WASFAA 2011-12 Strategic Planning CommitteeYear-End Meeting

April 21, 2012

Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon

Present: Kay Soltis, Jack Edwards, Sandi Guidry,Wendy Olson,Peter Miller,Ashley Salisbury,Tami Sato,Steve Herndon,Leonard Walker

Not Present: Jim White

Call to order: A year-end meeting of WASFAA’s Strategic Planning Committee was held in the Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon on April 21, 2012. The meeting convened at 10:56a.m. with Sandi Guidry presiding and Wendy Olson recording the minutes.

MOTIONApprovalof agenda: Jack Edwards made a motion to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED.

Review of To Do Items: Sandi Guidry is in the process of finding missing data and updating the matrix. Some year-end committee reports are missing so she does not have complete data yet. All other items were completed.

TO DOSandi Guidry will send out the matrix to everyone when it is complete.

TO DOFor next year, the committee quarterly report template will have an item to indicate the total number of new members on the committee.

MOTIONApproval of minutes:A motion was made by Jack Edwards to approve the minutes of the February 29, 2012 meeting. MOTION CARRIED.

Old business:The Measures Tracking Tool for 2011-12 is starting to fill in nicely. Sandi Guidry will continue to update the information as the data is made available. The contract for the SunCoast Hotel for the next Executive Council Meeting on June 28 and 29 will need to be signed by Kay Soltis if before May 1 otherwise it will be Jack Edwards.

WASFAA Surveys: There were a couple of surveys this year that Sandi Guidry will review to gather the information from the surveys that may be pertinent to the Measures Tracking Tool.

TO DO Wendy will forward the results or access to the results to Sandi Guidry.

For Goal 4 there is an issue of trying to get the correct data related to the number of members. The actual number is probably more around 700 than what is reported in ATAC because the new 2012-13 membersare counted as a current member. We need to have consistent information between the matrix reporting and the membership committee’s report. We should see if the data on the matrix is consistent from year to year for the number of members.The Treasurer’s records of those who paid would be the most accurate annual number. Steve commended Sandi for her efforts to clean up the data for the last few years. She has been digging deep to fill in the blanks.

Federal issues is all updated. What remains is information needed from ATAC regarding ethnicity and web usage. Two requests have been made to ATAC for this information.

TO DOFor the Collaborative Effort, please let Sandi Guidry know of ways that your committee, position has enhanced our collaborative efforts. The Go2Meeting one-time usage opportunity for the state associations is just one example.

Related to Goal 8 WASFAA is looking to retain legal counsel. Sandi Guidry reported that she should be able to finish the matrix by mid-May and send on to Kay Soltis for 2012-13 reporting.

A new or updated strategic plan needs to be put into place by the time Jack Edward’s year as president ends. Developing a three year plan makes the most sense. It was suggested that we contact Gayle Northrop, our previous and current plan’s consultant to see what her recommendations would be. There would be a cost to hire her. A survey is usually part of the process. The cost for our work in 2009 was $7000, 2008 was $5000, and for 2005 it was $15000.

TO DOThe chair or secretary may want to look in the minutes regarding the strategic plan renewal process. We have been applauded by NASFAA for doing and keeping up our plan. As we think about establishing a new plan we should think about these questions: how useful has it been andhow costly is it.Having the strategic plan is a lot of work, but the data has been valuable. We should reevaluate what we are doing and where we are going. The Strategic Plan should help with our decision making throughout the years. Steve Herndon may be a good guide for this coming year to assist with the development of the new strategic plan. It is time to do another membership survey. Kay Soltis can move forward with the first steps to establish a new plan.

Sandi Guidry is establishing protocol about when to collect the data for the Measurement Tracking Tool. It will keep the data consistent and meaningful. Sandi Guidry said that she appreciated everybody’s help over this past year.

MOTIONJack Edwards moved that the meeting be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.


Secretary of WASFAADate of approval