The University Writing Assessment

Preparation Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction…………………………...……………………………….3
  1. Frequently Asked Questions…………..……………………………….4
  1. Holistic Evaluation Grading Scale.………………..……………...... 6
  1. Sample Essays………………………………………………………....8
  1. Helpful Hints…………………………………………………………31


Texas A&M International University, like other institutions of higher learning, has an obligation to certify that students who graduate from this university are competent in English language communication skills. Due to an interest in achieving excellence in education, the faculty of Texas A&M International University has endorsed a written English language competency graduation requirement—English 3301 (English for the Professions). Students may be exempted from this course by passing the University Writing Assessment or UWA (formerly the Rising Junior Exam or RJE). This assessment is used to identify a student’s level of proficiency in written English language skills. The test is periodically administered by the Language Proficiency Program (LPP) at Texas A&M International University.

The University Writing Assessment requires that students write an argumentative essay of no less than 300 words; however, students are advised to exceed the minimum requirement. Students are allotted three hours to complete the essay and are encouraged to use a dictionary, thesaurus, and/or an English grammar guide. There are four writing prompts from which to choose; these prompts may include national, local, and cultural issues as well as current events and poetry. This booklet is intended to assist students preparing for the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.Who must meet the Language Proficiency Graduation requirement?

A.All undergraduate students seeking a degree from TAMIU.

Q.How do I meet the Language Proficiency Graduation requirement?

A.The only way you can meet this requirement is by passing the University Writing Assessment (UWA).

Q.How soon should I take the UWA so that I may be exempt from English 3301?
A.You should take the UWA as soon as you successfully complete English 1301 and 1302. If you are a transfer student, you should take the exam during the first semester you are enrolled at TAMIU, provided that you have completed English 1301 and 1302.

Q.How many times can I take the UWA?

A.If you intend to get a bachelor’s degree from TAMIU, you must take the University Writing Assessment until you pass it.

Q.What happens if I don’t pass the UWA the first time I take it?

A. If you are following the 1998 catalog or a catalog prior to 1998 and you took the

UWA for the first time after completing English 1301 and English 1302, you must successfully complete a sophomore literature course before being allowed to retest. If you then pass the UWA, you have satisfied the university’s language proficiency requirement for graduation but still need to take a second sophomore literature course to satisfy the core requirements of your catalog year. If you fail the assessment, you must successfully complete your second sophomore literature course before being allowed to retest. If you fail again, you must take English 3301 and retest until you pass the assessment.

If you are following the 1999 catalog or a catalog after 1999 and you took the UWA for the first time after completing English 1301 and English 1302, you must successfully complete a sophomore literature course before being allowed to retake the UWA. If you pass the exam, you have satisfied the university’s language proficiency requirement for graduation. If you fail, you must successfully complete a second sophomore literature course before being allowed to retest. If you fail again, you must take English 3301 and retest until you pass the assessment.

Q.How can I prepare for the UWA?

A.Students should strive to improve their writing skills in English 1301, English 1302, and sophomore lit and all other university courses with a writing component. Regular writing, revision, and constructive criticism will most likely improve your writing skills and provide the best preparation for the UWA. In addition, tutors at the Writing Center (located on the second floor of Killam Library in Room 217 across from the Testing Center) can help you evaluate your writing, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and recommend strategies and resources to help you further improve your writing skills. The Writing Center also has on file sample prompts from past University Writing Assessments and UWA essays for students who failed the test. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the types of prompts included in the exam, to write at least one practice exam during the semester leading up to the exam, to review the practice essay with a Writing Center tutor, and to request copies of their essays to review with faculty or Writing Center staff.

Q. How is the UWA essay evaluated?

A. TAMIUfaculty readers evaluate the essay using a holistic evaluation scale (see pp. 6-7 of this guide). Each essay is read by at least two readers. Readers do not have to agree on the specific score that an essay receives, but they must agree that the essay either fails or passes. If the essay receives a passing score from one reader and a failing score from the other reader, the essay is read by a third chief reader who determines whether the essay passes or fails.

Q.What is the passing score for the UWA?

A. Each essay is read by two faculty members. An essay receiving a score of “3” or “4”

(total score of 6, 7, or 8 from two readers) passes; an essay receiving a score of “1” or “2” (total score of 2, 3, or 4 from two readers) does not pass. To pass the University Writing Assessment, you must receive a total score of 6 or better.

Holistic Evaluation Grading Scale

Score of 4: Passing

The writer introduces a thesis based specifically on the selected topic for the essay and effectively supports his/her position throughout. The writer’s ability to think critically is evident (open-minded; logical analysis of the topic; use of relevant evidence; avoidance of over generalization, irrelevance, rambling of thought; etc.). The writer demonstrates a command of the English language, i.e., the paper is virtually free of errors in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. The writer utilizes an effective variety of sentence structures and precise vocabulary.

Score of 3: Passing

The writer introduces a thesis based specifically on the selected topic for the essay and effectively supports his/her position throughout. The writer’s ability to think critically is evident (open-mindedness; logical analysis of the topic; use of relevant evidence; avoidance of over generalization, irrelevance, rambling of thought; etc.). The essay may not be as sophisticated as a “4" paper, but it still takes into account the total situation, addresses its complexity and remains relevant to the main point. Although non-standard English usage and mechanics MAY BE present in the essay (such as errors in verb tense, subject-verb agreement, word choice, sentence structure, pronoun reference, etc.), these errors areINFREQUENT AND DO NOT INTERFERE with the clarity or development of the essay. Sentence structure is sufficiently varied so as not to interfere with communication.

Score of 2: Failing

The grammar, spelling and punctuation of this essay are acceptable; however, the paper lacks logic and sufficient development. The writer may present a position, but it is either unclearly or poorly supported and the paper contains frequent problems in logic and coherence. Instead of supporting the main idea, the paper rambles, is unnecessarily repetitious, and/or lacks logical analysis of the topic. Sentences may be short, simple, and similar in structure. Word choice may be confusing or inappropriate. Paragraphs lack unity and development.


This essay is fairly well developed but contains a distracting number of grammatical errors. The paper may be rhetorically sound (development of central idea, varied sentence structure, correct word choice, logic, etc.) but has so many grammatical errors that it is unsuccessful.

Score of 1: Failing

The essay fails to present and/or develop a position on the topic and lacks a vocabulary sufficient to develop all but the most rudimentary level of thought. The paper does not exhibit critical thinking or control of one or more of the following basic writing skills: grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.

Failing Essay - Received a holistic score of1

Topic: Should Texas Propositions 42 and 48, the no-pass, no-play regulations, be enforced in Laredo schools? Why or why not?

Page 1

No title

Multiple spelling errors

Unclear antecedent for “their”

Does not explain that Propositions 42 and 48 are no-pass, no-play regulations

Comma splice

Wrong word used—should be “extent”

Unclear pronoun reference—“It” causes confusion

“students” missing apostrophe

Incorrect word choice “abolish students”

Unclear position on the issue

Effective topic sentence—reminds reader of thesis

Paragraph lacks develop- ment and sufficient evidence to convince reader of point of paragraph

Notre Dame example needs more detail

Nonstandard English—should be “to help them pass”

Par. lacks concluding sentence

Since the beginning of Greek civilization, athletes have been praised. And it continues to happen. We are enterig the 21st century and now more than ever athletes are earning extremly a lot of money. The sport is not played with love—it is a matter of money. I personally believe that there should be some limition to their abilities to perform in a college. Propositions 48 and 42 will enable students to be treated equally, therefore, both to an extend were good laws that were passed. Itwill secure students right to be treated equally, It will abolish students entering the college with a low GPA and the athletes are protected as students players.

Students’ right to equality was boosted when proposition 48 was passed. Students need to be treated equally even though they are not star athletes. Across the nation athletes receive special treatment. For example, in Notre Dame, coaches hire private tutors for their athletes in order to have them passing.

Reasonable attempt at a topic sentence since it refers to an idea included in the thesis

Word choice error—“than” should be “as”

Paragraph lacks development: no evidence, no discussion of point, and no concluding sentence.

No concluding paragraph

Reader comments:

Besides the multiple spelling, mechanical, and grammatical errors present in this essay, the introduction has major flaws because the writer does not explain what Propositions 42 and 48 are and the thesis does not clearly address the prompt or state an argumentative position. In addition, body paragraphs are incomplete and almost entirely void of evidence and, as a result, fail to support the writer’s position on the issue. The conclusion also is entirely absent. This paper fails to fulfill the minimum word count.

Having students and athletes have a mandatory GPA is an excellent step on making athletes provide the same requirements than any other student on campus.

Page 1

Failing Essay - Received a holistic score of 2

Topic:The Mexican government initiated a plan that would force foreign drivers to leave a large deposit (of up to $800.00) before driving into the country’s interior. Government officials claim that this measure is necessary to cut down on the large number of stolen foreign-owned vehicles being sold in Mexico each year. American analysts warn that this initiative will severely decrease Mexico’s tourism revenues. Even though the Mexican government has temporarily suspended this policy for the holiday season, do you believe it is a sound policy? Why or why not?

Page 1

Quotation marks not necessary

Should be “Their Own”

Intro lacks an effective attention-getter

Thesis is made up of several sentences, which state the position and reasons; all of this could more clearly and concisely be placed in one sentence.

Subject-verb agreement—“government is giving”

Pronoun agreement error—“they” for “government”

Subject-verb agreement

Offers a valid reason in the topic sentence, logically connected to thesis

Unclear pronoun reference—repetitious

“Mexican Government Charging the

own Paisanos”

Should the Mexican government charge a deposit to foreign drivers? I think that the Mexican government should not charge a deposit to foreign drivers. The reasons the Mexican government are giving are not enough to charge the deposit. They are using the stolen cars as an excuse to charge the deposit. The deposit they are asking for is too high. The Mexican government will lose tourism revenues. They already charge for foreign cars permits.

First of all, the Mexican government are just using the excuse about stolen foreign cars being sold in Mexico to charge a deposit. They need to say the actual reason why they are charging the deposit. They are afraid that people will bring foreign cars with permits

Unnecessary comma

Spelling error

Unnecessary comma

Good effort to develop the point of this paragraph, but the writer fails to include any factual, detailed evidence in support of the reason offered in the topic sentence. Instead, the writer offers opinion after opinion.

Fragment—incorrect use of semicolon

Pronoun reference

Mexican government—“they”

Subject-verb agreement

Incorrect parallel structure: “to bring ...and leaving”

Topic sentence makes a smooth transition and offers a logical reason in support of the thesis

“to” should be “too”

Fragment-incomplete sentence

Wrong word—“surrender” or “give” might be better choices

and then they will sell them in Mexico. The cars are not stolen, but they are illegally in Mexico. Then the Mexican government will charge a certain amount to make the foreign cars legal in Mexico. They are afraid, because foreign cars are less expensive then Mexican cars. They are seeing that people are not buying Mexican cars. The people are buying foreign cars, because they know the Mexican government will make them legal. They are initiating the plan, so that people won’t sell or leave the foreign cars illegally in Mexico. This new plan will force the people to bring the cars back, in order to get their deposit back. The Mexican government should stop legalizing the foreign cars that are already in Mexico. If the Mexican government doesn’t stop; the people won’t stop either. The Mexican government keeps the foreign cars for their own personal use or they use them as police cars. I have seen foreign cars being used as police cars. The Mexican government in some way are encouraging people to bring the foreign cars into Mexico and leaving them in Mexico.

Secondly, the deposit is to high for anybody to pay it. The families that come from different parts of the U.S. that don’t have enough to pay the deposit. The families might

have to leave all their money for the deposit.

This paragraph lacks evidence and adequate development. The point made in the topic sentence is not supported.

Comma splice

“their” should be “there”

Comma splice

Question mark missing

Good transition

Again, the writer gives a clear, logical reason supporting the thesis in this topic sentence.

Tense shift--“won’t” = “will not” vs. “would not”

Capitalization errors.

Writer makes many predictions in the body of the paragraph but offers no factual evidence (such as examples, statistics, analogies, etc.) in support of the reason.

“Their” should be “there”—

Repeats four times that “the plan should not be implemented” or “initiated”

Awkward sentence

Writer does not need to praise own efforts—reader will make the judgment

The people won’t have any money to spend while in Mexico. The people come during holidays, their will be a lot of spending. I live in the border, I won’t be able to pay the deposit. How are the people that come from up North going to pay the deposit.

Furthermore, the Mexican government will lose tourism revenues. The people won’t be able to afford the deposit, so they won’t be able to go to Mexico. The people would not spend their money in the Mexican Economy. this will mean, more trouble to the Mexican Economy. The Mexican government would be losing millions in tourism revenues. They know that there is a big population of mexicans in the U.S. the Mexican government knows the plan will keep most of them from going into Mexico. They are already charging for foreign car permits. The deposit would be lost, because many people will return every year to visit their relatives. The Mexican government will be making an interest on the deposit. The plan should not be implemented, because their could be boycott’s on the mexican products. I think the plan should not be initiated again. It would

cause everybody involved with the plans many