Procurement regulation


Electro-mechanicaltargetssystemforBiathlon Sports

identification Nr. RJC 2014/09

  1. Contracting Authority and Tenderers

1.1.Contracting Authority: Recruitment and Youth Guard Centre (hereinafter – the Centre), Registration No. 90009222536, K.Valdemāraiela 10/12, Riga, LV-1473, Latvia

1.2.Contact Point: Ms. Evija Bokaldere, mobile phone +371-26165810, fax: +371-67335384, e-mail:

1.3.Funding – Republic of Latvia state budget funds allocated to the Centre.

1.4.Tenderer – a supplier which has submitted a tender.

  1. Object of Procurement

2.1.The object of procurement is purchase ofelectro-mechanical targets system for Biathlon Sports (hereinafter – the Product) in accordance with Technical Specifications (Annex 2).Acquisition of goods to the principal without VAT 12396.69 EUR (twelve thousand three hundred and ninety six and 69 euro cents).

2.2.The Tender is subdivided into one lot.

2.3.A tenderer may submit only one tender.

2.4.An applicant may submit only one tender option.

2.5.If necessary, the commissioning party shall have the right to change the time of conclusion of the contract until 20%, the number of the goods to be supplied, depending on the candidate tenders submitted, on the conclusion of additional agreements.

2.6.Procurement Commission shall award the Contract to the tenderer whose tender has been determined to be of the lowest total price in EUR (excluding VAT), and in full compliance with the procurement regulations. If two or more applicants shall submit a tender with the lowest contract price, the winning candidate is named as a result of the applicant as defined in the drawing lots.

2.7.The Product delivery term: not later than seventy (60) sixty calendar days from the date this Contract comes into force. Product delivery location – K.Valdemāraiela 10/12, Riga, LV-1473, Latvia.

2.8.Terms of payment: The total contract amount shall be paid by the Contracting Authority within fifteen (15) working days since the receipt of invoice and upon signature by both Parties of Certificate of Delivery and Acceptance.

2.9.The Contracting Authority is entitled for replacement of low quality Product or Product that does not comply with the Contract provisions within twenty fife (25) consecutive calendar days after the date of drafting the Irregularities Report.

2.10.Contract terms: the Contract comes into effect upon signature by both Parties and shall be in full force until the Services have been completed and the obligations of the Parties fulfilled.

2.11.Payment shall be made in accordance with the Draft Contract (Annex 4).

  1. Conditions for Participation

3.1.A tenderer shall be registered in compliance with regulatory enactments (with the Republic of Latvia Commercial Register or its equivalent institution abroad).

3.2.To be eligible for participating, tenderers must not be involved in any of the following situations:

3.2.1.No insolvency proceedings thereof have been announced (except the case where a bailout or similar set of measures is applied within insolvency proceedings oriented towards prevention of possible bankruptcy and restoration of solvency of the debtor), economic activity thereof has been suspended or discontinued, proceedings regarding bankruptcy thereof have been initiated or it will not be liquidated;

3.2.2.A tenderer has no tax debts in Latvia and in a country where it is registered or permanently residing (if it is not registered in Latvia or permanently residing in Latvia), including debts of state social insurance contributions, in total exceeding 150 EUR in each country.

3.3.If a tenderer represent an association of suppliers or engage subcontractors, it shall indicate any proposed subcontractors, specifying contract parts assigned to subcontractors and their percentage (%). Each member of association of suppliers or subcontractor shall comply with requirements of Clause 3.1. and 3.2.of the Instructions to Tenderers.

  1. Requirements for Tenderers’ Documentation

4.1. A tenderer shall submit - financial offer (Annex 1):

4.1.1. First Application – A tenderer’s power of attorney (original or certified copy) shall be submitted authorizing a representative to sign tender and contract in cases when such representative differs from the one mentioned in a certificate issued by Republic of Latvia Register of Enterprises;

4.1.2.Tender price shall be in EUR. The price shall include all costs with all state and local taxes (including transportation costs of Product delivery to location stated in Clause 2.6. of the Instructions to Tenderers, excluding a value added tax (VAT). VAT shall be disclosed separately. Tender costs shall be calculated and approximated with accuracy of two (2) decimal places.

4.2. Tenderer’s copy of the Certificate of Incorporation.

Valid certificate issued by Republic of Latvia Register of Enterprises (original or a certified copy (hereinafter – Certified Copy) in compliance with Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulations “Document Drafting and Execution” No. 916 of 28 September 2010, with a statement declaring tenderers’ authorized representatives and specifying scope of their representation (whether a person is entitled to represent alone or jointly with another person). A certificate is declared valid if issued by a competent authority not earlier than one (1) month prior to the tender submission date.

Foreign tenderers shall be entitled to submit information that differs from the one required in Clause 4.2., if their certification is issued by business registration authority, institution or person in compliance with respective foreign state’s legislation (specifying its national legal justification). In cases when tenderer’s registration state’s regulatory enactments do not provide issuance of a document specified in Clause 4.2. a tenderer shall submit a statement of compliance with requirements of Clause 4.2. of the Instructions to Tenderers.

4.3. A technical tender is to be compiled in accordance with technical specifications as outlined in Annex 3.

4.4. Any additional information or materials that specify technical details of offer or provide visual images of product can be added to a tender.

  1. Format for submission and deadline for tender.

5.1.Deadline for tenders’ submission is 22September 2014 at 14:00 hrs (GMT +2 hours). Address for submitting tenders is: K.Valdemāraiela 10/12, Riga, LV-1473, Latvia.

5.2. Format for submission of tenders’ documentation:

5.2.1.The language of the Tender documents shall be Latvian or English.

5.2.2.Documents and their copies shall be submitted in a single envelope;

5.2.3.A tenderer ensures that all the documentation is safely packed and cannot be accessed without damaging the packaging.

5.2.4.All pages shall be numbered.

5.2.5.All sheets shall be bound together (not to be separated) with a heavy-duty thread or string. Threads should be firmly fixed by pasting a piece of paper. Stitching place must be confirmed by tenderer’s or his duly authorised representative’s seal and handwritten signature, displaying the total number of all pages. Tender shall be processed in a way to prevent replacement of sheets and not damaging the binding.

5.2.6.Documents must be clearly legible, without corrections and erasures.

5.2.7.Table of contents shall be placed at the beginning of tender documents. If tender is submitted in multiple volumes, each volume shall have its separate table of contents. First volume’s table of contents shall indicate the number of volumes and sheets within each volume.

5.2.8.A tenderer shall submit 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of a tender. Original tender documents’ cover sheet shall be marked “ORIĢINĀLS” (original) and its copy – “KOPIJA” (copy).

5.3. Documents shall be submitted in person, in a closed, sealed package to K.Valdemāraiela 10/12, Riga, LV-1473, Latvia, Room No. 205 or sent by mail. The package shall be labelled as follows:

5.3.1.Tenderer’s Name, address and telephone number;

Reference: Electro-mechanicaltargetssystemforBiathlon Sports

Identification No. RJC/ 2014/09with remark: Do Not open until

22September 2014 at 14:00 hrs.

5.4. If a tender is sent by mail, it shall be delivered to the above specified address within the specified date and time. Tenders submitted after the deadline shall not be accepted and opened, and shall be returned to a tenderer.

5.5. Original application shall be signed by a tenderer’s authorized representative or his duly authorized person.

  1. Evaluation and selection of tenders, signing of Procurement Contract

6.1. Procurement Commission has the right to request a tenderer to provide supplement information or documents and for providing advice to invite independent experts in an advisory capacity.

6.2. A tenderer shall provide requested information or documents within the time period prescribed by Procurement Commission.

6.3. Procurement Commission shall not review further and reject incompliant tenders when tenderer has provided false information or has failed to provide the required information altogether or a tenderer failed to submit a tender in compliance with requirements of Clause 5 of the Instructions to Tenderers.

6.4.If a tenderer (members of association of suppliers or subcontractors) who wouldbeawardedtherightto concludethecontract, has tax debts exceeding 150 EUR, including debts of compulsory state social insurance contributions, or an information on a foreign tenderer is not available at the Republic of Latvia State Revenue Service’s public database, Procurement Commission shall request a tenderer to submit within ten (10) working days a certificate (original or a certified copy) from the State Revenue Service (or a competent foreign authority) certifying that a tenderer has paid all tax debts and that on date of submission of such a certificate a tenderer has no tax debts, including debts of compulsory state social insurance contributions, exceeding 150 EUR.

6.5. Prior to announcing tender results, Procurement Commission shall evaluate the selected tenderer for compliance with the procedures specified in the Republic of Latvia Public Procurement Law (hereinafter – the Law) Section 8.1 Paragraph five:

6.6. Procurement Commission shall select the winning tender based on submitted tenders’ compliance with all the requirements and with the lowest proposed price (EUR excluding VAT).

6.7.Procurement Commission shall notify tenderers on tender results in writing within three (3) working days from the date the decision has been made.

6.8.The winning tenderer shall sign the Contract within five (5) working days from the day when the invitation to sign the Contract is sent out. Not signing of the Contract by the winning tenderer within the specified time frame is considered as tenderer’s refusal to sign the Contract.

  1. Transitional Provisions

7.1.If a tenderer has established an association of suppliers, documents specified in Clause 4. of the Instructions to Tenderers shall be submitted on each person within the association of suppliers. If a tenderer has recruited subcontractors, documents specified in Clause 4 of the Instructions to Tenderers shall be submitted for each subcontractor with a report of the percentage and parts of Contract transferred to subcontractors provided that subcontractors are required to complete at least twenty percent (20%) of the Contract. In addition, a tenderer shall submit valid documents that certify each subcontractor’s readiness to fulfil its part of the Contract (a certified copy of an agreement of cooperation or an original letter of consent) to be signed by a subcontractor’s authorized representative or his duly authorized person.

7.2. All communication between Procurement Commission and tenderers shall be done in writing. No verbal instructions or verbal information during a tender shall be binding.

7.3.Upon receiving or downloading procurement procedures, a tenderer shall bear full responsibility to keep up with future changes to these procedures, as well as with the Procurement Commission’s responses to tenderers’ questions that are being published on the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Defence website at under the section “Ministrija” – “Resursi un rīki” – “Iepirkums” – “Noteikumi” (Ministry – Resources and Tools – Procurement – Procedures).

7.4. A tenderer shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of a tender.

7.5.Instructions to Tenderers is drafted in Latvian and English on sixteen (16) pages consisting of instructions on six (6) pages and four (4) annexes that are an integral part of Instructions to Tenderers.


Annex 1. Application Form and Financial Proposal Form on two (2) pages;

Annex 2. Technical Specifications on one (1) pages;

Annex 3. Technical Proposal Form on two (2) pages;

Annex 4. Draft Contract on six (6) pages.

Annex 1

Tender Identification No. RJC/ 2014/09

Application Form

Financial Proposal Form

Note: A tenderer must fill in the blanks in this form.

TenderElectro-mechanicaltargetssystemforBiathlon Sports

Ref.Tender Identification No.RJC/ 2014/09

To: Recruitment and Youth Guard Centre

K.Valdemāraiela 10/12,

Riga, LV-1473,


We, the undersigned hereby confirm the acceptance of terms and conditions of Instructions to Tenderers. We agree to supply the Product in accordance with requirements and technical specifications for indicated prices:

Lots / Object of Procurement / Amount / Unit Price EUR
(VAT excluded) / Total Cost EUR
(VAT excluded) / VAT / Total Cost EUR (VAT included)
1. / Electro-mechanicaltargetssystemforBiathlon Sports / 10

1. If a tenderer is an association of suppliers:

1.1. Title, registration No. and legal address of individuals who constitute an association of suppliers: ______

1.2. Responsibility of each individual supplier: ______

2. If a tenderer has recruited subcontractors:

2.1. Title, registration No. and legal address of a subcontractor: ______



2.2. Contract parts transferred to subcontractors: ______

3. We confirm that the tenderer, individual and legal persons, including persons those with rights of representation, and persons with decision making and monitoring rights as to the tenderer comply with terms and conditions of the Instructions to Tenderers and with the procedures specified in the Republic of Latvia Public Procurement Law Section 8².

4. We confirm that we have all the requested certificates or other supporting documents for sale of the Product, in accordance with Republic of Latvia regulatory enactments.

5. We confirm that this tender comprises the attached set of documents.

6. We confirm that financial proposal is valid for ______consecutive calendar days from the deadline for submitting of tenders.

7. We agree with the Instructions to Tenderers and attached Draft Contract’s regulations.

  1. Information on a tenderer or a person representing supplier in the tender:

Tenderer's Name: ______

Registered: ______

Registration No. ______

Legal address: ______

Office address: ______

Contact Point: ______

(Name and Position)

Phone: ______

Fax: ______

E-mail: ______

Taxpayer’s Registration No.: ______

Bank: ______

Code No.: ______

Account No.: ______

Phone: ______

I hereby assume full responsibility for submitted documents and the information contained therein, layout and presentation, and compliance with regulatory requirements. I hereby certify that the information and data provided is true and correct.

Tender documents consists of ____ ( ______) pages.

Signature: ______

Name: ______

Position: ______

The Tender drafted and signed on ______2014.

Please affix your office seal here

Annex 2

Tender Identification No. RJC/ 2014/09

Technical Specifications
Electro-mechanicaltargetssystemforBiathlon Sports

In general: Procurement object is 10 fully equipped, functional electro-mechanical Biathlon Sport targets with target holders and main support frame for targets
BiathlontargetsareauthorizedbyInternationalBiathlonUnion (IBU) and meetall
requirements (inaccordancewiththe (IBU) EventandCompetitionRules, Annex A p.3.2.1).
For reference see IBU webpage:
Type: Electro – mechanical target system
  • Mechanical target (10 pcs);
  • Main support frame – T-Leg complete, painted
  • Lead gatherer with backing board
  • Attachment equipment (srews, bolts, nuts etc.)
  • Mounted on a structure to be installed on a concrete floor
  • Possiblity to install additional electronic biathlon target reset device / system
  • Waranty at least 2 years.

Annex 3
Tender Identification No. RJC/ 2014/09
Technical Proposal Form
Technical requirements / Applicant’s offer
Electro-mechanicaltargetssystemforBiathlon Sports

In general: Procurement object is 10 fully equipped, functional electro-mechanical Biathlon Sport targets with target holders and main support frame for targets
BiathlontargetsareauthorizedbyInternationalBiathlonUnion (IBU) and meetall
requirements (inaccordancewiththe (IBU) EventandCompetitionRules, Annex A p.3.2.1).
For reference see IBU webpage:
Type: Electro – mechanical target system
  • Mechanical target (10 pcs);
  • Main support frame – T-Leg complete, painted
  • Lead gatherer with backing board
  • Attachment equipment (srews, bolts, nuts etc.)
  • Mounted on a structure to be installed on a concrete floor
  • Possiblity to install additional electronic biathlon target reset device / system
  • Waranty at least 2 years.

  1. Date of delivery: no longer than_____(______) calendar days since validity of agreement.
  2. In case of a low quality product or if it does not meet the terms of contract product must be fixed or changed no longer than _____(______) calendar days since validity of statement about product’s non-compliance with contract.
  3. Product warranty period______.
With this I take full responsibility for information provided in the technical offer and compliance with the provision.
Name, Surname______
Technical offer compiled and signed 2014.______.
Annex 4
Tender Identification No. RJC/ 2014/09
Riga ______2014
The Recruitment and Youth Guard Centre (hereinafter – the Centre ), duly represented by Druvis Kleins, the Director, acting on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.1419 of 15 December 2009 “By-Law of the Recruitment and Youth Guard Centre”, Clause 6 (hereinafter –
the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY) on the one side, and the Tenderer ______, (Reg. No.______), legal address: ______, duly represented by ______, (hereinafter – the CONTRACTOR), on the other side, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties, based on decision of the Procurement Commission of ______2014, Tender Identification No. RJC/ 2014/09conclude the following contract (hereinafter – the Contract):
1.1.The CONTRACTING AUTHORITY requests and undertakes to pay for whereas the CONTRACTOR sells, delivers and unloads ______(hereinafter – the Product ) according to Technical Specifications of the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY (Annex 1) at a price specified in the Financial Proposal (Annex 3).
1.2. The CONTRACTOR delivers and unloads the Product at K.Valdemāraiela 10/12, Riga, LV-1473, Latvia
2.1. The Product prices are in accordance with the Financial Proposal (Annex 3).
2.2. The Contract total cost is EUR ______(______euro and______cents)
use words to express a figure
not including value added tax (hereinafter – VAT) .
2.3.The amount is included in the Item value, packaging, transport, delivery and the costs of unloading referred to in Item 1.2 of the Treaty. the place of delivery set all national and local taxes (other than VAT) and fees, as well as other costs related to the implementation of the Treaty.
2.4.If necessary, the commissioning party shall have the right to change the time of conclusion of the contract until 20%, the number of the goods to be supplied, depending on the candidate tenders submitted, on the conclusion of additional agreements.
3.1.1. Delivers the Product (transportation included) to a location specified in Clause 4.1. and unloads it in compliance with the Contract requirements;
3.1.2. Ensures the Product compliance with the Technical Specifications (Annex 1);