(For positions on the 2012 Board)


MEMBER INFORMATION (You must be a current ASHRM member to vote.)

The following information is required to ensure one vote per member; missing or incorrect information will invalidate your entire ballot.

Full Name: / OR / SHRM Member #:


Check only one box for each position available for election this year (those not shaded gray). Candidate profiles are included on the following pages. Per the current ASHRM By-Laws, if a Board vacancy is created as a result of the election process (i.e., a current Board member is elected into another position), the vacated position will be filled by Presidential appointment (with Board approval).

This position will be filled by the current (2011) President-Elect: / President-Elect
The individual voted President-Elect will be ASHRM’s President in 2013 (3-years):
X / Kate Young, PHR, PSIA
This position is responsible for the agendas and minutes for all ASHRM board meetings. (1 year) / Treasurer
This position is responsible for the Chapter’s finances and financial record keeping. (1 year)
Lisa Lovel Larmi, PHR / Jeanne Haave, SPHR
VP, Membership
This position is responsible for the Chapter’s membership programs and records. (1 year) / Diversity
This position monitors and evaluates local activities concerning diversity issues (2 years)
Cara Fox Fairbanks, SPHR / Karen L. Williams, SPHR
Governmental Affairs
This position monitors and evaluates pending legislative, regulatory and legal action at the federal, state, and local level (2 years) / HospitalityCommittee Chair
This position welcomes new members into the chapter and helps coordinate the logistics of monthly membership meetings. (1 year)
K. Michael Ward, SPHR, GPHR / Carrie Grice, PHR
Public Relations
This position creates and maintains development of members by informing them on chapter projects, activities and upcoming events and meetings. (2 years) / SHRM Foundation
This position educates and represents the interest of the SHRM Foundation (2 years)
Andrew G. Brown, SPHR / Karen Zemba, SPHR
Sponsorship & Exhibitor Committee Chair
This position identifies and acquires sponsors for chapter meetings and events who are willing to assist the chapter financially in return for an opportunity to promote their product or service to members. (1 year) / Community and External Relations Chair
This position interacts with the Chamber and other related organization. Facilitates effort to provide training and education opportunities to HR professionals and the community at large.
Patty Huston, PHR / Teresa Block
Completed ballots must be received on or before December 5th via:
Mail: P.O. Box 240926 Anchorage, AK 99524-0926
In Person (at Nov. ASHRM Luncheon):Give to any board member

If there is a tie, the Senior Advisor and Past-President will make the final decision. Individuals elected into multiple positions can pick which they will accept. If the individual elected into the position declines, the runner-up may be asked to serve as Chair.

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/ 2011 ASHRM
(for positions on the 2012 Board)

Candidate Information:

Each candidate has provided the following information so that ASHRM members can learn a little bit about their previous HR Volunteer Leadership positions and why they want to serve on AHSRM’s Board of Directors.

Secretary Candidate(s)
Lisa Lovel LarmiJoined ASHRM in 2004
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year(s) / Organization / Position
1. 1 / ASHRM / Secretary
Opportunity to give back to ASHRM for support. Increase contacts and networking opportunities. Grow and stretch myself.

Treasurer Candidate(s)

Jeanne HaaveJoined ASHRM in 2005
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year(s) / Organization / Position
1. 3
2. 3 / ASHRM
AK SHRM State Council / Legislative
I enjoy working toward making this organization a success for all of the members and being involved in creating the future. It's rewarding volunteering with a dedicated team of professionals all focused on giving their time toward the same goal and while it may sound a little 'hokey,' it feeds my soul.

V.P. of Membership

Cara Fox Fairbanks Joined ASHRM in 2002
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year(s) / Organization / Position
1. 2011 / ASHRM / VP Membership
2. 2008 / ASHRM / Past President
3. 2007 / ASHRM / President
4. 2006 / ASHRM / President-Elect
5. 2005 / ASHRM / Legislative Co-Chair
I enjoy giving back to the HR community and an organization that has helped to shape my career and successes. I would like to continue to see ASHRM grow and offer more to our members.

Diversity Chair

Karen L. Williams
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year - New / Organization / Position
ASHRM is a good and positive organization that I’ve been a member of for a few years. After attending some of the lunches and events over the years I’ve decided I really should be more involved. This chapter has a strong board of directors and I would appreciate the opportunity to learn more about ASHRM from them. Additionally, I have a strong background and commitment to diversity.

Governmental Affairs

K Michael Ward Joined ASHRM in 2007
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year(s) / Organization / Position
1. 2011 / Anchorage SHRM / Co-Chair Membership
2. 2010 / Anchorage SHRM / Chair, Membership
3. 2009 / Anchorage SHRM / Chair, Workforce Readiness
4. 2008 / Anchorage SHRM / Co-Chair Governmental Affairs
5. 2008-2011 / Anchorage SHRM / Certification Instructor – Labor Relations
I feel I could best serve the ASHRM Membership in this position for several reasons: Prior to my HR career I worked for the legislature for 3 years and understand how it works. Currently I’m the Chair of Governmental Affairs with AAHU (Alaska Association of Health Underwriters) which has consistent goals as SHRM. In that position I already have paid trips to Washington DC and Juneau to lobby, combining forces would be both powerful and cost effective.

Hospitality Committee Chair Candidate

Carrie Grice Joined ASHRM in 2011
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year - New / Organization / Position
I want to serve on the ASHRM board because it will be a great opportunity for me to be more involved with my fellow HR professionals in terms of networking, community involvement, as well as growth and development. I would be delighted at the opportunity; it would be a first for me.

SHRM Foundation

Karen Zemba Joined ASHRM in 2010
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year(s) / Organization / Position
1. 2010 / ASHRM / Co-Chair - SHRM Foundation
2. 2011 / ASHRM / Co-Chair - SHRM Foundation
I asked myself that many times so, for the longest time avoided it like the plague. One day I heard a plea for a co-chair at a monthly luncheon. Since then, I’ve been inspired and mentored by Bonnie Dorman. This BOD makes it their mantra for everyone to succeed and are willing to do whatever it takes to contribute to that success. Why WOULDN’T I want to serve on the ASHRM Board?

Sponsorship & Exhibitor Committee Chair

Patty Huston Joined ASHRM in 2005
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year(s) / Organization / Position
1. 2006-2010 / ASHRM / Awards & Recognition Committee Member
2. 2011 / ASHRM / Alaska State Council / Food Service Committee Member for State Conference in October 2011
3. 2007 / SHRM / Alaska State Council / Committee Member for State Conference in April 2007
I have missed being part of the ASHRM Board this year! By serving on the Board, I am giving back to a great organization that has helped my professional HR development. In this position, I will strive to bring quality vendors and sponsors to our monthly luncheons and special events.

Community and External Relations Chair

Teresa Block Joined ASHRM in 2010
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year - New / Organization / Position
I would like to contribute to the professional growth of this organization. Born and raised in Anchorage and with my real estate background, I am comfortable networking with any organization to find and bring quality training and educational opportunities to the Chapter members.

Public Relations Chair

Andrew G. Brown Joined ASHRM in 2011
Please list your 4 current/most recent involvement(s) with A/SHRM, NHRMA, and/or HRCI:
Year – New
2011 / Organization
ASHRM / Position
Volunteer – Career Counseling Event
I would like to get involved and help out.

If there is a tie, the Senior Advisor and Past-President will make the final decision. Individuals elected into multiple positions can pick which they will accept. If the individual elected into the position declines, the runner-up may be asked to serve as Chair.

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