ICC Minutes

October 15, 2007

2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.

1.  Call to Order:

2:02 p.m.

2.  Roll Call:


·  Enock Teefe → Honors*

·  Aurelio Cardona → La Raza Unida

→ Brother to Brother

·  Lovetta Tugbeh → BSU

·  Gustavo Martinez → Applied Sciences*

·  Stephen Hamrick → Applied Sciences and Honors

·  Felero Smith → Puente

·  Hayde Guevara → Puente*

·  Martha Barajas → Comadres

·  Anita Wagner → Alpha Gamma Sigma

·  Harvey Corales → LMC Allies and Freethinkers

·  Jamila Stewart → LMCAS Cluster Club

·  Francisco Rojas → CLEMA

·  Karla Lanzas → CLEMA*

·  Dave Belman → Student Life Coordinator and ICC Advisor


·  Soldiers of Christ


·  Those present constitute a quorum.

3.  Introductions:

4.  Approve Agenda: October 15, 2007 and Minutes from October 8, 2007:

·  Call for a motion to approve the agenda for Monday, October 15, 2007 with the addition of Adequate Advertisement for ICC funding.

Motion: Jamila Stewart

Second: Lovetta Tugbeh

Vote: 11-0-0

Vote passes by majority.

·  Call for a motion to approve the minutes from Monday, October 8, 2007 with the correction that Hayde Guevara was present.

Motion: Enock Teefe

Second: Jamila Stewart

Vote: 11-0-0

Vote passes by majority.

5.  Discuss Club Day:

ICC Club Participation:

·  La Raza Unida: Dunk tank with Peter Garcia, Marco Godinez and 2 Security Officers.

·  Freethinkers: Give away coffee and information.

·  BSU: Cakes, Chicken and Rice, and Spaghetti.

·  Comadres: Tamales and refreshments.

·  Alpha Gamma Sigma: Popcorn balls, boiled cookies and Hawaiian Punch.

·  LMCAS Cluster Club: Recruitment, candy, pumpkin carving contest.

·  Puente: Potluck (Assorted Foods).

·  CLEMA: Recruitment.

·  Brother 2 Brother: Recruitment.

·  Applied Science: Advertising/Recruitment, Chemistry demos, Bed of Nails fundraiser.

o  Need electricity for club day activities.

·  Honors: Fruit juice, cupcakes and chips.


·  DJ services will only be provided from 10am – 2pm.

·  Jamila will contact the DJ from last semester.

o  The group wants a mixture of music played.

o  Some members recommended that “Thriller” be played.

o  Applied Science wants to play 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky for one of their demos.


·  LMCAS has some Halloween decorations that ICC can use.

·  Enock, Felero, Anita, Lovetta, Martha, Stephen and Aurelio volunteered to help decorate.

o  Volunteers will arrange to decorate Tuesday, October 30, 2007 and the morning of Club Day.

o  Dave Belman volunteered to pick up balloons if the ICC decides to purchase them.

More information:

·  Any club with special needs for Club Day (e.g. electricity, extra chairs, two tables, etc…) should bring their requests to the ICC by next week.

Club Day Expenditures/Budget:

·  Call for a motion to approve a budget not to exceed $400 for Club Day on Wednesday, October 31, 2007.

Motion: Enock Teefe

Second: Jamila Stewart

Vote: 11-0-0

Vote passes by majority.

6.  Funding for Scholarships:


7.  College Hour:


8.  Club Reports:


9.  Adequate Advertisement for Club Events:


10.  Adjournment:

Meeting is adjourned at 3:00 p.m.