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Faculty of Law

McCullough Robertson



Indigenous Law Students


Important Dates for Applicants

Applications close: Friday 15 March 2013

Interviews Held: Within 7 – 10 working days

The Aim of the McCullough Robertson Scholarship Program

The aim of the scholarship is to support promising Indigenous law students who are in need of financial assistance and to provide pathways into the private legal profession through contact with McCullough Robertson.

About McCullough Robertson

McCullough Robertson is a full service commercial law firm which was established in 1926. With a complement of over 400 partners, lawyers and support staff, McCullough Robertson is ranked as Queensland’s largest law firm and in 2011 was named ‘Brisbane Law Firm of the Year’ and ‘Gold Employer of Choice’ in the Australasian Legal Business Awards.

McCullough Robertson shows its commitment to the community through its Community Partnerships Program. This encompasses pro bono work, volunteering, donations, sponsorships and partnerships with community organisations. The program has five themes:

·  Indigenous education;

·  community arts and culture;

·  rural and regional assistance;

·  health and mental health; and

·  access to justice.

For more information visit:

Ongoing contact with McCullough Robertson

The recipient of the scholarship for a later year law student will be offered a place in the McCullough Robertson work experience program. The recipient will also be encouraged and supported to apply for any ongoing research clerk positions and graduate positions.

The recipients of both the commencing and later year scholarships will be offered a mentor from McCullough Robertson and will be invited to seminars and functions as appropriate and depending on the student’s availability and interest.

Who is eligible?

All Indigenous undergraduate students enrolled in the QUT Bachelor of Laws, or associated double degree, who can demonstrate social and economic hardship, academic aptitude and an ongoing commitment to the Indigenous community, will be eligible to apply. For more details refer to the Scholarship Terms and Conditions on page 4.

What Scholarships are available?

The McCullough Robertson Scholarship Program consists of:

·  One Scholarship of $5000 to be offered annually to a commencing Indigenous undergraduate student who is, or who was, enrolled for the first time in the QUT Bachelor of Laws degree or an associated double degree in Semester 2, 2012; Semester 1 2013 or Semester 2, 2013.

·  One Scholarship of $5000 to be offered annually to an Indigenous undergraduate student who is enrolled in Semester 1, 2013 in the QUT Bachelor of Laws degree or an associated double degree, and who has completed seventy-two (72) credit points towards that degree.

Students applying for the scholarship must be enrolled in a minimum of 1 law unit per semester.

How will the successful scholarship recipients be selected?

A Selection Panel, comprising representatives of the QUT Faculty of Law, the QUT Oodgeroo Unit and McCullough Robertson Lawyers, will consider all applications and select the scholarship recipients. Selection will be based on:

·  Financial and social hardship;

·  Academic aptitude;

·  Indigenous community involvement; and

·  Overall quality of the candidate’s application and interview.

Applicants who are short listed will be invited to attend an interview with the Selection Panel.

When do I apply?

Applications close on Friday, 15 March, 2013. All information and documentation supplied will be treated confidentially and in accordance with QUT’s Privacy Policy.

What will happen after I apply?

QUT will confirm receipt of your application. Interviews will be held on Friday, 22 March, 2013 and successful candidates will be notified by the end of March.

How will the scholarship be paid?

The scholarships will be paid in equal installments over two semesters after confirmation by the University that the successful recipient’s enrolment program meets the requirements of the Scholarship. The second payment is subject to the recipient maintaining a GPA of 4.0.

How do I apply?

To be eligible for a scholarship you must be:

·  An Indigenous Australian; and

·  Enrolled in the QUT Bachelor of Laws, or an associated double degree, in Semester 1 2013

·  Enrolled in a minimum of 1 law unit per semester.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the scholarship?

You can speak to:

Wendy Cusack, Faculty of Law Equity Coordinator (; 0731381003) or Bianca Hill, Faculty of Law Project Officer (; 0731381288)

To apply you must complete the application form and return to:

By mail: Administration Officer, Scholarships (Student Services), QUT Faculty of Law GPO Box 2434, Brisbane 4001

By email:

In person: Law and Justice Student Reception, Level 4, C Block, Gardens Point Campus

McCullough Robertson Scholarship

Undergraduate Indigenous Law Students


The following terms and conditions apply to this scholarship:

1.  The scholarship is tenable for the equivalent of one year full-time study and is subject to the recipient remaining enrolled in the relevant degree. The student must be enrolled in at least one law unit. Students applying for the scholarship for commencing students are required to have either commenced studies in the year in which the scholarship is to be awarded or to have commenced studies in semester 2 of the previous year.

2.  The recipient of the scholarship must maintain a semester Grade Point Average of at least 4.0. If the student receives a failing grade for more than one unit, the scholarship may be rescinded.

3.  The recipient must formally accept in writing the offer of a scholarship within 7 working days of the offer being made. If the recipient does not respond within 7 days, the offer will be rescinded.

4.  The value of the scholarship is $5000. The money will be paid in equal installments after the Census Date and after confirmation that the successful recipient’s enrolment program meets the requirements of the scholarship. The second scholarship payment is subject to the recipient maintaining a GPA of at least 4.0.

5.  Subject to above, after the first semester of the scholarship the recipient may take leave of absence for up to one semester and still retain the scholarship. The scholarship will recommence when the recipient returns from leave of absence.

6.  The funds are to be used for expenses directly related to the study, including such things as purchase of a computer, living expenses, travel expenses, textbooks and other costs associated with completing the degree.

7.  The recipient may be invited to participate in publicity to promote the scholarship.

8.  The recipient of the commencing scholarship is not eligible for the commencing scholarship in the following year/s. The recipient of the continuing scholarship is not eligible for the continuing scholarship in the following year/s.

9.  The recipient of the commencing scholarship may apply for the continuing scholarship in the following year/s.

10.  This scholarship has been deemed tax exempt by QUT, but ultimate determination will be made by the Australian Taxation Office*. Please retain this statement with your tax documentation.

*Income from the Scholarship may affect your Centrelink benefit depending on your situation. The recipient should contact Centrelink for further information.

APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Friday, 15 March 2013
INTERVIEWS HELD: Within 7 – 10 working days

2013 McCullough Robertson Scholarship for

Indigenous Law Students

Please ensure that you complete every section of the application form, otherwise your application may not be considered by the Selection Panel.


Full Name: ______

Title: ______Student Number: ______

Postal Address: ______



Postcode: ______

Home Phone Number: ______Mobile No: ______

Email Address: ______

QUT Course Code and Title:


Course Code Course Name

Credit Points Completed: ______

Are you of:

Aboriginal descent Torres Strait Islander descent Both

To be recognised as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander you must:

• be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; and

• identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; and

• be accepted as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person in the community in which you live or your family lived.

Refer to the Documentation Checklist.

I have provided Confirmation of Aboriginality to the Oodgeroo Unit or QUT Equity Services Dept YES NO

I am applying for:

Commencing Student Scholarship or Continuing (Later Year) Student Scholarship

(ie completed min. 72 credit points)

How did you find out about this scholarship?

Email Web Orientation Other: ______


Please attach a transcript of your academic record for any secondary and tertiary (other than at QUT) study you have attempted. Tertiary includes TAFE or any additional courses other than secondary education.


School/s attended / From / To / Year level completed / OP/Rank


College/Institution / Course / Years / Complete/Incomplete *

*Please indicate why the course was not completed

Please list any awards, achievements, prizes or scholarships you have received:


Have you been in receipt of, or have you applied for, a Commonwealth Scholarship?

Yes (complete details below) No

Type of CS (CAS or CECS or Indigenous Access Scholarship):______

Please answer the following questions and provide documentary evidence which supports and substantiates your claim of financial disadvantage. If you are unsure of your income or expenses, please provide your best estimate.

1.  Do you personally receive any of the following? Please tick all that apply.

a) Government Assistance:

Youth Allowance

Pension Education Supplement

Pension (type) ______(e.g. Unemployment Benefit, Disability)

b) Health Care Card (include copy of current card)

c) Wage (paid employment)

d) Support from family

e) Other (specify) ______(e.g. child support, scholarship)

2.  What is your current status with regards to receiving study assistance, pensions, and/or other allowances or income as indicated in the question above?

Single (living at home and supported financially by family)
Single (living at home but financially independent)
Single (living away from home and supported financially by family)
Single (living away from home and financially independent) / Sole parent/carer
Partnered, no dependants
Partnered, with dependants
Carer (Please specify)
Other (please specify) ______

3. Please show the breakdown of your average FORTNIGHTLY income during semester. If partnered, please provide combined income. (Estimations are acceptable however you must provide evidence for your calculations)

Individual Income OR Combined Income with partner

Youth Allowance/Austudy/ABSTUDY/Pension: $______/fortnight

Paid Employment: $______/fortnight

Assistance from family (e.g. allowance, board): $______/fortnight

Family Allowance (e.g. Family Tax Benefit A or B): $______/fortnight

Child Support: $______/fortnight

Scholarship/ Grant (Please circle): $______/fortnight

Other (Please specify): ______$______/fortnight

Total $______/fortnight

4. What are your average FORTNIGHTLY expenses?

Individual expenses OR Combined expenses with partner

Rent/ board/mortgage: $______/fortnight

Food/ groceries: $______/fortnight

Transport: $______/fortnight

Car (Ins/rego): $______/fortnight

Gas/Electricity: $______/fortnight

Childcare/School Fees: $______/fortnight

Phone: $______/fortnight

Loan repayments: $______/fortnight

Medical expenses: $ /fortnight

Other: ______$ /fortnight

Total: $______/fortnight


If you do NOT have responsibility for others go to Section 5.


1.  How many children under 18 years old do you support? ______

2.  What are their ages? ______

3.  Please tick the box which best describes your situation most of the time:

I am a Sole Parent/Carer, caring for my children about 100% of the time

I am in a shared care situation, estimated percentage of the time spent caring for my children ______%

Other dependants

4.  Do you have dependants other than children and what level of care do they require? (e.g. an elderly parent or sibling who lives-in or requires part-time care) Please provide brief details and documentary evidence:

Special needs

5.  Please comment if any of your dependants have special needs and their impact on your capacity to give time and attention to your studies. (Documentary evidence required)

Please attach separate page if insufficient space below in answering Sections 5 - 8.


Please provide information related to your circumstances, either past or present, which shows how your financial or personal situation affects your daily life (e.g. are you missing out on basic needs like food, transport, books, etc; have you had difficult family circumstances, disrupted schooling, no family support, come from a rural/isolated area, non-English speaking background, etc).


Why are you undertaking university studies? What are your career goals? What areas of law are you particularly interested in?


Please explain how the McCullough Robertson Scholarship will assist you to achieve your educational/career goals.


Please provide information on your community involvement. You may wish to include a reference from your community or Indigenous organisation and/or a reference from an Indigenous academic.


Do you currently own a computer or have access to a computer where you live during semester?

Yes (please specify details below) No

Who owns the computer? ______

Is the computer less than 4 years old? Yes No

Is the computer connected to the internet? Yes No


Please attach a recent Resume.


I declare that all information supplied in this application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, complete and correct.

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Scholarship.

Signature: ______Date: ______


Please check that you have completed the following before submitting your application:

Addressed all the sections outlined in the application, including Confirmation of Aboriginality.

If you have not already supplied the university with confirmation, please contact the Oodgeroo Unit (07 3138 3610) for examples of evidence you can supply.

Attached supporting documentation/references relevant to the application.

Attached a recent resume.

Signed the declaration.

Read the Terms and Conditions of the Scholarship.

Please mark as “Confidential” and forward to:

Administration Officer, Scholarships (Student Services),

QUT Faculty of Law

GPO Box 2434

Brisbane 4001

Or deliver to: Law and Justice Student Reception

Level 4

C Block, Gardens Point Campus

Or email to:

Applications Close: Friday, 15 March 2013

Interviews Held: Within 7 – 10 working days