Regular Meeting

MountainLakeCity Council

Monday, March 6, 2006

6:30 p.m.

Members Present:Dean Janzen, Mayor; Brian Schultz; Brian Harder

Members Absent:Harvey Stoesz, Mark Hanson

Staff Present:Daryl Mohlenbrock, Electrical Superintendent; Rick Oeltjenbruns, Street and Parks Superintendent, Andy Kehren, City Engineer, Bolton and Menk; Maryellen Suhrhoff, City Attorney; and Wendy Meyer, City Clerk/Administrator

Others Present:Mark Langland, Mt. Lake Utility Commission Member; Dan Juhl and Jeff Bendel, DanMar Associates; Dan O’Neill, Northland Securities; Jamie Quiring; and Gloria McKissick

Mayor Dean Janzen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m.

Agenda and Consent Agenda

Motion by Brian Harder, seconded by Brian Schultz to approve the agenda and consent

agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Approval of Council Minutes from February 21, 2006

Approval of City Bills (5386 to 5441and 10017 to 10032)

Approval of Utility Commission minutes from February 9, 2006

Approval of Planning and Zoning Commission minutes from January 30, 2006

Approval of February building permits

Pow Wow raffle permit

Appoint Brian Janzen to Planning and Zoning Commission

2006 Street and Utility Project

Andy Kehren, City Engineer, Bolton and Menk, briefly updated the Council on the progress of plans for the project. Assessing the affected property owners was discussed. Motion by Brian Schultz, seconded by Brian Harder to hire a licensed appraiser to determine the value of five representative properties in the improvement area with and without the planned improvements. Motion carried.

Seal Coat, Street Department

Motion by Brian Schultz, seconded by Brian Harder to call for seal coat bids.

Motion carried.

City-Wide Clean Up

The administrator presented a letter from the Cottonwood County Landfill offering half

price tipping fees for city-wide clean up. The clean up will be curbside and will be held

during a regular garbage collection day. The administrator was directed to contact

Waste Management to set a date.

Sidewalk Inspection and Repair Program

In the mid-90s a portion of the city’s sidewalks were inspected and repaired each year.

Street Superintendent Rick Oeltjenbruns and the administrator recommended the

program be revived. Oeltjenbruns presented a city map with six sections. A

section will be inspected and repaired each year. Motion by Brian Harder, seconded

BrianSchultz to re-establish the program. Motion carried.

Trailer Purchase

Street Superintendent Rick Oeltjenbruns presented quotes for a larger lawn mower

trailer. Motion by Brian Harder, seconded by Brian Schultz to purchase a used 63”

by 14’ aluminum trailer from GDF Enterprises, Windom. Motion carried.

Wind Turbine Bids

Daryl Mohlenbrock, Electrical Superintendent and Mark Langland, Utilities

Commission Member explained the history of the project. Based on their research

the Commission believes the project will provide the city’s utility customers with a

low cost source of electricity, add to the diversification of power sources already in place

and allow the utility to meet green energy requirements.

Dan Juhl and Jeff Bendel, DanMar Associates explained the turbine specifications and

discussed the turbine shortage. Timelines for opening bids, awarding bids and

construction, and the expected completion date were discussed.

Dan O’Neill, Northland Securities, explained the Clean Renewable Energy Bonds

(CREBs) program. The city’s application must be submitted by April 26, 2007. Bonds

must be sold by Dec. 31, 2007; construction must begin by Dec. 31, 2012.

Motion by Brian Schultz, seconded by Brian Harder to call for bids for a 1250 to 1650

kw wind turbine. Bids will be opened April 3 and awarded within 30 days. Motion



The Administrator informed the Council that the Library Board, after interviewing

candidates, is recommending the hiring of Gloria Klassen at $7.50/hour and Grace

Harder at $8.00/ hour. Motion by Brian Harder, seconded by Brian Schultz to hire

Klassen and Harder at the proposed wage. Motion carried.

Demolition of 1113 Third Ave., PIN 22.520.1170

Motion by Brian Harder, seconded by Brian Schultz to award the demolition and

hauling bid to Lohrenz Construction at a cost of $7,450. Work will be completed within

21 days after spring road restrictions are lifted. Motion carried. The CottonwoodCounty

Demolition Fund for government owned properties will be used to pay for 50% of the

tipping fee.

Garage Ordinance, First Reading

The proposed garage ordinance and related changes were reviewed. The Council

directed the Administrator and Attorney to add language requiring accessory buildings to

have concrete footings and to be eliminate Definition 2.


The new copier scanner is black and white. It is not possible to get a color scanner on a

black and white copier. Motion by Brian Harder, seconded by Dean

Janzen to purchase a color scanner and purchase RAM for a computer to operate the

scanner for approximately $700 from New Star Sales. Motion carried.

Briggs and Morgan Bill

A legal bill from the Pinebrook Tax Increment Financing Project was discussed. The

Administrator will contact JAND Development to discuss payment.

The Administrator informed the council that the Council of Governments will be

presenting a session on job descriptions. This is the first step in the performance review

process required by the Council before 2007 pay increases are approved.

It was announced that the Sewer/Water Dept. is working to complete a water emergency

management plan; city employees, fire department and emergency medical

technicians will need to take additional National Incident Management System (NIMS)

training; and a Speak-Out releasing the results of a survey of 40 plus professionals and

parents regarding the city’s pre-school citizens will be held Sat. morning, March 25. The

survey is part of the multi-year early child grant awarded to the community by the

Southwest Foundation.


Gloria McKissick asked about the decibel level of ‘turbo’ mufflers and the noise limits

set by city ordinance. She was asked to contact the police directly on this manner.


Motion by Brian Harder, seconded by Brian Schultz to adjourn at 8 p.m. Motion


Approved March 20, 2006.


Dean Janzen, Mayor Wendy Meyer, Clerk/Administrator