Mr. Mussari
Product Design
For our next project we will be creating a new design for some form of new packed product. This product can be anything that wraps around a can, glass, or boxed package. Your job will be to first find a product that you will use as host for your label. Next, you will measure the box, can, etc for the length, width, and or diameter so that your label can wrap around your product precisely. You cannot choose products that are larger than 8.5 x 14 on one side. We do not want to tape two pieces of paper together to patch two sides. Boxes can work, because there are breaks in the sides.
Your product must be original.
You must include:
Illustration or logo
Registration trademark symbol
Small name and logo of manufacturer
Illustrations and text where applicable on front/back of product
Note: All packaging has no color limits- therefore you may use gradients
Ingredients – or Package Contents
Nutrition table as shown on most labels using the same graphic look and text- (if it is a consumable product)-
Craftsmanship is very important for this assignment. Be careful to have the exact measurements when creating a new document. Set your margins on the page to 0. This way you can print everything to the edge of the document that you create. When you are finished printing, you must attach the label to your host package in a neat way. I will help you figure out what adhesive to use for the various host package materials you will pick out.
In the end, you want this package/label to look professional. This means that you must look at a similar product and note all the fine print etc.
Most packages show the CMYK Print symbols on the edges of the boxes. You must include them with your design.
Research and Preliminary Work:
Research different products that you have at home. You can also look online for them. Before you decide what you make, you must find a host package. Find a package this evening and bring it in. You will then start to measure it for your new document.
In your sketchbook, create the different sides of your label with the same measurements. Then create 3 small thumbnail sketches and one final measured sketch of the illustration/Logo you will use with your product. For the text fields, just use boxes with wavy lines in the middle