Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc.

Executive Committee Meeting

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

9:00 A.M.

Vince Whibbs Conference Room

1st Floor, City Hall


Members Present: President Jack Brown, Mike Swinehart, Butch Hansen

Members Absent: Charlie Switzer, City Representative Bill Weeks

President Brown called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 9:00A.M. He led those present in prayer/ moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were no visitors.

President’s Report: President Brown reported that the Corporation is up to date with State and Federal Requirements. The application to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection was sent in by the accountant.

Additionally, the installation of the WWII Memorial lights was completed.

Treasurer Report: The Corporation’s assets remain at $5,100.

Mike Swinehart made the following Statement : although his service to the VMPF as treasurer was rewarding and challenging, he desires to resign this position, effective as soon as a replacement can be identified and approved. He desires to continue to serve on the Board and as a member of the Executive Committee if the Board so approves.

President Brown thanked Mike for his service and proposed the following motion be presented to the Board of directors:

From the Executive Committee to the Board of Directors, Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola:

1. To accept with regret, and with great appreciation for his services to the Foundation, the resignation of Michael Swinehart as Treasurer of the Corporation.

2. To exercise, as an indication of our regard for his insight and wise counsel, the Board's right under Article 5, Section 1 of the corporate bylaws to appoint Michael Swinehart as an additional member of the Executive Committee, to serve until this committee is reconstituted at our annual meeting of 2014.

3. To nominate to fill the unexpired portion of the office of Treasurer, Board Member John Ochs, upon his formal election by the Board to assume all duties of the Treasurer, including membership on the Executive Committee.

This recommendation was approved by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee and will be prepared for signature and presented to the Board at it’s next meeting.

Secretary Report: Butch Hansen reported that the annual report was submitted to the Department of State, and that he will donate the $61 fee to the foundation.

He reviewed the task and requirements list and suggested that every effort should be made to complete the actions specified by the License Agreement with the city prior to the next annual report. The incomplete items include a Strategic Plan and Vision for the Park, a Structure for Partnering Agreements with other organizations and Approval Guidelines for additional memorials for the Park.

It was recognized that these items are necessarily interconnected and will require synchronous development and integration. A goal of July 4th for completion of these items was set.

Corporate Logo: It was clarified that the corporate logo was approved at the last Board Meeting and that it was available for marketing and use as desired. President Brown indicated that a family member of his was donating the first set of busness cards for all Board members using the logo.

The motion passed unanimously.

New Business: Mike Swinehart announced the Emerald Coast Coalition of Military Aviators event on April 4th for all interested.

Next Meeting/Adjournment: The next meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 9:00 in the same meeting room. The meeting adjourned at 1000.

March 18, 2014

Recommendations from the Executive Committee to the Board of Directors, Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola:

1. To accept with regret, and with great appreciation for his services to the Foundation, the resignation of Michael Swinehart as Treasurer of the Corporation.

2. To exercise, as an indication of our regard for his insight and wise counsel, the Board's right under Article 5, Section 1 of the corporate bylaws to appoint Michael Swinehart as an additional member of the Executive Committee, to serve until this committee is reconstituted at our annual meeting of 2014.

3. To nominate to fill the unexpired portion of the office of Treasurer, Board Member John Ochs, upon his formal election by the Board to assume all duties of the Treasurer, including membership on the Executive Committee.

Jack P. Brown, President

Charles Switzer, Vice President

Wilhelm A. Hansen, Secretary

Michael T. Swinehart, Treasurer