
1Look at the text. Then check () the correct options to complete
the sentences.____ /0.4 point

a.The text is an extract of a ______.

( ) news article( ) book chapter

b.The text is about ______.

( ) NASA research on climate change ( ) the reduction of the ice cover in the Arctic

c.The author of the text is ______.

( ) The National Snow and Ice Data Center( ) Jon Gertner

d.The text was published in ______.

( ) 2016( ) 2012

2Read the article. Complete the sentences with words from the text.____ / 1.2 points

a.The National Snow and Ice Data Center checks how much ______there is in the Arctic every month.

b.June 2016 marked the lowest extent of sea ice in the ______on record for this month.

c.Arctic sea ice usually shrinks until ______, then it starts to expand again with darker nights and colder temperatures.

d.The low extent of sea ice in the summer of 2016 might match or even ______the previous lowest record of 2012.

e.______surveyed the ice cover from the air in the beginning of July, 2016.

f.According to research, 2016 has been a ______year in the Arctic.

3Read the article again. Then match the columns.____ / 0.4 point

a.The location of the National Snow and Ice Data Center( ) Mid-September

b.The moment satellite observations of the ice cover in the Arctic started( ) Nathan Kurtz

c.A NASA researcher who talked to Jon Gertner( ) the 1970s

d.The moment the ice cover in the Arctic stops shrinking( ) Boulder, Colorado


4Complete the collocations with the words from the box.____ / 0.6 point







5Match the collocations in Act. 4 with the definitions.____ / 1.2 points

a.______: a popular form of traveling that is often the cheapest way to go on vacation.

b.______: a chemical substance that kills pests or slow their growth.

c.______: the illegal sale of wild animals and plant resources.

d.______: equipment that produces power, especially electricity, for buildings and ships.

e.______: a mass of gas in the Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

f.______: substances such as coal and oil, made from decayed material from animals and plants that lived a long time ago.

6Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.____ / 0.4 point

a.The waste / fossil fuel from houses is either recycled or taken to landfills.

b.The construction of chemical pesticides / roads and houses contributes to the destruction of the environment.

c.Air pollution / sewage can cause very serious respiratory problems.

d.The construction of sewage / wildlife systems in cities prevents serious health problems.


7Write these sentences in the past. ____ / 0.8 point

a.There isn’t a lot of traffic in the city.


b.Is there wildlife trade in that country?


c.There is a new sewage system in the village.


d.There aren’t any roads in that small town.


8Complete the paragraph with there was or there were. ____ / 0.8 point

9Unscramble the words to write sentences. ____ / 0.4 point / clean / used to / this / small / city / and


b.trash / on / Mike / the / used to / beach / collect / the


c.used to / they / younger / my / live / grandparents / farm / a / on / when / were


d.used to / very / area / be / a / our / serious / wildlife / problem / trade / in


10Use the cues and complete the sentenceswith used to.____ / 0.8 point

a.I live in a big city now, but I ______. (live in a small town)

b.The plants in the forest are protected now, but we ______. (have problems with wildlife trade)

c.Our city is really polluted now, but it ______. (be clean)

d.The beach has very few visitors now, but it ______. (be crowded and polluted)


11Listen to an extract of a documentary. Underline the correct
words to complete it.____ / 1.2 points

The greenhouse effect and global warming

The a.air/ atmosphere is made of different b.layers / types of gases – ozone, methane and water vapor are some of them. These gases are called greenhouse gases and they are vital to life on c. Earth / space. They protect our planet from the Sun’s ultraviolet d.heat / rays and also prevent some of the heat of the e.Earth / Sun to return to space – just like a greenhouse does. This / natural process of g.prevention / protection of the Earth from ultraviolet Sun rays and maintenance of some of the heat in the atmosphere is called “greenhouse effect”.

However, man-made activities such as the use of h.fossil fuels / power plants and deforestation also produce greenhouse gases. Too much greenhouse gas in the air i.causes / creates global warming – the gases trap the /heat of the Sun in the atmosphere, and then the temperature of the planet rises.

Even small rises in temperature can affect k.Earth / nature and the whole balance of our planet. Global warming is a very l.difficult / serious issue and all of us must fight it!


12Look at the image. Use the structure to write the opening of a
news article.____ / 1.8 points

