Discussion followed.
Costa Panagos recommended moving forward with Edward Jones and having the committee meet and oversee the accounts.
Motion by Costa Panagos to invest funds with Edward Jones Investment Firm and create investment committee to oversee accounts. Treasurer will serve as chair and liaison with PC.
Discussion followed with several points considered.
· David Ford addressed all concerns brought up by Parish Council.
· It is noted that David Ford was proactive in preparing a proposal in response to concerns raised at March GA meeting.
· Question arose regarding purpose of having a special GA. Is the meeting to inform the parish about action taken or to have formal vote prior to transferring the money?
· It is noted that if we decide to invest with Edward Jones, we would be engaged in business with a parishioner. Harry Nicholos recommended signing a “related party agreement.” In such an agreement each member acknowledges its position.
· By consensus, the PC will establish the committee, announce the committee to the community via bulletin and list serve, and request that the community bring concerns, questions, comments, proposals to the committee.
As such no decision is made at this meeting where to move money as PC continues due diligence research in regard to $3.7 million dollars in capital campaign fund.
Clergy Laity, Philoptochos, and Choir Conference: Sydney Langford
Sydney updated the number of registered attendees. She reviewed a la carte tickets sold. Mary Winstead offered a debt of gratitude to Sydney and Mark Langford, and Pres. Mary, as well as to Frances Mathes and the registration committee. She acknowledges that support from community has been unbelievable.
Hierarchical Liturgy on Saturday, June 24th: Mary Winstead, Mary Wehbie, and Joanna Biliouris will be on duty. Leslie Dombalis is available if someone can work for her. Father expects a long service and we will prepare for overflow.
As previously discussed, Metropolitan Alexios asked all parishes to make contributions toward Panagia Chapel at Diakonia Retreat Center. Father explained that a Prothesis is an altar table to the left side of the altar where gifts are prepared.
Joanna Biliouris made a motion to purchase prothesis for Panagia Chapel at Diakonia Retreat Center. $2550.00 has been donated to date. Remainder to be paid is $4450.00 and will be paid from Clergy Laity proceeds. Second Leslie Dombalis.
Motion carried.
Fr. Paul Christy Comments:
Fr. Paul would like to have luncheon to honor Fr. Polycarp on August 27th.
Maria Hicks made a motion to buy vestments as a going away gift to Fr. Polycarp. Second by Sydney Langford. Motion carried.
Father will make inquiries where last vestments were purchased.
Leslie Dombalis will chair a brunch for the 80th anniversary. Philoptochos will serve Phanouropita on the same day.
President Comments: Mary Winstead
Mary Winstead commented on the work being done in the church. Carpets look excellent. New copier arrived. New compressor is servicing front offices. A leak in the sanctuary from condensation from clogged pipes is repaired. Front doors are stained. Exterior paint is complete. George Kapetanakis will inspect with Chris Pappas before the final payment for the exterior painting is made.
Teleconference meetings: Jim Riley
Jim reports that we have capability to teleconference. Please contact him if you need this service.
Kitchen update: Mary Winstead:
Chris Pappas contacted Mary and inquired whether we will be moving forward with proposed kitchen renovation. She reviewed minutes and reports that the GA approved $75,000 for the renovation, but bids came in and cost was in the $150,000 range. The project was divided into different parts. The freezer project was completed and drawings were prepared for the kitchen project. Permit to City of Raleigh is due to expire in June.
Mary acknowledges that the history of this project is long and difficult to follow. The GA was enthusiastic to move forward, but prices were much greater than anticipated. Discussion followed.
Of note the Parish has already paid approximately $50,000. The cost is likely to be an additional $145,000 +/- 15%. PC is having reservations about kitchen project due to lack of available funds.
Chris Pappas was conferenced in to discuss.
Chris Pappas was asked to prepare a proposal to expand kitchen. After many discussions with architects, drawings approved. Extensive work was done.
Chris reviewed process and time line of permits and deadlines. The building permit application to City of Raleigh Planning and Permits Dept. and pickup date for the kitchen project will expire in June. If we do not start work on the project this year, we will go through the process of submitting drawings and getting approval from the city again. The process should not take as long when we resubmit. Chris recommends resubmitting around August and begin work in January. Work must begin within 6 months of the permit.
Several options are possible.
We can wait until after the 2017 Festival. If it is a profitable year, festival funds can be used for the project. If there is no money even with festival, Chris will tell city we need a little more time and see if they will grant extension.
We have already spent over $50,000 on the freezer expansion, gas line move, and architect fees. The gas line was in the way of construction and did not provide enough energy for the size of our facility. The fee for the architect plan was approximately $14,000.
Sydney notes we are paying a lot of money for 1000 square feet of additional space. There is currently $149,000 in property maintenance account. These funds are also being used for ongoing repairs and maintenance.
Mary Winstead reviewed GA meeting discussion in February 2015.
The kitchen is not up to code. We have been issued variance for the sink. Cooking activities are growing and kitchen is still same size and outdated.
Discussion continued. One recommendation is to see what festival year looks like and then decide. Another thought is that the kitchen is essential to our parish activities. The building of a new sanctuary will not impact the kitchen. It will be used for many years. Last year we did not allocate the money after a good festival. John Fakiris previously expressed concern about the small amount of space added. Joanna Biliouris notes that while it is a small amount of square footage it doubles our space.
Joanna Biliouris recommends letting permit expire at this time. If funds are available after the festival, we can pay the $250 to resubmit.
New Business:
Camcorder: Jim Riley would like to place a camcorder near the pulpit. Cost is $250. Motion to purchase camcorder for $250 by Joanna Biliouris. Second by Sydney Langford. Motion carried.
Re-seating ceiling tiles in hall: Cost to repair is $288.
Motion to repair tiles on ceiling in the hall by Joanna Biliouris. Second by Leslie Dombalis. Motion carried.
Room darkening shades can be placed for improved viewing of Liturgy in the hall. Board declined.
Manny Aretakis made a stand for choir conductor. PC to send thank you note to Manny Aretakis. The stand is simply beautiful and functional.
Many thanks to Chris Pappas, a great steward of our facility.
New business:
Beeswax candles are placed outside of the church to be taken to Monastery. They are attracting bees and melting. Rob will look into a big bin to place the candles in.
Lamentation books have been found.
Motion to adjourn 8:20PM by Mary Wehbie.
Respectedfully submitted,
Mary Wehbie