The Sarah B. and Louis M. Kesselman Israel Program Scholarship Fund enables Jewish young adults to spend a semester or a year in Israel helping them to strengthen their Jewish identity and build a lasting relationship with Israel.

Eligibility Requirements for Kesselman Israel Program Scholarships

Scholarships for long-term Israel programs are available to residents of the greater Milwaukee community (ages 18–30) including local university students and students enrolled in institutions of higher learning in the State of Wisconsin. The program must be approved by MASA long term Israel programs and one award each calendar year may be made to a participant in the Otzma program. The Milwaukee Jewish Federation evaluates each application on an individual basis. Applications are due February 17, 2016 for programs beginning between March 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017. Funding is awarded based on many factors, including a demonstration of need.

1.  Scholarships are for teens and young adults ages 18–30 who are participating in MASA approved Israel travel/study programs.

2.  Funding is not available for peer educational programs.

3.  Applicants must be residents of the Milwaukee metropolitan area or students who have graduated from a Milwaukee area high school who are now attending an institution of higher learning in the State of Wisconsin.

4.  The maximum scholarship available for program participants is $2500 and applicable to the published cost of the program only. The maximum scholarship available for Otzma program participants is $3000. Domestic flight expenses, travel insurance or personal expenses are not covered by the scholarships.

5.  The application must be completed by the student only. The application must be typed or printed clearly in ink with all questions and sections completed. If a section is not applicable, please explain. Applications missing any requested materials will NOT be considered. The quality of the application is considered in the awarding of scholarships.

6.  Upon the applicant’s return to his/her community, the applicant is expected to share his/her experiences through written and/or oral presentations, and to participate in Jewish communal activities in the Milwaukee area.

7.  Scholarship funds are sent directly to the sponsoring organization, not the applicant.

8.  It is understood that if the applicant is dismissed early from the Israel program due to an infraction of the program rules, the full amount of the scholarship received will be repaid to the Milwaukee Jewish Federation Kesselman Israel Program Scholarship fund.

9.  Successful applicants are considered to be representatives of the greater Milwaukee Jewish community.

Application must include:

1.  If the applicant is claimed as a dependent, a copy of the parents’ most recent tax returns, including all schedules. If the applicant is not claimed as a dependent, the applicant’s tax return, including all schedules. If you are dependent but not able to provide tax returns, please explain why.

2.  All applications and supporting documentation are treated confidentially.

3.  Student tax forms are not acceptable as they do not provide an accurate account of financial need.

4.  Two letters of recommendation, with at least one reference from a Jewish communal professional. If not possible, please explain why.

The Sarah B. and Louis M. Kesselman Israel Program

Scholarship Fund Application

Send applications to: Elsie Crawford

Milwaukee Jewish Federation

1360 North Prospect Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53202

Phone: (414) 390-5762

Program Year: March 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017

Applications due: February 17th, 2016

This application must be completed by the student only. It must be typed or printed clearly in ink with all questions and sections completed. (Please give an explanation if you are unable to complete any question or section.) Applications missing any requested information WILL NOT be considered. The quality of the application is considered in the awarding of scholarships.

I. Background Information

Name of Applicant:

Date of Birth:


Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

If currently a student, name of educational institution:

Year in school: Full-time or part-time:

Declared Major:

Expected date of graduation:

Are you currently employed? Full-time or part-time?

Dates: ______

Name of current employer: Job Title:

Have you participated in an internship?

Dates: Placement Position:

How many years have you lived in the greater Milwaukee metropolitan area? ______

II. Jewish Community Involvement

Are you affiliated with a synagogue, another Jewish spiritual group and/or other Jewish communal organizations? ______

Have you received any awards or honors? If so, please list: ______

Describe participation in extracurricular activities such as community service, social activities and/or leadership positions: ______


III. Israel Program of Interest

Name of Program:

Does this program have an American office or representative to which the scholarship check will be mailed? □ Yes □ No

Please provide American address if possible:

Date of Program:

Describe the purpose of the Israel program of interest (volunteer work, study, etc…):


Cost of Program (airfare and incidentals excluded): ______

What is the amount you are requesting from the Sarah B. and Louis M. Kesselman Israel Program Scholarship Fund? ______

Have you applied for any additional scholarships, stipends or monies to help finance participation in this program? If yes, please give details. ______


Please answer one of the following questions in essay form. Please limit your typed response to no more than one page and attach to this application.

1.  Why do you want to take part in your chosen long-term Israel program?

2.  Why do you feel you should be considered for the Sarah B. and Louis M. Kesselman Israel Program Scholarship Fund?

3.  What do you hope to gain personally from this experience?

IV. Post Israel Experience Commitment

Describe ways in which you will share your Israel program experience when you return to the Milwaukee metropolitan area such as written and/or oral presentations and/or participation in Milwaukee Jewish communal activities. ______




Signature of applicant: Date: