Chapter 3 Section 1: The Jefferson Era

Standard 11.1.3 Understand the history of the Constitution after 1787, state vs. federal authority & democratization.


1.  Jeffersonian republicanism

2.  Marbury v. Madison & Judicial Review

3.  Louisiana Purchase

4.  James Madison & War of 1812


5.  Monroe Doctrine


6.  How did Jefferson’s actions as president reflect his theory of government? How did it not?

7.  What were the causes the War of 1812?

8.  What were the major results and consequences of the War of 1812?

9.  What did the Adams-Onis Treaty accomplish?

10.  What was the motivation behind the Monroe Doctrine?

Chapter 3 Section 2: The Age of Jackson

Standard 11.1.3 Understand the history of the Constitution after 1787- growing democratization.


1.  Henry Clay’s “American System”

2.  Missouri Compromise

3.  Jacksonian Democracy & “spoils system”

4.  Nullification Crisis

5.  Indian Removal Act & Trail of Tears


6.  How did the onset of the Industrial Revolution and market economy change American society?

7.  Why did the South remain agricultural and tied to slavery and what was the significance of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin?

8.  How did the Missouri Compromise temporarily settle the debate over slavery?

9.  What were the causes and results of the Nullification Crisis?

10.  Why did some of Jackson’s actions including killing the Second Bank of the United States in the Bank War contribute to the Panic of 1837 and cause problems for the presidents to follow?

Chapter 3 Section 3: Manifest Destiny

Standard 11.3.3 Cite incidents of religious intolerance in the US - persecution of Mormons


1.  “Manifest Destiny”

2.  Texas Revolution

3.  Mexican-American War

4.  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

5.  California Gold Rush


6.  How might “Manifest Destiny” later affect U.S. relations with Native Americans?

7.  Who were the Mormons and why did they migrate westward?

8.  What were the causes of the Texas Revolution?

9.  What events led to the US going to war with Mexico and were the Americans’ actions justified?

10.  What were the most significant results of the Mexican War and how could it have contributed to the coming Civil War?

Chapter 3 Section 5: Reforming American Society

Standards: 11.3.2 Analyze the religious revivals and leaders of the 2nd Great Awakening

Vocabulary: Define the following terms.

1.  2nd Great Awakening

2.  Ralph Waldo Emerson & Transcendentalism

3.  Abolitionism: William Lloyd Garrison & Frederick Douglass

4.  Nat Turner’s Rebellion

5.  Seneca Falls Convention


6.  What impact did the 2nd Great Awakening have on the desire to change and reform society?

7.  What contributions did William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass make to the abolition movement?

8.  What was life like for an enslaved person?

9.  In what reform movements did women participate?

10. What factors lead to the emergence of the women’s rights movement led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott?